Post Graduate students and Publications from iZindaba Zokudla
Tshepiso Senetla: An Assessment of the Nutritional Knowledge of School Feeding Scheme Workers: A Study of Three Schools in Soweto. BA. Hons in Development Studies.
Sibusiso Nkosi: Staple Foods in the Cities: A study of the varying price difference between formal supermarkets and informal markets in Orange Farm. BA. Hons in Development Studies.
Jane Cherry: An exploration of the Church’s contribution to hunger alleviation in Soweto. BA. Hons in Development Studies.
Ephraim Teboho Mosehle: Irrigation And Irrigation Technologies In Urban Agriculture In Soweto, Johannesburg. BA. Hons in Development Studies.
Betty Chiyangwa: Gender And Participation In Urban Agriculture In Region D, Soweto, Johannesburg. BA. Hons in Development Studies.
Amukelani Eulendar Hlaiseka: Farmers Eating Their Own Food. BA. Hons in Development Studies.
Thato Mangope: Urban Agricultural Growth And Development: A Case Study On Emdeni Agricultural Project. BA. Hons in Development Studies
Eleni Troumpouki, The Role of Urban Agriculture in Enhancing Household Livelihoods in terms of Food Security: the Case of Soweto, Johannesburg, International Development Studies, Amsterdam University.
Xolisa Manzana: The Challenges Experienced By Emerging Urban Agricultural Entrepreneurs: A Critical Analysis Of Soweto Urban Agricultural Enterprises. BA. Hons in Development Studies
Sifiso Mabasa: Urban Agriculture and the Informal Sector: Examining the intersection between urban agriculture and informal markets. BA. Hons in Development Studies
Mafusi Molefi: Nutrition And Food Relief: An Evaluation Of Nutritional Value In The Supplementary Meals At The Feeding BA. Hons in Development Studies
Karen Gwamba: Growing Participation In Urban Agriculture: Participatory Technology Development In The Izindaba Zokudla Project In Soweto, South Africa. MA in Development Studies
Metoh Azunui: Urban Agriculture and Society: The Benefits of Urban Agriculture at Doornkop Informal Settlement in Johannesburg, South Africa. MA in Development Studies.
Peter Harrison: The Design and Development of a human-powered shredder. MTech in Industrial Design.
Ivan Brown: The begin Beehives. B tech and Mtech in Industrial Design.
Lenka Volenikova: Doctorate in Development Studies. Palacky University, Czech Republic.
Publications (selected):
Brown, I.L. & Campbell, A.D. (2017). Beegin: Redoing Beekeeping in Southern Africa by Designing for Outcomes. Proceedings of the Cumulus REDO Conference. Kolding, Denmark: Design School Kolding, pp. 169- 178. ISBN: 978-87-93416-15-4.
Campbell, A.D. (2017). Lay Designers: Grassroots Innovation for Appropriate Change. Design Issues, 33(1):30-47. ISSN: 0747-9360, E-ISSN: 1531-4790.
Campbell, A.D. & Brown, I.L. (2018). A Potential Difference Model for Educating Critical Citizen Designers: The Case Study of the Beegin Appropriate Beekeeping Technology System. In, Costandius, E. & Botes, H. (Eds.) Educating Citizen Designers in Southern Africa. Stellenbosch: SUNMeDIA. pp. 85-104. ISBN: 9781928357728
Campbell, A.D. & Harrison, P.H. (2015). A Framework for Socio-Technical Innovation: The Case of a Human-Powered Shredder. In Collina, L., Galluzzo, L. & Meroni, A (Eds). Proceedings of the Cumulus Conference, Milano 2015: The Virtuous Circle: Design Culture and Experimentation. Milan: McGraw Hill. pp. 211-230. ISBN: 978883869405
Campbell, A.D. & Malan, N. (2019). “iZindaba Zokudla (Conversations About Food): Innovation in the Soweto Food System” in Public Interest Design Education Guidebook: Curricula, Strategies, and SEED Academic Case Studies. (Lisa M. Abendroth and Bryan Bell, eds.), INFORMA UK.
