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Report: Distribution and Logistics

The iZindaba Zokudla virtual Farmers’ Lab 18 May 2022

This Virtual Lab discussed what Urban Farmers can do to distribute their produce. This will involve logistics, which is how you organize the complex activity of distributing you produce.

We started by discussing Urban Agriculture and how we should think of distribution and logistics in this context. Urban Agriculture, particularly as practiced in townships, really lies outside our frames of reference. Hence, we took this opportunity to develop a novel and innovative approach to distributing from lots of small producers that are unconnected to each other. Obviously, there are savings to be had when people collaborate, but the systems we describe can also be used by a single producer, and may be most appropriate at this scale of activity.

However, in all cases we are talking about connecting multiple actors, and we need to find a way to connect and collaborate, although we all are in competition in some way or another.

We also made the point that a “sustainable” logistics system would have to build on the value and savings that an organic or regenerative farming system will create. Because we use the ecosystem, which is inherently productive, we are saying a sustainable logistics system will build on the bottom value and savings that a regenerative system will provide. A regenerative farmer can supply food at lower than market costs, as the market in general is not sustainable or regenerative, is large and loses value, and an urban farmer is close to its customers, and this makes value as well. These savings can then stimulate another entrepreneur to deliver a processed product also at lower than “market” cost. A sustainable logistics system conserves the regenerative benefit as it travels up the supply chain. If the distribution (and general logistics) uses renewable energy, is lean, and builds on synergies, it crates additional value. Sustainability is always a system…

The logistics system has to be focused on the customer of Urban Agriculture. Because their behavior needs to feed into the enterprise, it has to be based-on relationships and synergies. These relationships can be built by using engagement methods and an Urban Farmer should consider hosting an event on the farm to build these relationships that would become the logistics system that will distribute the produce. They can use engagement methods like Open space and World Café and please take a look:; Here customers are important, but additional relationships with hawkers, informal traders, formal traders and others like Ward counselors are important, and engagement methods can create these relationships.

Social media can be used to manage and maintain this system, and the functionality of a business account needs to be exploited, as this gives insight into customers and their behaviour. This should also include an electronic payment system, as this can create a database of customers that can be coordinated with other social media services and this is how a customer database can be created and maintained.

The engagement methods can also “sub-contract” logistics, say with hawkers, and this will also force urban farmers to professionalise their offering: this can help with process, volumes, quality and consistency. Because someone else may be selling on behalf of the urban farmer, it may be important this point to develop a brand so people can know where the food comes from. Here regenerative systems can develop this product as a sustainable product that is good for the community. This is the selling point that urban farmers need to develop further. At this point, a farmer could sign up to a standard like the Participatory Guarantee Scheme for organic produce and this could build a reputable brand. This brand can be built by also using professional electronic payment systems, by the technology on the farm – particularly to process food waste to compost – and the impact the urban farmer will make on the lives of her customers. Urban agriculture is good for communities, and this is the selling point!

This prepared us for the discussion on how these systems can be implemented.

The first thing an urban farmer wants to do is to reduce food miles – the time and distance food travels to the customer. By eliminating these, the urban farmer becomes competitive. This is important, as urban agriculture can only produce low volumes of food, but at highest quality, and this is what needs to be promoted in marketing – freshness. Logistics need to enhance this by eliminating food miles and to make “same day” deliveries.

However, collaboration in this context would need to coordinate amongst many farmers, particularly if a larger order is filled. Urban farmers need to identify their markets, and it may pay to focus on immediate markets as this is where the logistics can make a difference. This could tie up nicely with the discussion earlier in the blog, and please see the “Manifesto” blog that starts with the ability of urban farmers to offer food at lower than supermarket prices. This needs to dictate the ways the logistics will operate and where the food will be distributed to amongst customers. Find the local market!

The use of social media can help a lot, as farms can be plotted on Google maps and farmers can coordinate from here. This will also place the farm on a larger map and this could reach customers.

The distribution system will also bring in wastes which can now be identified and re-processed into valuable products, like animal feed or compost or worm casings. Once a farmer is on the map and able to trade, they can use current apps – like the Khula app – to reach additional markets. An electronic payment system will also professionalise the sale and leave an electronic trace from the customer on the app (if it has this functionality) which enable a customer to be reached again for new sales.

