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Slow Plate in Alexandra: A report on the iZindaba Zokudla Farmers’ Lab 16 February 2022

iZindaba Zokudla has always had a good relationship with Slow Food’s South African representatives. In 2022, this relationship will bear fruit in the form of the Slow Plate project in Alexandra. Naudé Malan (me) will be facilitating and participating in the public Fora that Slow Plate will be organizing. These public Fora will serve to coordinate and integrate the Slow Plate activities with wider stakeholders, from citizens in Alexandra to outside citizens like me or volunteer farmers from elsewhere. The first one is scheduled for Alexandra on the 5th of March and the first in Masipumelele in the Cape on the 26th of February. Please see Harvesting Heritage’s Facebook page and and

This Virtual Farmers’ Lab kicked off iZindaba Zokudla again after a period of inactivity. The presentation by Caroline McCann on Slow Plate’s project in Alexandra, should be seen in a wider context of additional activities at the UJ, which will aim to enrich not only Slow Plate, but also trail a system of mass education for enterprise development.

Below you will find some detail on the Virtual Lab, and also some information on Nxazonke, iZindaba Zokudla’s open access course in circular and sustainable enterprise development.

Nxazonke is an open access course that focusses on the creation of sustainable and circular enterprises. The course is available on a tab on the website, and consists of a list of readings that are relevant to each delivery of the Virtual Farmers’ Lab. UJ students will host the Lab’s panel discussions on key issues in the creation of a sustainable and circular enterprise, and these are open to participation by the public. Anyone can participate in discussing the ideas, merits, and benefits of sustainable and circular enterprise, and how to create one. We want to welcome the sharing of information. The mere participation in the course will create material which is archived on Facebook and soon on our website as well. We want this to be the base for the iZindaba about sustainable and circular enterprise.

Students will be aiming to develop “mini-documentaries” that contains recommendations for creating circular and sustainable systems for a particular enterprise, and entrepreneurs are encouraged to make contact with students. More details on this will follow.

Caroline McCann on Slow Plate in Alexandra and in Masipumelele

Caroline introduced the Slow Plate project by telling the story of Slow Food. This is a story of creating a local alternative to “fast food” and the cultural and culinary impact this has had in the world. This message has been taken up and translated by many across the world and southern Africa is no exception. At the end of the presentation Carline introduced her Tam, mostly of volunteers, who come from all over South Africa.

At the core of Slow Food as a movement lies the “Ark of Taste”. This registry of heritage, indigenous, special or peculiar, nutritious or endangered foods, is a symbol of the heritage, and the structures that support and give rise to it, that we have all created by living and eating. Slow Food is actively collecting and conserving, promoting and above all eating, these foods, in order to also protect the cultures, practices and opportunities that gave rise to these.

In South Africa, linked to Slow Food, we will find some of the 10 000 gardens, Slow Plate, and the Slow Food Youth Network. These are the basic project areas of Slow Food, but in a nutshell, they promote the Growing, Cooking of Good, Clean and Fair food, through Events, and special programmes like their youth heroes in the Slow Food Youth Network. Slow Plate have developed a series of competitions to reward and create a precedent for good practice in gardens, cooking, and nutrition. These build on the successful “Skaftini” lunchbox challenge that was part of the Soweto Eat-Ins.

An Alexandra Eat-In is also being organised and more details will follow. Supporting this movement, is the South African Chef’s Alliance, who have an obvious interest in protecting heritage foods and good eating.

iZindaba Zokudla looks forward to participating in the public Fora in Alexandra. The old SMS list will be used to advertise these and people can once again, sign-up to the list. These Fora will be smaller than usual, but it is important to organise this way. Many, many people are excluded by internet-only communication, and we really need a whole way to work on the whole world.

After Caroline introduced her team, we opened the floor to discussion. Two remarkable things stood out. Some immediately volunteered to become involved in the Slow Plate initiative. This in fact, was preceded already by Gold Soil from Meadowlands, who have volunteered their support. Me and Caroline undertook to accept all offers of support, but it would be best for those who want to volunteer, to join the public Fora as they take place. This would be the best and will allow for many independent connections to be made.

We also received suggestions on Nxazonke, and some asked about financial training, as this is the centre of any business. Nxazonke is focussed on circular enterprise and sustainability, and there is provision for financial knowledge.

However, some suggested the courses developed by the FSCA Financial Sector Conduct authority, and see:

Caroline McCann, through her work for Socio-Technical Systems, however alerted us to the 6 basic “words” evert entrepreneur needs to know to understand the basics of finance for an enterprise. I asked her on WhatsApp to send me details, and this is what she responded with:

Business is a language and most of us speak more than 1 in SA. As a result we need to learn only 6 phrases to get to know your business. Also like any language learning you need to write this down, repeatedly, and speak these words frequently so you become really good at the language.

1. Sales Income - the money you make from each thing you sell or each service you sell.

2. Turnover - the number you get when you add together all the sales income amounts. It shows you the total amount of money you received from customers.

3. Cost of sales - These are expenses you have to pay for to make a sale. If it's products like wigs or vegetables then “Cost of sales” is what those things cost you to buy or grow.

4. Gross profit - This refers to the money you have left after you deduct what it cost you to make those sales. In English slang "gross" is used to mean ugly and this really is an ugly number because it's not your *real profit*

5. Overhead or fixed expenses - These are expenses you have to pay for even if you don't sell anything. It's where things like electricity, water, rent and wages are added up.

6. NET Profit or Loss - This is the actual amount left after you deduct your overhead or fixed expenses from your gross profit.

Next time someone tells you that they are "making money" ask them what they mean - sales income, turnover, gross profit or net profit.

The only way to learn this language and use it in your business is to write down - all your sales as you go (think of why every shop gives you a till slip - it's their way to record their sales income and to calculate each day what their turnover was). Also write every day as and when you had to pay for something. You will quickly see what you are spending money on and this gives you the secret that *every successful business person* knows - are they making net profit money? If not it's in knowing your numbers that will quickly and easily see why not and make decisions to *make net profit*.

Phambili Balimi

The Virtual Farmers Lab, featuring Nxazonke, will be back on the 2nd of March right here, where we will introduce the course to the World.

here is Caroline's p[resentation:

Please see the UNEDITED TRANSCRIPT of the Lab below:

00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:27.640 Malan, Naude Yes, uh, thank you. I've just, I've just started recording. So I mean, so I I kind of missed the front because I mean it's it's valuable, this will be our car from the beginning on Facebook. But you know I would just like to keep this material because it's so valuable. So thank you. Yes, Caroline. And please allow me to share my screen and then just let me know when I need to jump with the pages. So that's.

00:00:27.080 --> 00:00:27.660 Caroline McCann Sydney.

00:00:28.280 --> 00:00:29.430 Malan, Naude OK, excellent.

00:00:33.370 --> 00:00:36.080 Malan, Naude OK, it should be going, uh, you can go ahead.

00:00:35.600 --> 00:00:35.960 Caroline McCann Yeah.

00:00:36.780 --> 00:01:06.910 Caroline McCann Brilliant. So to start off with slow plate as the name of a project that is being funded by the World Diabetes Foundation and where the Co partners are slow food international and the local leg of slow food in SA, the South African Food Communities Trust in order to get the work done on the ground. I personally have a a not for profit organization called harvesting heritage and so the logos that you seeing on here is harvesting heritage who will be doing the.

00:01:06.960 --> 00:01:26.250 Caroline McCann The actual implementation on the ground slow food, which is it's been my my home of good, clean and fair food for for many a year and diabetes foundation which are the sponsors of the project. So next slide please, Nordea, let's talk about what's slow plate is.