Naudé Malan ‘An Introduction to Socio-Technical Systems’;
Naudé Malan ‘Appropriate Technology’ (With Nickey Janse van Rensburg & Hannelie Nel);
Naudé Malan ‘Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship’ (With Nickey Janse van Rensburg);
‘Engaged Learning’ (with René Benecke) in
Socio-Technical systems: An Engineering Education Perspective (2019) Johan Meyer, Zach Simpson & Suné von Solms (eds.), Abingdon: Taylor and Francis.
Naudé Malan, iZindaba Zokudla: A Conversation about Food Systems Change in South Africa (Forthcoming) Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems and Community Development.
Naudé Malan with Lenka Suchá, Martin Schlossarek, Lenka Dušková & Bořivoj Šarapatka ‘Land tenure security and its implications for investments to urban agriculture in Soweto, South Africa’ (Forthcoming). Land Economy.
‘Emerging enterprises and sustainability in the food system: Food entrepreneurs in South Africa’ (under Review: Palgrave) and ‘Service learning as action research for food security: The iZindaba Zokudla experience’ in Urban Food Transitions in the Global North & South Alec Thornton (ed.) International Political Economy Series (IPE) Palgrave (Forthcoming 2020)
Naudé Malan with Juanita van der Walt, (2020) Building real and digital communities for change: The Design of iZindaba Zokudla groups (Under Review in international Journal of sustainability in Higher Education)
‘iZindaba Zokudla: A History’ available on DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.13706.52165
Naudé Malan ‘Investing in multistakeholder engagement for food system change: iZindaba Zokudla’ in CSI: The Human Face of Business: A showcase of South African Corporate Social Investment (2017) Lonehill: Creative Space Media & Tshikululu Social Investments, pp. 30-31.
Naudé Malan, Nickey Janse van Rensburg & Zach Simpson Driving responsible research and innovation: Science, society and the UJ Energy Movement (2017) in South African Journal of Higher Education 31(5):154-171. (; eISSN 1753-5913.)
Naudé Malan ‘The change agent-programme/project beneficiary participation planning partnership’ in Francois Theron, Stephen Wetmore & Naudé Malan (Chapter 2) in Theron, F. & Mchunu, N. (Eds.). 2016. Development, Change and the Change Agent – Facilitation at grassroots (2nd edition). Hatfield: Van Schaik Publishers (448 pages/June 2016, ISBN: 978 0 627 03403 0)
Naudé Malan ‘Exploring action research methodology – practical options for grassroots development research’ Francois Theron, Naudé Malan & Enaleen Draai (Chapter 12) in Theron, F. & Mchunu, N. (Eds.). 2016. Development, Change and the Change Agent – Facilitation at grassroots (2nd edition). Hatfield: Van Schaik Publishers (448 pages/June 2016, ISBN: 978 0 627 03403 0)
Naudé Malan Understanding the impact of engineering through appropriate technology development with Nickey Janse van Rensburg & Zach Simpson. Paper read at the 16th International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition IMECE 2016 11-17 November, Phoenix Arizona.
Naudé Malan A systems design approach to appropriate, smart technology in a youth agriculture initiative with Nickey Janse van Rensburg & Warren Hurter. Paper read at the 16th International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition IMECE 2016 11-17 November, Phoenix Arizona.
Naudé Malan Urban farmers and urban agriculture in Johannesburg: Responding to the Food Resilience strategy. (2015) AGREKON 54(2):51-75 (Peer reviewed article and accredited by the DHET)
Naudé Malan “Design and social innovation for systemic change: Creating social capital for a Farmers’ Market” in Collina, L., Galluzzo, L. & A. Meroni (eds.) (2015) The Virtuous circle: Design Culture and Experimentation Milano: McGraw-Hill Education, Italy, pp. 965-978. (Peer reviewed conference paper and accredited by the DHET)
Naudé Malan “Design, Social Change and Development: A Social Methodology” (with Angus Donald Campbell) in Cumulus Johannesburg: Design with the other 90%: Changing the world by design, September 2014, Johannesburg, available: (Peer reviewed article and accredited by the DHET)