We ended the session with a few suggestions from the internet on how to build these systems and please take a look:

Please see the presentations that we used in the session.

Please see the unedited and uncorrected electronic transcript of the session for further information. The recording is available on our Facebook page.

00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:00.870 Malan, Naude That's great.

00:00:02.770 --> 00:00:07.930 Malan, Naude Yeah. So we're quite happy that that you guys are here and we're happy to present this.

00:00:08.810 --> 00:00:09.390 Malan, Naude Umm.

00:00:10.180 --> 00:00:17.790 Malan, Naude And just give this thought. We're also before we start, I just wanna advertise what we'll be doing next time, which will be in quite a while.

00:00:18.410 --> 00:00:20.950 Malan, Naude Which will be on the 27th of July only.

00:00:21.600 --> 00:00:26.170 Malan, Naude And that session will be on technology and design for urban agriculture.

00:00:27.010 --> 00:00:34.930 Malan, Naude So we look forward to that one, but it's also university recess. And yeah, we've got quite a bit of stuff to catch up on.

00:00:36.120 --> 00:01:04.170 Malan, Naude So anyway, so thank you for coming. And what I'm gonna do now is just share my screen so I can just share short little presentation on the distribution and logistics. So after that juanitav's gonna jump on and she's gonna kind of make all of this a little bit concrete. So I want to just give the background so people can have a little bit of a better understanding of why we're saying the things that we're saying.

00:01:05.210 --> 00:01:07.250 Malan, Naude And how do we conceptualize these things?

00:01:07.870 --> 00:01:12.800 Malan, Naude And I think that'll also enable people to speculate and find their own way.

00:01:13.500 --> 00:01:18.080 Malan, Naude Uh, you know of of thinking about this and and be innovative and creative.

00:01:19.140 --> 00:01:22.930 Malan, Naude So OK, let's go with the screen sharing.

00:01:26.110 --> 00:01:28.640 Malan, Naude And there we are. So thank you for coming.

00:01:30.350 --> 00:01:33.490 Malan, Naude So I just want to obviously contextualize this.

00:01:35.150 --> 00:01:43.880 Malan, Naude Well around 11 agriculture and also trying to understand what do we mean by sustainability in this in this context.

00:01:44.650 --> 00:01:50.470 Malan, Naude Because distribution and logistics, I suppose, even if you are.

00:01:52.710 --> 00:02:02.870 Malan, Naude You know, even if you are in a setting organic produce, you still got hard things like a machines and trucks and stuff like that to run around with.

00:02:03.690 --> 00:02:13.740 Malan, Naude And for urban agriculture, this is important because these are costs for all agriculture. So how do you how do you base urban agriculture sustainably?

00:02:14.850 --> 00:02:45.210 Malan, Naude But also you know this has to be done in the context of lots of small producers, and they are, even if they're close to each other, they are reasons to think they would always be decentralized and unconnected. So these atomic individual producers have to achieve sustainability in some way because this could create, you know, the the synergies and these producers, you know, maybe these are also service providers like say a Hawker or a.

00:02:45.300 --> 00:02:47.990 Malan, Naude A retailer which is a service of selling food.

00:02:48.930 --> 00:02:53.120 Malan, Naude So larger pattern has to be established to connect all these people.

00:02:54.280 --> 00:03:21.060 Malan, Naude But someone has to do it and it actually has to be the producer or the entrepreneur who would benefit from this, and they have to do this. But maybe the other point is the way to connect it to sustainability is to look at the base of this. So right at the bottom, you have to have a regenerative base. So I want to use the word regenerative cause it's probably exactly the same as organic because organic would be regenerative.

00:03:21.740 --> 00:03:25.770 Malan, Naude But I think the regeneration could also come with something like renewable energy.

00:03:26.460 --> 00:03:32.530 Malan, Naude So it is actually the the the the net savings of your regenerate regenerative system.