00:01:28.330 --> 00:01:44.910 Caroline McCann The project of slow plate has to ensure good, clean and fair food for all primary school children supplied by local network of small food gardens that grow multiple, nutritious indigenous crops that are climate change resilient and where the schools that are providing meals are supported by expert chefs.

00:01:45.610 --> 00:02:09.300 Caroline McCann The point of slow food sensitive sit inception has always been around ensuring good, clean and fair food for all and promoting biodiversity. And so it is with with huge honor that we are able to now take this and put it into its most practical and properly it's most important place right now in South Africa. Given the context that we've we faced with with rising malnutrition.

00:02:09.990 --> 00:02:40.310 Caroline McCann Very bad hunger. We are have gone from an estimated 8,000,000 people a day going hungry to 18 to 19 million depending on which numbers you reading of people going hungry and those that are always the most effect or the youngest in our society and so slow plate looks at at trying to address the nutritional needs certainly within the last part of the 1st 1000 days of a child's life by being able to provide nutritious meals devised develops and assisted with.

00:02:40.390 --> 00:02:59.940 Caroline McCann Uh, with the help of the expert chefs, but most importantly, doing it on a way that ensures that we have proper connectivity between food gardens, not just those that are are based on schools, but the the entire communities food gardens in Alex and Masipumelele, which are the two sides where the projects being rolled out.

00:03:00.760 --> 00:03:03.510 Caroline McCann I'm not sure if we could perhaps go to the next slide.

00:03:06.060 --> 00:03:12.990 Caroline McCann So who we are? I've said a mouthful, but let me give proper due respect to everyone involved in the project.

00:03:13.590 --> 00:03:43.560 Caroline McCann I'm slow food for those who don't know, is an international organization that started in the mid 1980s in direct response to the the fast food industry that was taking hold all over the world. It was founded by Color Petrini in Italy and so famously he said in in response to fast food giants. We weren't named the burger flipping joints that they came and invaded his space that if if they were the world wants to take fast food to him.

00:03:43.610 --> 00:04:13.380 Caroline McCann Then he would give the world slow food and so slow food was born. It currently is in over 160 countries around the world and it aims to ensure good, clean and fair food for all, promoting biodiversity the way that it does this is through thematic projects, the first of which, and probably one of the most important as Ark of taste. Effectively what Ark of Taste does is it recognizes that each culture in our on our planet is defined by the food that it eats.

00:04:13.810 --> 00:04:19.850 Caroline McCann And that, as we lose culture, so we lose food as we lose food, so we lose our culture and.

00:04:19.900 --> 00:04:29.450 Caroline McCann The the the truth is that we define ourselves by our name and our culture. So if we've lost our culture, we're nothing but a name, and even our names they are grabbing.

00:04:30.520 --> 00:04:36.350 Caroline McCann The 10,000 gardens and in Africa project started because shortly after slow food launched.

00:04:36.980 --> 00:05:09.480 Caroline McCann In on the African continent, it immediately recognized that access to good, clean and fair food is one of the biggest issues that we have on the African continent, whether it is through the problems of wars or simply the huge reliance on genetically modified foods that have truly taken hold on the African continent and often supported by our governments without their stablishment or food gardens where we could protect and promote our indigenous crops where we could ensure that diversity, culinary diversity and biodiversity.

00:05:09.820 --> 00:05:18.540 Caroline McCann Could be grown and and a local communities could have access to it that in fact Africa would become not just a desert but a food desert.

00:05:19.930 --> 00:05:41.000 Caroline McCann And so the 10,000 food gardens and Africa project aims to establish food gardens 10,000 on the African continent and these gardens on on more than just simply a space where food is grown, they serve as a meeting point of community where stories are shared, where education and knowledge around culture, around food, about Iran, sustainability or shade.

00:05:42.010 --> 00:06:11.950 Caroline McCann Slow food use Network is an important part of the work that slow food dyes, because what we've recognized is that the youth have a very particular viewpoint and a very particular view when it comes to expressing themselves, expressing culture, expressing food, protecting food, and we are very pleased in South Africa, we've got some incredible young leaders like non go solo and who is the youth leader on this particular project. Kelvin will hurt low who currently is studying at the Slow Food University of Gastronomic Sciences in.

00:06:12.030 --> 00:06:16.490 Caroline McCann Italy on a scholarship very kindly given through slow food international.

00:06:17.980 --> 00:06:34.630 Caroline McCann And and for us, the importance of of having leaders like Mongo and Kelvin is that it shows the youth that agriculture and food is far from something that we should be leaving to our elders, but in fact is sexy and has a future for the youth if they if they take it on board.

00:06:35.360 --> 00:07:06.350 Caroline McCann Uh shifts alliances is really important in South Africa. We started chefs alliance in 2014 before it became a, let's say, a specific project focus in slow food. And we did it because we recognize that if we could take chefs in five star stablishment's in particular, and we could have them put on their menus where their food came from, that we could start stimulating, if not the consumption, then certainly the discussions around what makes South African food South African and where to find good clean.

00:07:06.410 --> 00:07:12.850 Caroline McCann And faith food and chefs alliance has been really active. We've done very many events throughout the whole SA.

00:07:13.420 --> 00:07:29.190 Caroline McCann Uh. Nordea. As you know, there were intricately involved in our Soweto Eatons and served to contribute towards what became the scuffed in challenge. The focus on childhood nutrition. But Dan is only chefs can within budget and with deliciousness at the forefront.

00:07:30.070 --> 00:08:00.170 Caroline McCann Shifts alliance, or is a co-founder of chefs with compassion and chefs with compassion, started in direct response to lockdown as naughty and I mentioned earlier and today Chiefs with Compassion has rescued over 60,000 tons of food that otherwise would have gone to landfill. And we've provided just over 2.5 million meals to people since the 23rd of March last year and so slow plate is bringing together all these different entities. And as I said, through harvesting heritage, which has my NPO.

00:08:00.470 --> 00:08:03.260 Caroline McCann Doing the the actual implementation and work on the ground.

00:08:04.250 --> 00:08:07.840 Caroline McCann So perhaps more deal we can go to the next slide.

00:08:07.900 --> 00:08:09.600 Caroline McCann Right. So.

00:08:10.950 --> 00:08:42.090 Caroline McCann At the end of the day, the only way to end poverty is to start with people stomachs and a hungry man can never escape poverty, and generally your first indication of poverty is this access to good, clean and fair food. And so when we talk about Alex and Masipumelele as the two areas where this project is being rolled out in, the first thing that people always say to me is what you're kidding. Two of the most so called dangerous places poverty ridden and where there's very limited space. Alexandra holding the dubious record of having the most.

00:08:42.380 --> 00:08:45.690 Caroline McCann Or per square meter on the African continent.

00:08:46.300 --> 00:08:54.620 Caroline McCann And the truth is that food can be grown in any place. It's simply requires the the will to do it.

00:08:55.660 --> 00:08:58.960 Caroline McCann And note if we could go to the next slide, please.

00:09:00.100 --> 00:09:07.050 Caroline McCann So how do we intend doing this with slow plate as we want to do it through bringing indigenous foods onto the plates of primary school children?

00:09:07.600 --> 00:09:37.230 Caroline McCann Uh, making sure that these foods are actively grown in a network of small scale food gardens that are directly connected and around and surrounding these schools. We understand that most schools are certainly in Alexandra did not have the space to grow their own food, but they're already 7 food gardens that we've identified and that we starting to work with in order to to get especially indigenous foods into the gardens and ultimately onto the primary school kids plates we are.