00:03:33.670 --> 00:03:42.180 Malan, Naude Versus other systems which are not regenerated that could be passed up in the value chain of urban agriculture.

00:03:42.950 --> 00:03:48.820 Malan, Naude And that is necessary to make it viable, and this is what we need to understand under sustainability.

00:03:51.340 --> 00:04:01.620 Malan, Naude So the next thing to understand, especially if you're gonna be distributing and and thinking about your logistics and getting the stuff around, is the the, the client of urban agriculture.

00:04:02.640 --> 00:04:15.300 Malan, Naude And the client sets, uh, you know, is at the end of a value chain. But but like I said, you have to kind of pitch this whole value chain. So the apex is the client, you know? So urban agriculture has to.

00:04:16.830 --> 00:04:23.740 Malan, Naude Command the whole value chain for it to be viable and and and pitch it to the the you know or you know the client.

00:04:24.450 --> 00:04:25.910 Malan, Naude So that in.

00:04:26.590 --> 00:04:40.300 Malan, Naude So the enterprise development should actually take place around the immediate neighborhood clientele, and it's about the relationships around the immediate neighborhood that's gonna make or break such a locally embedded enterprise.

00:04:41.230 --> 00:04:49.790 Malan, Naude So that the the overall operations has to be circular and and and this is the really the character of all your logistics.

00:04:50.500 --> 00:05:20.790 Malan, Naude You know, from harvesting waste from your neighbours to generate soil fertility to in the same act of engagement sell, you know, the food at A at a good price to them and and and to have that circularity in your logistics. So this is how you would maximize the value from your local inputs and and this is the way you should see your position in society as the enterprise you know this is your license that your people give you.

00:05:20.920 --> 00:05:31.100 Malan, Naude You trained, you know, and it's not just the money they give you, it's also the custom. It's the custom, the patronage that they give you. So these relationships protect your position.

00:05:32.920 --> 00:05:34.590 Malan, Naude So how would you do this, you know?

00:05:35.710 --> 00:05:41.180 Malan, Naude So how we gonna try and think about two ways? But suppose engagement is broad.

00:05:41.850 --> 00:06:01.240 Malan, Naude But you could also professionalize how you would engage with people. So I just wanna check if I'm not on the wrong. Yeah, you know, how would you build this system and and and and how would you, how would you as an enterprise in your community want to launch this, this logistics system that trades in two ways?

00:06:01.980 --> 00:06:33.250 Malan, Naude So you you kinda have to do it with an engagement event and and and I would encourage entrepreneurs to look at World Cafe Open space. But once you understand those to see there's a whole lot of engagement methodologies out there that you can use to have a really interesting event. You know this is your community education day where you actually build your logistics system and you kind of engage with the people and you let them understand.

00:06:33.490 --> 00:06:44.290 Malan, Naude Why do you want to harvest the food waste from them and the recycling? And why do you wanna do that as a urban farmer? So I think about these things because they can make a a group of people think like 1.

00:06:45.110 --> 00:07:14.560 Malan, Naude And they're easy to do, and you can't really make a mistake because it's real human relations stuff, you know, so you can do this is how you would build your distribution system. The next thing you can do is to use social media as a system, you know, SMS to groups, WhatsApp to groups and get a business account. So you can look at the analytics of your business account and you can actually understand, you know, who, who are they, where are they all kinds of other things.

00:07:15.610 --> 00:07:34.460 Malan, Naude You have to use social media and and I mean there you have to think of yourself as a content creator and you know it doesn't have to be super, super fancy, you know, depends on what you sell and and and as an urban farmer, you know it could be like a daily update of freshness and stuff like that. But that is also part of the product that you sell.

00:07:35.810 --> 00:07:52.920 Malan, Naude But also look at these you know, look at your data costs, your costs, just as an exercise because you wanna actually understand how this works and how this gives life to your enterprise and and and and how does it contribute to the drivers of of bringing people to you and selling.

00:07:54.350 --> 00:07:59.500 Malan, Naude And then you also want to think of an electronic payment system. You know, it's a it's a lot safer.

00:08:01.070 --> 00:08:16.360 Malan, Naude And you and you might be able to, you probably would be able to do to transfer information, while might be limited. But you know you could. You could look at the payments and you can start understanding, you know, quite a lot about your payments and you can start building a database.

00:08:17.510 --> 00:08:20.470 Malan, Naude And you have to do that and and yeah, maybe.

00:08:21.670 --> 00:08:28.020 Malan, Naude The database you could create on on on a on a spreadsheet, on your phone or something, so you own it and you keep it.

00:08:29.130 --> 00:08:31.250 Malan, Naude And that that could also be important.

00:08:32.760 --> 00:08:40.970 Malan, Naude The other things that you need to think about once you've engaged with people and it could be your customers, it could be say your, your, your hawkers. If you say work with them.

00:08:41.610 --> 00:08:52.420 Malan, Naude You know you could create a product of engagement, so you could subcontract, you'll distribution and logistics and hawkers could be a potential partner for urban farmers.

00:08:53.770 --> 00:09:22.440 Malan, Naude And this could be quite important, although you know they they are real markets because they need quality price and and and consistent volumes and all of this must be acceptable to them. But it's a real good way to build a partnership around your business and it'll move your farm to professional level because remember they're gonna sell your stuff. So you can brand your product. So if if you are quality, the Hawker will want you cause your quality and they will want your brand because then the brand makes them quality.

00:09:23.000 --> 00:09:53.830 Malan, Naude You know. Yeah. So there you know that the idea of them as an ambassador you, you know, you also need to play your part. You know, so the the the partnership can work if you if you can do it and this could give you a competitive product that could sell because you know it does sell yeah and yeah it it tells you develop a local brand so you want that as you're gonna lose value and and and and it's not the money value we're talking about it's the it's the people's minds value.

00:09:53.920 --> 00:09:54.990 Malan, Naude That that you're gonna lose.

00:09:56.320 --> 00:10:02.730 Malan, Naude What's her professional as your business? Your products must be consistent in quality, appearance, volumes, all of this.

00:10:03.580 --> 00:10:18.110 Malan, Naude By a scale, it's important because you need to know how much you sell and people need to know how much they receive. It's not about giving less to people, it's about being transparent and and and giving people a good product at must clean.

00:10:19.290 --> 00:10:48.120 Malan, Naude And we clean as you produce, you know and and farm well and, you know, and and and and cook well and and investigate something like the participatory guarantee scheme for organic produce which is tailor made for small farmers you know don't short change yourself in in the way you professionalize don't oversell especially with what that's why I say get a scale you know and things like that and think about regular good deal and ensures that people will come back.

00:10:48.650 --> 00:11:03.420 Malan, Naude And of course, now you know your name and identity is important and also get it at your farm there where you where people come to. If you're gonna sell from the farm, people must know who you are and and and this must be a consistent message.

00:11:04.450 --> 00:11:18.620 Malan, Naude Or so if you get this payment in retail system and you just think about that because you need a system to do that for you because you as a farmer, if you're gonna be farming, you need to be planting seedlings, making compost, preparing beds all the time.

00:11:19.630 --> 00:11:27.030 Malan, Naude You know and and retail my interfere with with the so have a sign. So you say to people sales from 4 to 6.

00:11:27.770 --> 00:11:57.270 Malan, Naude And get the electronic payment system itself easy to use. I mean, if you have a smartphone, you don't even need a a one of these machines. Apps that can can do it for you. I'm I'm sure that others are gonna also do it. Need near field technology on your phone and then it can do that. So all these kinds of things can help with record keeping, credit control or credit. Yeah. You can even give credit. You gotta think about it and also think about a database and then.

00:11:58.040 --> 00:11:58.940 Malan, Naude Become professional.

00:12:00.450 --> 00:12:19.280 Malan, Naude So this will help you to develop your products, your brand and your site. So all your stuff must be weighed, weighed and packaged. You need to have a loyalty program. Need a waste harvesting system which you get from people, which is food waste and recyclable. And we need to invest in technology to turn the waste into a byproduct.

00:12:20.620 --> 00:12:22.390 Malan, Naude Sorry, there's people in the lobby.