00:09:37.400 --> 00:10:09.890 Caroline McCann Uh working with chefs who are assisting and ensuring balanced, nutritious meals are and are created and are then trained by the food handlers in each of the primary schools and in this regard, we really pleased to say that we've got a agreement with South African Chefs Association. There will be on board with their network of 9500 shifts across the country who are all prepared to volunteer, get involved and help uplift the standard of meals with the specific focus on indigenous foods, in particular coming onto school kids.

00:10:09.930 --> 00:10:10.340 Caroline McCann Place.

00:10:11.220 --> 00:10:21.870 Caroline McCann And obviously at the end of the day, we all constrained by the National School feeding program and we have to ensure that their whatever we do for it's the the agenda and the the.

00:10:22.680 --> 00:10:25.500 Caroline McCann Bandwidth, if you will, of all that are set out in that.

00:10:26.450 --> 00:10:29.840 Caroline McCann So if we could go to the next slide please, my dear.

00:10:31.540 --> 00:10:43.520 Caroline McCann So how we envisage getting this done is in three steps. The first is growing the slow plate. We plan on working with existing food gardens and helping them to learn using low tech technology.

00:10:43.570 --> 00:11:13.480 Caroline McCann Me and basic principles of agroecology, to grow organic food, we focused very much on trend gardening on low tech water systems, multi cropping, ensuring indigenous foods are used as part of multi cropping. We stressed the importance of companion planting, floor productive and abundant crops. We teach people natural pest and disease controls using things like chili and soap sprays and aloe juice and then we.

00:11:13.780 --> 00:11:36.630 Caroline McCann Have a very big focus on ensuring planning for success, which means planning for profit and so every single one of the food gardens that we are working with and will be working with into the future. We don't just teach them how to grow it, we teach them how to cost it, record it and make money from it. Because at the end of the day, we all know sustainability comes from ensuring first and foremost, money in the pocket of the person who's doing it.

00:11:37.790 --> 00:11:39.540 Caroline McCann Uh, next slide please.

00:11:42.370 --> 00:12:12.410 Caroline McCann So if we're doing this in a three step process and and step one is growing, the second is cooking and the truth is that we can have the most delicious, amazing stuff. But if no one's eating at, what's the point in our particular project of slow plate? What we are aiming to do is ensure that educators and food handlers are taught hard to prepare healthy meals for children using projects from the local guidance under the direct mentorship of the Food Gardens program, we will be working with people to learn hard too.

00:12:12.460 --> 00:12:21.790 Caroline McCann Do their own meal plans and preparing some sample meal plans with cooking instructions and the rest, and easy to follow recipes that they can then use in the primary schools.

00:12:22.780 --> 00:12:44.090 Caroline McCann For us, it's important that I could taste the indigenous foods that are there, and so we're not just focusing on the growers knowing what these indigenous foods aren't hard to grow them, but also making sure that the food handlers and educators at the school are able to understand no cook and enjoy them and give them to our primary school kids because after all, they want their nutrition to improve.

00:12:45.560 --> 00:12:48.680 Caroline McCann If we could go to the next.

00:12:49.350 --> 00:13:19.290 Caroline McCann Slide. So if we're growing it and we're cooking it and our kids are eating it, how do we make sure that this becomes an entrenched way for people in the greater community to also change the eating habits and to start eating better, good and clean and fair for all is through the eating events. So we as slow food, South Africa, we've got a long history in working in collaboration with the University of Johannesburg and optimal learning, particular of having it ends.

00:13:19.410 --> 00:13:49.160 Caroline McCann And the idea behind and eating is to showcase the best of the food and culture that exists in an area. So they eat in encompasses farmers market. We all the people who are growing these good foods come and actively silent promotes and talk about their gardens and where there are to the greater public who attend these events. The food market, which has always through the kind compassion of our chefs, alliance members and in and for this project will also be the South African Chefs Association.

00:13:49.480 --> 00:13:57.460 Caroline McCann And what they will be doing, those re envisaging scuffed in challenge. In other words, how do we create delicious nutritious meals for kids?

00:13:57.890 --> 00:14:27.970 Caroline McCann And they come in on budget and it's done in a in a competitive environment. And so we have not just a winning scuffed in of the year for all those primary schools that are taking part, but also on the day of the eaten the chefs and the chef schools who take part in the competition, there's also a prize for them whatsoever crafters market. Because importantly as culture, while yes, it's food, it's also about what we wear, what we and how we we express ourselves.

00:14:28.280 --> 00:14:49.590 Caroline McCann And then there's the Free Peoples Conference, which is where topics are put, two panelists who are from everyone from activists, academics to practitioners on the field to parents, two kids sharing their input and take on on important topics. And that's always hosted and very well done unless it through zindaba zokudla is Doctor Malone.

00:14:50.540 --> 00:14:52.750 Caroline McCann Uh, if we could go to the next slide, please.

00:14:54.710 --> 00:15:03.850 Caroline McCann So if all of this is being done to try and affect the best possible change for our youth, it's only important that we understand what our slow food youth here is all about.

00:15:04.480 --> 00:15:34.610 Caroline McCann So slow food, youth network, or spin as designed to teach people to grow their own food, to make them a hero. And what we intend doing is inviting a total of four youths from the selected areas of both Alex and Masipumelele who are under the age of 30 to come and participate in the Terra Madre Festival. And this is a very big, important thing, because what what TB rate is is one of the largest independent food festivals held in the world in the last edition there was over one.

00:15:34.910 --> 00:16:06.890 Caroline McCann Visitors who came to Turin in Italy and this is where all over 160 countries that are part of the slow Food Network come and showcase their good, clean and fair food. It's the growers, it's the cooks and chefs, it's the activists. It's people who are involved in all the different themes off slow food and what makes this such a special occasion is that if we were to think about the the opportunity for youth from Alex and Masipumelele to get this international exposure, to see that the hardships they face or common hardships.

00:16:06.940 --> 00:16:27.330 Caroline McCann But more importantly, that the solutions are out there and for them to come back into their communities and share what it is that they took away from our Terra Madre festival and two so inspire the youth in their area to eat better, to grow better and of course to then make sure that the slow food ethos is carried forward throughout the community.

00:16:28.740 --> 00:16:31.630 Caroline McCann Uh, if we could go to the next slide, please.

00:16:33.910 --> 00:16:42.460 Caroline McCann So if we are growing it and if we are cooking it and if we are celebrating it, how do we make sure that the very people who are given the?

00:16:43.470 --> 00:17:06.760 Caroline McCann Then in viewable job of everyday cooking food for four kids, stay engaged and excited about what they do. We believe that the way to do it is through a scuffed Teen Challenge and so this graph team challenge is a monthly competition as well as an overall annual winner where the foods that they are doing is judged based on taste as well as the nutritious value.

00:17:07.230 --> 00:17:20.920 Caroline McCann Uhm, of the food, making sure it's obviously correct in from a health perspective for the full primary school kids, and it's designed to encourage ongoing preparation, often reward for cooking creative, nutritious meals that are prepared by the school.

00:17:21.780 --> 00:17:28.100 Caroline McCann For us, we know that our National School feeding program is staffed by volunteers.

00:17:28.760 --> 00:17:55.140 Caroline McCann I am specifically unemployed people and normally people who have no background in food whatsoever, but this doesn't mean they don't love food and that they don't love kids. And so we're hoping that we'll be able to impart enough knowledge and and enthusiasm. So they're moving forward even as the next wave of volunteers who have no skills necessarily in food come forward. We can forevermore keep inspired what it takes to make a nutritious and delicious primary school lunch.

00:17:56.050 --> 00:18:14.200 Caroline McCann Uh, next slide. Please know, dear. Thank you. The monthly garden challenges aimed at trying to ensure that we get the best out of our gardens so it exploits the potential of school guidance as well as the gardens that are around the school and supplying the school in able to supply the school with with good nutritious food.