00:12:23.130 --> 00:12:46.960 Malan, Naude Yeah, uh, where am I? Yeah. So you need, you know, you need to, do you get, you know, you mustn't think of waste as waste. You need to turn it around. And your brand think of it, you know, what is it that you sell, is it? It's not just never just food. It's food in at a convenient time or food that's fresh or food that's local. You know that's it's always a you know we we never live off bread alone.

00:12:47.990 --> 00:13:07.260 Malan, Naude Think of your processes, which could be part of your brand and people can understand the cleanliness. Show them the worm farm that eats the food waste so they can see it's clean and then see how it goes through the compost and when it eventually goes through the soil, you know how clean is the compost. You know that creates the food. You know that is what people need to see.

00:13:08.020 --> 00:13:16.300 Malan, Naude Yeah. And in a make this into a meaningful message and this is what you want so people can know what they're coming back for.

00:13:17.430 --> 00:13:19.490 Malan, Naude So I hope that was interesting enough.

00:13:21.200 --> 00:13:40.690 Malan, Naude Let me just stop sharing. Thank you so much. So thank you all who have since we've started joining us. So what I wanna do is just hand over the the show to Juanita so she can show us a few things about this. And you know how to make this real. So, Juanita, that's up to you. And thank you for that.

00:13:41.980 --> 00:13:46.530 Van der Walt, Juanita Thank you very much, Doctor Malan. Let me just share my slides with you.

00:13:47.510 --> 00:13:49.640 Malan, Naude As you can see I am in load shedding.

00:13:51.620 --> 00:13:52.020 Malan, Naude Ish.

00:13:54.010 --> 00:13:55.040 Van der Walt, Juanita Right.

00:13:56.260 --> 00:14:01.840 Van der Walt, Juanita So I'm gonna talk today about the urban farming and specifically looking at logistics.

00:14:03.200 --> 00:14:26.690 Van der Walt, Juanita You want to save food miles, so if you look at the time and distance at food normally travels from your big commercial farms to your plate, they normally harvest it when it's not 100% ready to harvest and you want to have your food fully ripe when you sell it to your consumer because it keeps it.

00:14:28.010 --> 00:14:33.200 Van der Walt, Juanita More tasteful, higher quality, so this is an example that I got from.

00:14:33.940 --> 00:15:06.490 Van der Walt, Juanita America, at the average miles at their food, travel from farm to table. Now the advantage of urban farming is is you're closer to your consumer and with the right planning you can reach your consumer faster with a better product. So urban agriculture produces small crops and you can spread your produce throughout the city and the surrounding areas. And when I say throughout the city, you're consumers can consist.

00:15:06.580 --> 00:15:13.520 Van der Walt, Juanita Of anything from a spaza shop restaurant at Tavern to a small.

00:15:13.780 --> 00:15:18.010 Van der Walt, Juanita Uhm, producer of sources etcetera.

00:15:20.000 --> 00:15:31.640 Van der Walt, Juanita Unfortunate too much time is spent on the logistics and how to get it to the market. Instead of spending your time on your core business, which is the growing of your produce.

00:15:32.400 --> 00:15:48.380 Van der Walt, Juanita So when you look at the way that transportation takes place in urban farmers, and this is based on research that's been done is that they lose quite a lot of produce during this stage.

00:15:49.440 --> 00:15:50.110 Van der Walt, Juanita UM.

00:15:50.820 --> 00:16:12.060 Van der Walt, Juanita Forms are normally not close in proximity with each other, and if you can find a way to collaborate between farmers and you can start a transportation system there where you can actually share the costing where you can share the responsibilities, maybe even share a way of.

00:16:12.850 --> 00:16:19.000 Van der Walt, Juanita Packaging your goods, then you can find a way to to save money.

00:16:19.640 --> 00:16:33.090 Van der Walt, Juanita And concentrate your time and effort on your produce. So the advantage of a a coordinated system is that it can improve your logistical operations.

00:16:35.260 --> 00:16:37.910 Van der Walt, Juanita The system that you.

00:16:39.190 --> 00:16:40.320 Van der Walt, Juanita Can implement.

00:16:40.960 --> 00:16:50.430 Van der Walt, Juanita If you look at where the forms are situated and the roots that you can travel between the different forms to do a pickup for example.

00:16:51.170 --> 00:16:53.850 Van der Walt, Juanita Uh, you can save money through.

00:16:54.940 --> 00:16:57.990 Van der Walt, Juanita Actually networking and talking to one another.

00:16:59.960 --> 00:17:07.910 Van der Walt, Juanita If you look at uh, coordination across forms when providing diverse goods, that will also.

00:17:08.620 --> 00:17:14.030 Van der Walt, Juanita Assist you in preventing in oversupply of the same product in the market at the same time.

00:17:14.810 --> 00:17:22.900 Van der Walt, Juanita And this can actually boost the income of the farmer if people have a product that they may be specialize in.

00:17:23.950 --> 00:17:26.410 Van der Walt, Juanita Umm you can combine.

00:17:27.140 --> 00:17:32.890 Van der Walt, Juanita A price model. When you look at your transportation and.

00:17:34.600 --> 00:17:42.770 Van der Walt, Juanita If you coordinate this through the different farmers that you are in collaboration with, you can save money.

00:17:44.490 --> 00:18:09.860 Van der Walt, Juanita Right, so this is normally what people will think when they think logistics is you go to the farm, you take the produce, you transport it, and it gets to your consumer. A lot of time, people don't take into consideration the costing that goes in behind this and these different alternatives that you can use. So for example, if you look at the following.

00:18:11.360 --> 00:18:24.730 Van der Walt, Juanita Growth. Normally you will have your form, you can have your packaging, you have your brand that you put on your packaging and the transportation to your vendor or to your consumer.

00:18:25.980 --> 00:18:56.150 Van der Walt, Juanita However, making use of alternative packaging can save you a lot of money. The branding can be the way that you do your packaging, so instead of spending a lot of money on buying, packaging, getting the stickers that go on to the packaging, getting the plastic, the polystyrene holders, you can rather create your own from waste material. So if you look at the top.

00:18:56.240 --> 00:19:01.580 Van der Walt, Juanita Box that I have it is paper mache that they use.

00:19:02.900 --> 00:19:07.810 Van der Walt, Juanita From West Paper and they created a way to.

00:19:08.710 --> 00:19:18.100 Van der Walt, Juanita Package produce the bottom part. You will see they make use of leaves to do their packaging.

00:19:19.580 --> 00:19:28.070 Van der Walt, Juanita With transportation, if you look at your small and upcoming businesses around you in your area, you might have somebody that.

00:19:28.820 --> 00:19:38.550 Van der Walt, Juanita Has got a A1 channel or two tunnel bucket and they are prepared to go into business with you and if you have a collaboration of farmers, maybe.

00:19:39.700 --> 00:19:45.990 Van der Walt, Juanita With negotiation, you can establish a routing and it can save you time, money and effort.

00:19:47.390 --> 00:19:56.990 Van der Walt, Juanita Including your smaller businesses, that is not specifically agricultural based can can assist you in.

00:19:57.840 --> 00:19:58.710 Van der Walt, Juanita Reducing.

00:19:59.580 --> 00:20:00.160 Van der Walt, Juanita Cost.

00:20:01.250 --> 00:20:01.760 Van der Walt, Juanita So.

00:20:02.820 --> 00:20:07.810 Van der Walt, Juanita If you look at the example here where I have the yellow arrows.

00:20:08.460 --> 00:20:13.460 Van der Walt, Juanita You have your different forms buying into a a small business.

00:20:14.160 --> 00:20:14.690 Van der Walt, Juanita The.

00:20:16.220 --> 00:20:32.930 Van der Walt, Juanita Transportation company can actually move your goods to a farmers market, which might get easier except accessible to your consumer. And then you have a bigger crowd of consumers. So as an example.

00:20:34.900 --> 00:20:42.100 Van der Walt, Juanita If you look at the urban forms that is situated in the area, if you just go on to Google and you search urban farmers.