00:18:14.610 --> 00:18:45.060 Caroline McCann Uh to continue doing it into to get better. We have literature that confirms that involvement in food gardens increases children consumption of fruits and vegetables. And so for us part of activities with kids is to ensure that they go into these food gardens. And so between the the kids coming in and showing love in the food gardens, we wanted to end showing love to the food gardens. We believe that we'll see increased production and greater biodiversity, their own culinary biodiversity, with specific reference to archive test products.

00:18:45.840 --> 00:18:53.180 Caroline McCann So it's so much of a mouthful. How about we quickly introduce our team if you could go down please.

00:18:53.890 --> 00:19:13.090 Caroline McCann The next slide just very briefly, that's me. Hello. We'll move on. Dr Energy Paedo has a Masters degree from Kings College in Cambridge. the United Kingdom. She trained as a chef, and she also has her PhD and community health from the University of Advertisement.

00:19:13.960 --> 00:19:43.870 Caroline McCann Besides from being an all around incredible genius when it comes to food and what makes for healthy food, she's also very well known author and she's one a number of of books, world Best Publication Box in her lifetime. The thing for for us, for the slow plate project that is most meaningful as her book called Eat Ting which she Co wrote with Dr Imports Cuddle where they looked at the role of Southern African indigenous Foods and heritage ingredients for good clean.

00:19:43.970 --> 00:19:45.960 Caroline McCann Healthy modern urban lifestyles.

00:19:46.650 --> 00:19:48.550 Caroline McCann We're very pleased to have an onboard.

00:19:49.200 --> 00:20:09.230 Caroline McCann Uh, next slide Dr is a chef Arnold Tanzer Arnold is is probably one of the most well known and well respected chefs in southern Africa. He served not only on the South African Chefs Association as a director, but he was also being a director on the World Chefs Association. He has been a trainer a long stand.

00:20:09.290 --> 00:20:29.670 Caroline McCann A trainer for polls for the culinary schools. He's also run his own business, and he does a lot of consulting work besides from all the TV productions that he's done. Arnold truly is a is a legend, and it's an absolute honor to have him on board assisting with the school meals part in particular. Next slide.

00:20:31.180 --> 00:21:01.690 Caroline McCann Temperature care is probably from a farming perspective, the person who's done the most to ensure that small scale farmers are successful. So he personally has assisted in establishing over 80 community gardens throughout South Africa. He has a permaculture educators certificate so he is actually formally qualified to say that he's a permaculture trainer. And what temper is able to do is to take what otherwise could be quite complex material.

00:21:02.120 --> 00:21:12.780 Caroline McCann Uh, in how to grow good, clean and fair food from a agroecology perspective? And to summarize it and make it very basic and very easy to grasp in very practical ways for farmers.

00:21:14.390 --> 00:21:44.020 Caroline McCann Uh, next slide is Justin Bonello. Justin started neighborhood farms in Cape Town a number of years ago, best known for being on TV as cooked person him in a group of mates, traveled around South Africa and they were really the very first TV production in South Africa to take food and tourism and put it together and show that actually our country is both beautiful and delicious. Since then he's gone on to become one of the for most people.

00:21:44.540 --> 00:21:57.690 Caroline McCann In talking about how local food systems can be improved simply by getting back to growing good Pinot, fair food in our neighborhoods, yeah, Justin has a long history of being successful at teaching people how to grow.

00:21:58.030 --> 00:22:06.910 Caroline McCann Uhm, food in their back gardens. And so we're very pleased to have him on board in Cape Town doing the sponsorship, doing the mentorship and training.

00:22:07.990 --> 00:22:08.930 Caroline McCann Next slide please.

00:22:10.100 --> 00:22:40.240 Caroline McCann Non go solo holds a BA degree in politics and philosophy. She is probably based known for being one of the foremost fighters for free. Fees must fall in South Africa. Nango sidestepped the the movement which he realized there was becoming a political hot spot and was no longer focused on the key message, which is that in our country, given our history, tertiary education needed to be more than a privilege, it needed to become a right. What is phenomenal is that Mongo understands.

00:22:40.300 --> 00:22:55.580 Caroline McCann That's the true force of change happens with young people from an early age, and that if we can teach people the two aspects of embrace your culture and protected through political activism, and we stand the best chance of never losing who we eyes are as a country.

00:22:56.630 --> 00:22:57.700 Caroline McCann Uh, next slide.

00:22:58.440 --> 00:23:05.040 Caroline McCann Monday, so Solo Mandisa is the most phenomenal woman as she has a long history in not just.

00:23:06.340 --> 00:23:31.700 Caroline McCann Nursing and nutrition. But she also has worked closely with the likes of Carter are small, for example, in having a look at her parents are best suited to be engaged in the education of their kids. Uh Monday, so also personally was involved in the rollout of Food Gardens and helping the Education Department in school governing bodies to understand the crucial aspect of food gardens, nutrition have for kids.

00:23:32.720 --> 00:23:58.810 Caroline McCann Uh last slide is Colleen Green. We're very, very proud to have Colleen onboard. Colleen is helping us with project management and with fundraising and she has a wealth of experience on a cheese, been involved in various humanitarian programs. When she was with voter com and continues to this day to be one of the foremost champions when it comes to funding the good, clean and fair food fight in South Africa.

00:24:00.220 --> 00:24:14.830 Caroline McCann So in essence, that's our project taking place in Alex and Muscle Pauley. And yeah, please, we call on everyone who has any interest in the food system in both areas to get involved and come and join us on this journey. Thank you.

00:24:20.980 --> 00:24:25.760 Malan, Naude Thank you very much, Caroline. I really appreciate that. That was an excellent presentation.

00:24:27.210 --> 00:24:29.900 Malan, Naude I would like to open this for discussion.

00:24:30.560 --> 00:24:31.250 Malan, Naude Uh.

00:24:31.920 --> 00:24:41.620 Malan, Naude I I just. I'm also doing their the gatekeeper. Yeah, I would like to open this for discussion for the audience. But before I do that, can I may I just.

00:24:42.220 --> 00:24:48.290 Malan, Naude Emphasize what, like one or two or three key features of this project.

00:24:49.200 --> 00:25:04.760 Malan, Naude So the one thing that Caroline might not have emphasized so so much is that we will be hosting public forums in Alexandra. So the dates will be communicated and I'll see if I can amend the project schedule.

00:25:05.460 --> 00:25:07.520 Malan, Naude And make these things available about.

00:25:08.110 --> 00:25:31.420 Malan, Naude Izindaba Zokudla has always used public events and doing things in public as a means to moderate influences and engagements amongst people, and we find the engagement in public quite important because engaging in public as some democratic effects. So we will be hosting the izindaba zokudla.

00:25:31.470 --> 00:25:50.970 Malan, Naude Not a farmers lab. Uh, they they the the the Open Access assembly in Alexandra and they will also be hosted in masipumelele in the Cape and we we find this very important issue and we would love to just place that on the table for our lists.

00:25:45.100 --> 00:25:45.650 Nhongo Solo (Guest) You can.

00:25:47.070 --> 00:25:47.430 Nhongo Solo (Guest) Hello.

00:25:52.270 --> 00:25:55.640 Malan, Naude I think issue I would like to point out is the use of competition.

00:25:56.810 --> 00:26:03.080 Malan, Naude Uh, I was speaking with how do you sell competitions is an interesting way to change?

00:25:58.120 --> 00:25:58.650 Nhongo Solo (Guest) Magic.

00:25:58.700 --> 00:25:59.160 Nhongo Solo (Guest) Like just?