00:20:42.750 --> 00:21:12.920 Van der Walt, Juanita You will see that there's quite a few if you look at the red dots. So all of these farmers form some kind of alliance or collaboration and they move their goods to the farmers markets. That is around Johannesburg. You can see that they have a wider variety of market than they would normally have if they just sell in the surrounding areas. So how do you transport the goods?

00:21:13.090 --> 00:21:17.740 Van der Walt, Juanita And transportation is one of your most expensive logistical elements.

00:21:19.170 --> 00:21:21.980 Van der Walt, Juanita There's a variety of ways to do it.

00:21:23.770 --> 00:21:41.640 Van der Walt, Juanita So you can either every Saturday, for example, hire AA, Bucky and you can rent the Bucky with or without a driver. You can look at small transportation companies. You can look at tuck Tuck. They actually do deliveries.

00:21:42.490 --> 00:21:54.140 Van der Walt, Juanita And there's a business that actually makes a tuk tuks available for people that is interested in buying to do deliveries. Or you can make use of Uber connect.

00:21:57.460 --> 00:22:13.830 Van der Walt, Juanita It got to the next slide when we talk about sustainability and being having a circular enterprise is you need to consider what to do with the waste and why is waste important.

00:22:14.700 --> 00:22:18.570 Van der Walt, Juanita So just for example, if you have waste.

00:22:19.470 --> 00:22:30.080 Van der Walt, Juanita On the one side you have winforms and everybody always talks about the winforms, which is very important for composting etcetera, but you can also sell your worms.

00:22:30.710 --> 00:22:32.340 Van der Walt, Juanita And people buy it.

00:22:33.020 --> 00:22:44.410 Van der Walt, Juanita So you can make additional money just from your waste. On the other hand, if you have waste, you can actually make your own chicken feed.

00:22:45.300 --> 00:22:51.590 Van der Walt, Juanita And I did add into the slides which will be made available to you.

00:22:53.040 --> 00:22:57.220 Van der Walt, Juanita A YouTube video where they explain how you can make these pallets.

00:22:59.470 --> 00:23:04.640 Van der Walt, Juanita So that would be another income that you can generate just by.

00:23:05.450 --> 00:23:06.700 Van der Walt, Juanita Using your waist.

00:23:09.920 --> 00:23:15.030 Van der Walt, Juanita Another thing that you can consider is looking at different applications.

00:23:15.750 --> 00:23:16.370 Van der Walt, Juanita So.

00:23:17.140 --> 00:23:23.280 Van der Walt, Juanita South Africa has got polar app. There's quite a few apps, but it's not specifically.

00:23:23.950 --> 00:23:34.180 Van der Walt, Juanita Concentrated on the urban format itself. So in America they have application which is called famish where you can.

00:23:34.980 --> 00:23:42.920 Van der Walt, Juanita Find forms close to you. It tells you what produce they have, what is available opening times.

00:23:44.710 --> 00:23:51.920 Van der Walt, Juanita It just makes it easier for the consumer to get ahold of the products that they're looking for.

00:23:55.360 --> 00:23:56.910 Van der Walt, Juanita For payment purposes.

00:23:57.620 --> 00:24:02.090 Van der Walt, Juanita Umm. If you look at South Africa having cash on hand.

00:24:02.860 --> 00:24:05.080 Van der Walt, Juanita Is a bit of a.

00:24:06.000 --> 00:24:24.690 Van der Walt, Juanita A chance that you take, so getting maybe a payment card machine like the two that I'm showing you here with. Assist you in not keeping cash on hand. Which would mean that people weren't come at the end of the day to to rob your form because they know you've got cash.

00:24:25.560 --> 00:24:34.370 Van der Walt, Juanita In your house. So there's another opportunity for you to use UM or to get payment without making use of cash.

00:24:36.760 --> 00:24:54.260 Van der Walt, Juanita I've added in some links on how to make, for example, the paper pots that I did show you a link on how to use the the the card payment system. I also included the pallets how to make chicken feed and the.

00:24:54.890 --> 00:25:04.510 Van der Walt, Juanita A worm farm South. Establish a worm form which you can actually sell the into other people. There is also a link to an app.

00:25:05.260 --> 00:25:09.010 Van der Walt, Juanita That assist the small scale farmers.