00:26:00.410 --> 00:26:00.980 Nhongo Solo (Guest) Richard.

00:26:04.900 --> 00:26:08.180 Malan, Naude How how people act and a competition?

00:26:08.990 --> 00:26:27.360 Malan, Naude Uh pushes people on their own to achieve, and it is something that they then do on their own. And obviously the prize authorize them. But this is a way for us to steer the conversation or the activities in a certain direction without having to micromanage that.

00:26:17.940 --> 00:26:18.330 Nhongo Solo (Guest) Hey.

00:26:28.130 --> 00:26:29.590 Malan, Naude And we find that quite important.

00:26:30.540 --> 00:26:46.920 Malan, Naude Then another issue which uh, which is interesting here is the links with shifts. So these are links with experts and this we hope or I could see bringing in great at the flow of knowledge from the top to the bottom.

00:26:40.960 --> 00:26:41.370 Nhongo Solo (Guest) No.

00:26:47.710 --> 00:26:50.670 Malan, Naude And that would come, let me just find out who is that?

00:26:51.300 --> 00:27:01.430 Malan, Naude I can't see this so anyway, so this is for you. Do this kind of thing so so so the links where the shift is important 'cause the recipes.

00:26:58.460 --> 00:26:58.870 Nhongo Solo (Guest) Right.

00:27:02.050 --> 00:27:05.340 Malan, Naude Or actually gonna make the difference. So that's quite important.

00:27:06.200 --> 00:27:36.430 Malan, Naude Uhm, I would just like to add one thing at UJ and my my courses will be engaging with us and we are focusing on the idea of a community of practice amongst actors in society. So I want to say to those on the ground and those shifts and farmers and entrepreneurs out there engaged whether university and with me so that we can allocate the student group to you so that they can, you know, do some real consulting work for you.

00:27:26.220 --> 00:27:26.620 Nhongo Solo (Guest) Really.

00:27:36.710 --> 00:27:49.960 Malan, Naude On how you can move your activities towards sustainability and to create circular systems in your enterprise 'cause we believe these circular systems of it may be the key to the profitability of your enterprise.

00:27:51.010 --> 00:28:04.450 Malan, Naude Thank you for listening to me. I just wanted to moderate the conversation, but please, ladies and gentlemen, you can just start talking or put up your hand and you are welcome to ask any kind of question. Thank you very much.

00:28:05.420 --> 00:28:38.400 Caroline McCann And Oh dear, perhaps while people are getting their questions in line, I wanna pick up on two things. You said that I think are crucial there. The idea behind a a way of ensuring that everyone in a community get their voice heard or aren't essential thing I think is one of the reasons why a lot of so-called projects fail is that often it is the outside in approach. So you have people who've got a great idea deciding four community what it is their community needs to do and almost without fail it's a recipe for disaster because you cannot impose.

00:28:38.720 --> 00:29:08.450 Caroline McCann What you think needs to happen in a community and I'm for me one of the most important things has been the fundamental understanding from slow food international as well as from World Diabetes Foundation that that is not the case here, that we are Co creating a better food system by having people on the ground, the people who are growing, the people who are cooking, the people who are eating, the people who are celebrating, the people who are competing or people from the community.

00:29:08.730 --> 00:29:32.640 Caroline McCann And that our role is to facilitate their change and not force the change. So I I think that that really is a very important part of what this is, whether this succeeds or not is not about an external force. This is about what the Community does with what it is we are able to bring to the party. And I think that that, that makes this probably one of the.

00:29:33.280 --> 00:29:39.170 Caroline McCann One of the different projects, let's put it that way that we could possibly hope to run in our country right now.

00:29:40.830 --> 00:30:02.120 Malan, Naude Yes, thank you. Thank you, Caroline. UM, Princess, I'm recognizing you and I'm going to give you a chance in a moment. And please, ladies and gentlemen, if you have any questions and you find that there's too much discussion there, there's also a discussion here on the chat, and I'm actively answering questions. They and thank you. Deadlocking for for that.

00:30:02.670 --> 00:30:06.100 Malan, Naude Uh, so Princess, please go ahead. And the floor is yours.

00:30:08.310 --> 00:30:29.580 Princess A good evening, everyone. OK. Firstly, I would just like to say well done for this project, I think it's gonna help a lot of kids in Alexandra and I just wanted to find out if it's gonna be only Alexandra, not around other places like restaurant because I'm based investment. Thank you.

00:30:31.270 --> 00:30:32.300 Malan, Naude At parallel parking.

00:30:32.400 --> 00:31:02.840 Caroline McCann Question. Yeah. So what we are hoping to do is to improve our model and and that that we are able to take our funders mandates and and actually assist in affecting the change that we're trying to do and hopefully with that be we'll be able to leverage additional funding for additional areas. I can say Princess that you are not the first person to ask, I've we've got a waiting list of 14 different areas in South Africa already that are actively asking us.

00:31:02.890 --> 00:31:26.920 Caroline McCann To to take the project and wrote it out there. What I can promise you is just as a Nordea has mentioned everything we develop is going into the public space. We are not holding onto this information. We want it to go as broad and as far as possible because the truth is the more people that can take this and run with it, the better our food and our food system becomes in our country.

00:31:28.320 --> 00:31:31.240 Malan, Naude Thank you. I am a Princess, if I may just add.

00:31:31.950 --> 00:32:01.870 Malan, Naude And then as long K costs, and which is available on the Izindabazokudla website, I mean it's it's, it's not a real course, you won't get tested, but in this forum that that we are now we will touch on the key features of building a sustainable and circular enterprise. So anyone can join that course and follow the readings and follow the schedule and just listen to what we are going to be saying about doing those specific things.

00:32:02.130 --> 00:32:32.400 Malan, Naude And in your enterprise so so that that is open to all. And then also the public forums will be open to all and you know there are many, there are few things happening at the same time. Yeah, there's there slow plate project in in Alexandra, I came in from UJ trying to maximize the the reach of that and what I've decided to do is to deliver a university quality course through the Internet to everybody where all the readings are available to anybody.

00:32:32.780 --> 00:32:46.930 Malan, Naude So I mean it, it's obviously not be the same as the teaching are doing class, but you know if you want to achieve that learning on your own do so it is yours forever and that is the idea behind this. Thank you so much.

00:32:47.630 --> 00:32:48.830 Caroline McCann Sorry, just one other thing.

00:32:47.770 --> 00:32:49.750 Malan, Naude Is it correct? Yes, go ahead.

00:32:50.340 --> 00:33:17.290 Caroline McCann And Princess, if you have a look at harvesting heritage or slow food, you will see slow put South Africa on Facebook or on our websites. You'll see all the information and all the training material as we start rolling it out, you'll find it all there and please are actively ask people. Stay in touch with me. My number is out there at any point you phone and engage with me please.

00:33:18.640 --> 00:33:32.050 Malan, Naude Alenza gentle and I will for every session like this, I will be writing a report with all details and I'll summarize the discussion just to add to the learning material and Caroline made it stuff available and please contact them.

00:33:32.710 --> 00:34:02.890 Malan, Naude And but you know another thing that that's also important? Yeah, there Agro Eco, logical learnings that we that that will be transferred to the farmers and it's going to be difficult for us to do that on the Internet. But those things I I can make some of that material available, but something like a trench garden is so so simple you dig a trench and fill it with biomes from big stumps and bones at the bottom to smaller, smaller, smaller, smaller too.

00:34:02.940 --> 00:34:06.630 Malan, Naude Pier compost on top leaves and twigs in the middle and things like that.

00:34:38.520 --> 00:34:57.590 Malan, Naude Uh, MIT uses wastes, and if you have a little bit of money they are very cheap and very sophisticated things you can do, like liquid manures after maintain your own liquid manures to to reach a very high productivity in your food garden. So please keep that in mind. Thank you.

00:34:58.260 --> 00:34:59.470 Malan, Naude Any other questions?

00:35:00.550 --> 00:35:26.960 Caroline McCann If I could perhaps just add to that. So part of the the rollout of our of our trainings in the area is that we've deliberately focused on doing our food gardens training in a short one hour, 1 1/2 hour Max sessions and and on a repetitive basis. So it's six sessions at the end of session one already, people are changed gardening 'cause you, you you get to see what it what this means.

00:35:57.690 --> 00:35:58.700 Caroline McCann The better for us all.

00:36:00.080 --> 00:36:03.600 Malan, Naude I may be able to add some more information in this regard.

00:36:04.970 --> 00:36:07.130 Malan, Naude Today I'm. I'm alone here in my office.

00:36:08.080 --> 00:36:11.210 Malan, Naude Uh, and it's. I'm alone in my office because UM.

00:36:23.580 --> 00:36:38.170 Malan, Naude But let me just be clear on this. I'm experiencing a surge of interests from farmers and Soweto 'cause that's where I'm based, who want to share their knowledge with the farmers in Alexandra. And this is really important.

00:36:39.540 --> 00:37:08.910 Malan, Naude I don't know. We are outsiders, but you know the the, the, the, the, the job of social change there's den Bosch or keys on the job of social change runs deep. So we are encouraging all kinds of farmers who want to get involved to come and get involved in the training 'cause then we can really transfer knowledge and dinner maybe we can start in Alex and and in the world but we are encouraging those who want to offer knowledge to become involved.

00:37:09.230 --> 00:37:27.530 Malan, Naude And what I will also be doing is I will be actively recruiting at Al Gore and me and my students to recruit these people to serve on this panel discussion, we can only do so much, but I'm grateful for slower food for being on the ground, and we're going to do our part from this side. Thank you.

00:37:28.680 --> 00:37:37.430 Malan, Naude Any other questions, ladies and gentlemen, please not everyone at the same time. Ah, we've got one. Cynthia, please. Go ahead, Cynthia.

00:37:38.400 --> 00:37:38.670 Themba Chauke (Guest) This.

00:37:42.460 --> 00:37:44.010 Malan, Naude You muted Cynthia?

00:37:46.910 --> 00:37:56.440 Cynthia Toekie Sekgobela Hey, good afternoon everybody. Uh, a document in Caroline. What I wanted to know is what does it take?

00:37:57.060 --> 00:38:02.770 Cynthia Toekie Sekgobela Want to be part of the trainers in this forum?

00:38:06.110 --> 00:38:07.650 Cynthia Toekie Sekgobela Do we have to apply?

00:38:06.240 --> 00:38:07.190 Malan, Naude That's a good question.

00:38:08.580 --> 00:38:12.650 Cynthia Toekie Sekgobela Or is there any way that we can volunteer?

00:38:13.990 --> 00:38:15.690 Malan, Naude I will accept use something.

00:38:15.740 --> 00:38:15.900 Malan, Naude Yeah.

00:38:17.500 --> 00:38:17.810 Cynthia Toekie Sekgobela Thanks.

00:38:20.340 --> 00:38:48.980 Caroline McCann First of all, let me say Mama Dokey. It is an absolute honor to see that you're on this and supporting you are probably one of the most bestest people ever. My life significantly improved when I learned about indigenous chickens in there. The crucial role that they play in in ensuring not just good food, but good cultural practices are kept forever more. And with regards to trainers, please, we would love love.

00:38:21.080 --> 00:38:21.650 Cynthia Toekie Sekgobela Thank you.

00:38:49.030 --> 00:38:58.700 Caroline McCann To have your expertise on board, so many people would benefit, please let's take this conversational off offline. It would be an honor to have you as part of us. Thank you.

00:39:00.130 --> 00:39:01.910 Cynthia Toekie Sekgobela Thank you very much for that.

00:39:00.330 --> 00:39:00.770 Malan, Naude So it's.

00:39:02.830 --> 00:39:17.410 Malan, Naude No, thank you, Matthew. Keep. I'm anyone who wants to can contact me or Caroline. It might be messy, but that's fine. We'll deal with it just on. I'm on. There's a Facebook. You can contact me on Facebook. WhatsApp.

00:39:18.380 --> 00:39:22.760 Malan, Naude IMO I'm available, but thank you, yeah.

00:39:23.730 --> 00:39:24.810 Malan, Naude And yeah.

00:39:26.940 --> 00:39:30.980 Malan, Naude Any other questions, ladies and gentlemen, are you all speechless?

00:39:32.020 --> 00:39:43.900 Caroline McCann May I ask if possible, if timber childcare who has joined us could maybe just say a little bit about the food garden program and why it is such an important part of what it is that we're trying to do here.

00:39:45.420 --> 00:39:52.180 Malan, Naude Yes, thank you, Tim Bosch, oki, you know this, there are two kinds of CPT speakers, yeah, but OK. Show keys, song.

00:39:52.230 --> 00:39:54.170 Malan, Naude Yeah, timber. Please go ahead.

00:39:55.230 --> 00:40:04.600 Themba Chauke (Guest) Thank you for your time and you know I'm and thank you for allowing me to enter the meeting, even though it is been laid since I've been changed to join.

00:40:05.320 --> 00:40:35.710 Themba Chauke (Guest) And they they the importance of the the take the gardens, I mean, is the idea that we brought in through slow food at the 10,000 guidance project and we see it as a as a thing that will help in regards to schools as a team that will help supplement the whole feeding scheme in school. So what is important here is we have to look at the types of food that is served in schools and then we see what.

00:40:35.750 --> 00:40:55.620 Themba Chauke (Guest) It's missing in that in, in, in, in, in, in in that in that is cool fitting scheme. So we have to have this card in order to supplement. Uh this cool feeding scheme. So I don't know whether now I should focus only in this project this slope late or I should even go further broader with other project Caroline.

00:40:57.230 --> 00:41:01.350 Caroline McCann Definitely go go broader, especially your seed bank project, which is crucial.

00:41:02.710 --> 00:41:29.320 Themba Chauke (Guest) Yeah. Yeah. And another thing that we we have discovered is that you know this they the gardens that we have usually when we started, we discovered that people are having challenges in regards to see it and people we have to have Tobias is every now and then so we we also studying this seed bank that is gonna be part of writing I think in a month or two when we would be where we gonna be collecting seeds.

00:41:29.410 --> 00:42:00.270 Themba Chauke (Guest) It local seeds, heritage seeds indigenous seeds from the local people and the idea is that in the first phase of the Seas, once they see it is collected from the local people is also gonna be distributed by in a form of a loan to the to the to those gathered into the network of the gardens like example. If we borrow you one KG or 500 gram element given as a profit of 1 cagey of seeds, it means that next year after you harvest we expect you to bring back 2K G of seeds.

00:42:00.420 --> 00:42:30.850 Themba Chauke (Guest) So this is the way to expand the seed system that we gonna behaving in the local area. So another thing what we have seen I know as Doctor Malan say that if we can't make the food growers don't make money it means that we must stop doing this. So another point is that if we want to make sure that they get something out of recently I've been in contact with the network of the gardens in the area so be asking them. So these are some of the question like.

00:42:31.230 --> 00:43:01.760 Themba Chauke (Guest) You'll find that book. We ask them where do they sell? How much do they consume themselves? A hard working by what percentage do they sell? So I've been discovering loads of positive response that if it's something which I've never I was, I was not expecting like there is this one garden in Limpopo which is operating in the school yard. So I mean they they distribute most of their food to discord feeding scheme. So it's it's one of the ideas that we want to achieve. So you find that.

00:43:02.100 --> 00:43:11.060 Themba Chauke (Guest) It is not one size fits all, but we are going there where we're going, we're going towards what we want to achieve. Then you find them some, some will tell you that we have got low F code.

00:43:11.120 --> 00:43:40.120 Themba Chauke (Guest) I am in a very vast majority majority of people running our products are most our product as old and even themselves. They buy from the garden because they reduce demand of their products. So is something that I think is we want to achieve through these this garden. So it's not just only to consume but also to be it to be interpreted to for them to be enterpreneurs and selling their products will just forgive me little bit I've got this case since that big school. So even if you tried.

00:43:39.190 --> 00:43:39.920 Malan, Naude Yes.

00:43:41.690 --> 00:43:45.990 Themba Chauke (Guest) So I mean this. Yeah. Yeah. There's so much things that we.

00:43:42.330 --> 00:43:43.220 Malan, Naude Get them shot.

00:43:46.660 --> 00:43:53.510 Themba Chauke (Guest) You want to achieve through the gardens and they I wish I was there earlier so that I I I talk more about this. Thank you.

00:43:54.830 --> 00:44:01.200 Malan, Naude Thank you so much, timber. That's really great answer. I mean, some of these school gardens are absolute gems.

00:44:01.930 --> 00:44:09.690 Malan, Naude And someone knocked, but it just shows us what is up, what is possible, and we have a hand from an elite and elite. Please go ahead.

00:44:12.100 --> 00:44:22.710 So I'd like to raise a question we trust actually mentioned right now at the one thing is growing the veggies and growing the food.

00:44:23.710 --> 00:44:32.270 What kind of support is also given in actually putting together a talk show?

00:44:33.580 --> 00:44:51.000 Or actually, as far as shop 'cause parser sharp these from small enterprise development department, there's also a financial management skills training course and that kind of thing.

00:44:51.480 --> 00:44:56.490 Uhm, but many people might think that's a bit too big. Let me rather start small.

00:44:56.540 --> 00:44:59.360 Pull up with a tuck shop.

00:45:00.510 --> 00:45:09.070 You start incorporated in what you do. Do you have associates or link with partners who can actually take our people from?

00:45:09.760 --> 00:45:18.770 Uh, getting the little money starting with a few spinach or chickens or whatever, and then how to grow that sustainably?

00:45:21.250 --> 00:45:24.680 Malan, Naude Caroline, do you want to take a stab at that? And I'll come in after you.

00:45:23.970 --> 00:45:24.470 Caroline McCann Yeah.

00:45:25.680 --> 00:45:52.940 Caroline McCann The first will Anna Lee, thank you so much. I think that is absolutely the right question to be asking. Often when people talk about primary school kids and the food that they get, the the conversation starts and ends with the National School feeding scheme and people who are standing in the kitchen and preparing the meal and they forget about the fact that actually most kids, at least twice a week or buying food from people that are outside of the people who are presenting, they played through the tack shops that.

00:45:54.570 --> 00:46:25.270 Caroline McCann In in Alex, in our scoping was only two tuck shops that are based on school premises or the other tuckshop source parser shops are along there. They walk to school and actually more important than that or their so called St vendors, the ladies who are sitting at 1/2 and five brand selling chicken feet and suites through the through the gate. So part of our of our outreach has been to everyone that a child would encounter walking to school and back and we inviting them to be part of the process while we are trying to do.

00:46:25.560 --> 00:46:32.400 Caroline McCann Stimulate this idea that even with 350 Rand and you can understand why we chose that number.

00:46:33.910 --> 00:47:02.930 Caroline McCann In one month, you could have yourselves a sustainable business that is doing more than just turning over 350, but in fact, as making you a profit, a substantial significant profit that gets you out of poverty. So some of the things, for example, and Lisa, it's not so all wishy washy, is she Google and amazing indigenous treat it is highly nutritious. It's with peanuts and it's worth mais non GM through the the rainbow maze that that we've been actively involved in growing.

00:47:03.160 --> 00:47:34.690 Caroline McCann Pounded and made into these beautiful little what I like to call African candies. There are delicious. They are easy to make their cheap to make. There is good profit margin in them. And so part of this is being giving out some of those ideas and and actually helping people to get into production, whether it's producing for your own spizer shop, producing for others to sell for our table top vendors and then of course the most important things that we do have, all the assistance that comes with UJ in the sense of working through what makes.

00:47:34.780 --> 00:47:49.140 Caroline McCann Sustainable business, so we can give these great ideas. We can link them with great producers, but ultimately it's the courses that Doctor Mullen has devised and is working on that will ensure that these same sparser shops aren't dependent on taking money. They actually can make money.

00:47:50.870 --> 00:47:52.540 Malan, Naude Yeah. Thank you, Anna Lee.

00:47:51.440 --> 00:48:04.870 Sunny and you and your audience is a case of your adults, but also especially our schoolchildren 'cause. I would like to refer to South Africa's wealthiest businessmen, but police would say P.

00:48:05.770 --> 00:48:14.190 He honed his skills in his parents parser shop in Harlem, Ckua, so the the faster we can get our children.

00:48:14.840 --> 00:48:27.600 To be intrapreneurial, I mean, even if they might help making this stuff and sell it themselves and earn a little money, the faster we gonna get a nation that is actually very interpret Niro.

00:48:28.370 --> 00:48:29.520 Awesome. Thank you.

00:48:28.700 --> 00:48:29.240 Caroline McCann I didn't.

00:48:29.670 --> 00:49:00.000 Caroline McCann Absolutely I am. I'll share this with you quickly. It's not not slow plate, but it's part of the work that I've been doing. I wanted the communities are working is a place called on Sep Cons, which is in Northern Cape and we've recently taken a whole lot of young boys all under the age of 14 or soccer players. Unfortunately, there are all boys. I'm not trying to be sexist, they just are and and we have taught them hard to do a 2 by 1 meter trained to grow their own vegetables. The one little kid he is.

00:49:00.050 --> 00:49:10.520 Caroline McCann Amazing. Here's life. So wax. As I said, tip. So what do you you know why you're interested in this? It's Nana 'cause. What I want to do is I want to kill enough money so I can buy a PS4.

00:49:11.190 --> 00:49:23.020 Caroline McCann I said OK, but uhm, PS fours expensive 'cause of the electricity is as well. Don't worry, I've got that one, sorted the vegetables after I bought my PS4. Those same vegetables are paying for my electricity. I'm OK.

00:49:23.690 --> 00:49:25.110 Brilliant. Brilliant.

00:49:24.010 --> 00:49:42.410 Caroline McCann And if we can have exactly right and and I know that there is international who hard labor, labor and young kids and, you know, childhood labor. But this is something very different. We're living in a world where actually true talent comes in all shapes, sizes and ages. And we've got to be stimulating that.

00:49:43.240 --> 00:49:43.780 Stunning.

00:49:44.850 --> 00:50:00.670 Malan, Naude Thank you, Anna Lee. I mean, if I may just touch on the the issue of financial literacy and that if you look at the Northern Cape costs and we only have one module on finance and it is actually really, it's not really about financial record keeping.

00:50:01.550 --> 00:50:32.430 Malan, Naude And I I the reason I had to. I had to make decisions on how I designed the course and it was for me more important to focus on the the the key things that would make an enterprise ecologically, socially and economically sustainable. And the finances, one part of that. So I am unfortunately not able to do detailed financial education and training through this. I think slow food might have something else but muscle key.

00:50:32.610 --> 00:50:38.660 Malan, Naude Can't do that. It's just just because it would be it would take a whole course almost on its own.

00:50:39.720 --> 00:50:47.360 Malan, Naude But having said that, you know the finances come after the the material cycles in the business are intact.

00:50:48.320 --> 00:50:52.490 Malan, Naude And their finances mirror the actual flow of material resources.

00:50:53.500 --> 00:51:10.960 Malan, Naude So I'm I'm I'm not discounting the importance of finance, but it's going to be more important to have the the real systems running properly and the finance, I mean people also need to something that you also need to look after yourself. Yeah. Yeah. So are we. We are very aware of that. Yeah.

00:50:57.790 --> 00:50:58.280 Can I?

00:51:08.470 --> 00:51:09.910 Yeah, but.

00:51:10.550 --> 00:51:24.890 Yeah, the great a great resource would be the Banking Council, the association of the Banking Council. They're great resource. So yeah, I can put you in contact with them. These courses, they look after that.

00:51:26.490 --> 00:51:35.200 Malan, Naude Yeah, no, those those are valuable that they're offering a bit high for you know start up businesses, but we can look at those things, yeah.

00:51:27.320 --> 00:51:28.150 Caroline McCann Thanks underneath.

00:51:36.970 --> 00:52:07.040 Caroline McCann Uh undelete. That's amazing. One of the things that we've been doing, so part of harvesting heritage is is doing work outside of just slow food. And one of the organisations associate IK. So what what we've been very encouraged by is there business builders program we what they've been able to do is to take all the highfaluting words and concepts and distill it into six important phrases coupled with teaching. People literally take a pen, right?

00:52:07.100 --> 00:52:38.550 Caroline McCann The date? What did you sell? What was your price? How much did you get up and then translating that into its and the six basic phrases are sales, income turnover, cost of sales, gross profit, overhead expenses and net profit with those six words and understanding what they are actually business is done those described birdsnest. So yeah, so we you know my little 14 year old was amazing and he's got appears full going on electricity and we're hoping that we could do the same.

00:52:28.320 --> 00:52:28.840 Brilliant.

00:52:38.600 --> 00:52:50.390 Caroline McCann In Alex, using this sort of a food food garden session six, we specifically addressing this and I would love it if you could come and have a look and please and more people can get involved in assist the better.

00:52:51.950 --> 00:53:03.260 Malan, Naude Oh, thank you, Caroline. You know, those six words are important. I'm going to note them. Yeah. Sorry. I nearly. I interrupted you there. And we have another chat on this as well from Michele.

00:53:04.720 --> 00:53:08.270 Yeah. No, that's that's brilliant. I I love what I'm hearing.

00:53:09.580 --> 00:53:09.990 Malan, Naude OK.

00:53:10.680 --> 00:53:30.080 Malan, Naude Yeah. I'm so, ladies and gentlemen, for those who are gonna run the course and you know, the course is only that much, but go beyond it. And I see there's a Michele saw on on the chat as accurate as my email coming in and has actually give us another link that could also help in this regard. Thank you so much.

00:53:31.630 --> 00:53:32.130 Caroline McCann Thank you.

00:53:32.550 --> 00:53:35.300 Malan, Naude Is there any other questions, ladies and gentlemen?

00:53:37.750 --> 00:53:39.620 Malan, Naude I don't see any hands.

00:53:40.940 --> 00:53:45.680 Malan, Naude Alright, thank you very much everybody. I think that is awesome.

00:53:46.440 --> 00:53:49.700 Malan, Naude If there's no more hands, are very happy to call it a day.

00:53:49.430 --> 00:53:56.680 And I have a last question, the the recipes, the recipes that you were talking or is that available somewhere?

00:53:51.100 --> 00:53:51.830 Malan, Naude Of course you can.

00:53:58.060 --> 00:54:12.000 Caroline McCann As we are are putting them out to our food handlers and teaching them about it, we're going to be putting it out on to all our social media streams and onto the website for harvesting heritage and slow players, slow food. So they're going to be available to everyone.

00:54:13.250 --> 00:54:14.420 Awesome. Thank you.

00:54:15.080 --> 00:54:15.870 Malan, Naude Thank you guys.

00:54:15.930 --> 00:54:16.220 Caroline McCann Thanks.

00:54:17.540 --> 00:54:28.120 Malan, Naude Alright, so, ladies, women. Thank you. I'll be writing up a report. I I tried to, you know, show up all the loose ends. There will be many. This is messy.

00:54:28.970 --> 00:54:59.160 Malan, Naude Uh, I'm short of time and I've got 120 students. I've got research work, but we are committed and we would like to see some good things come out of this and I thank Caroline MC am slow plate, slow food, everyone else involved and all our 17 guests, which is a great start to the year. Thank you all for coming. I will notify you all on the next session, which will be in two weeks time on a Wednesday and I'm doing this on a Wednesday.

00:54:59.420 --> 00:55:09.600 Malan, Naude 'cause this is right after my teaching and that is in preparation for getting my students on the farmers lab. So thank you. Go ahead.

00:55:09.060 --> 00:55:14.130 Caroline McCann They are just invite everyone Saturday the 5th of March.

00:55:14.900 --> 00:55:34.920 Caroline McCann From 9:00 o'clock we have our first slow food community forum meeting in Alex. I would love it to see everyone and your 10 based frames coming and being part of that. So it's the 5th of March in Alex from 9:00 o'clock. In the details are going to be posted on our social media streams.

00:55:35.760 --> 00:55:44.880 Malan, Naude Thank you. And I, Caroline, maybe tell us about the masipumelele thing. I mean, there might be people from Cape Town, the same things are happening in Masipumelele.

00:55:45.760 --> 00:56:17.540 Caroline McCann They are indeed and we very we very excited our first community meeting, slow Food Community Forum meeting is happening on the 26th of February. It's also Saturday from 9:00 o'clock and again those details are going to be up. So next Saturday masipumelele the following Saturday in Alex and the more the merrier and all the dates are going to be published online. So you if you find yourself in Cape Town for example, having a nice little holiday, maybe you want to pop in on a Saturday and see one of our slow food community meetings and action and be part of it.

00:55:46.050 --> 00:55:46.470 Malan, Naude Wednesday.

00:56:18.530 --> 00:56:23.590 Malan, Naude OK, so if you stay online, would that be Facebook or where where would that be Facebook?

00:56:22.990 --> 00:56:27.380 Caroline McCann So it's how Facebook, Facebook page harvesting heritage as well as slow food.

00:56:28.360 --> 00:56:28.900 Malan, Naude OK.

00:56:29.650 --> 00:56:30.220 Malan, Naude OK.

00:56:31.430 --> 00:56:37.760 Malan, Naude OK, thank you and I'll I'll see if I can repeat all that information on here isn't double zokudla things.

00:56:38.440 --> 00:56:41.270 Malan, Naude Alright. I mean, there's no other pressing issues.

00:56:38.920 --> 00:56:39.340 Caroline McCann Appreciate.

00:56:42.270 --> 00:56:53.730 Malan, Naude Going, going, gone. Thank you very much everybody. And I will see you in two weeks time, right? Yeah. Thank you so much. Have a great day. Thank you, Caroline. Bye bye.

00:56:53.480 --> 00:56:54.020 Caroline McCann Thank you.

00:56:53.500 --> 00:56:54.560 Themba Chauke (Guest) Thank you. Bye.

00:56:57.070 --> 00:56:57.950 Malan, Naude Thanks Deborah.

00:57:02.640 --> 00:57:03.580 Cynthia Toekie Sekgobela Thank you. Bye.

00:57:06.700 --> 00:57:07.580 sibongile zondwane Thank you.

00:57:08.550 --> 00:57:09.130 sibongile zondwane OK.

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