00:25:10.110 --> 00:25:15.170 Van der Walt, Juanita Alright, thank you very much, doctor Malan. I don't know if anybody has got any questions.

00:25:22.690 --> 00:25:32.990 Malan, Naude Oh goodness, I'm talking to myself. Thanks, Juanita. That was very, very interesting and informative. And I hope people are benefited. Is there any any questions?

00:25:34.230 --> 00:25:37.110 So when I have a.

00:25:37.970 --> 00:25:41.100 I have a question and then also just comment.

00:25:42.070 --> 00:25:48.210 So in your presentation, you spoke about the hawkers and that they.

00:25:49.530 --> 00:26:19.130 Important for them is the quality, the price and the volumes. Just a definition around a ****** cause a ****** I understand, is the guy on the street that has that or is that a bigger kind of more substantial kind of guy? And then the comment is just Juanita has touched on the card machines of Yoko, the ones you showed for 299 is a little machine which basically just take the card, but you still need the smartphone.

00:26:19.620 --> 00:26:22.020 Yoko has not also brought out a.

00:26:22.920 --> 00:26:48.930 A point of sale machine which you can buy for once of and you can pick and choose whether you like to print it paper or not, but that's that's quite a good option. I have found also that it's a stand alone point of sale machine with with its own SIM card and unlimited data. So the question is just because of the whole course, just give me a bit more insight into what kind of setup.

00:26:49.090 --> 00:26:49.310 Malan, Naude No.

00:26:50.860 --> 00:26:55.130 Malan, Naude What I had in mind is either the guys who go with Charlie's door to door.

00:26:56.040 --> 00:27:11.610 Malan, Naude By which could be, uh, which is we, which is quite prevalent and then just people who, you know, sit next to the side of the road and and sell. Yeah, informal sector workers in our corners or let's say more organized market areas. Yeah.

00:27:12.990 --> 00:27:21.100 Malan, Naude Because. But they yeah, they mostly buy from the formal markets and and they they could benefit buying some stuff from local guys.

00:27:13.150 --> 00:27:13.810 OK.

00:27:22.310 --> 00:27:25.220 Malan, Naude Yeah, but I have a I have a suspicion that farmers.

00:27:26.390 --> 00:27:37.260 Malan, Naude They're often can sell enough from from the field, but I'm I'm not too sure about that, but that's something, yeah. Yeah. OK. Hope that helps. I think Juanita also wants to answer.

00:27:39.300 --> 00:27:48.530 Van der Walt, Juanita When you look at the the hawkers or the vendors that is sitting in North Street or character St in in Johannesburg itself.

00:27:49.910 --> 00:28:11.280 Van der Walt, Juanita If you look at the quality of their produce as much better than you would actually find on in in your normal retail stores because they collected in the mornings and they sell it immediately during the day, which your retail stores normally don't do and they normally keep quite a bit of produce in, in storage.

00:28:11.990 --> 00:28:39.370 Van der Walt, Juanita To ensure that they always have stock available. So when it comes to their quality it is much better than you would normally find in a retail store, and they also also make use of small tracks that I've seen that they actually go into the Township with the truck with all the different types of products and then people can buy it like that. So Orchid za is a very generalized term you can.

00:28:40.050 --> 00:28:51.200 Van der Walt, Juanita You can look at very very small scale or you can look at guys going around and actually sell it by means of a small truck. To me if if that helps you.

00:28:52.530 --> 00:29:16.760 Yeah, the the main reason why I'm asking is I. I was thinking more about the Hawker was just the guy sitting on the street and I didn't think that. I mean, how dependable client are they? But now that you mention in terms of the bigger kind of guy that yeah. And and these little truck that he features, yeah. OK great. Thanks.

00:29:15.990 --> 00:29:19.040 Van der Walt, Juanita You know, one of the other things that that.

00:29:20.180 --> 00:29:24.550 Van der Walt, Juanita Some of the urban farmers, and not in in Johannesburg, but IN.

00:29:25.630 --> 00:29:56.780 Van der Walt, Juanita Your Cape region, your Western Cape region normally do is you have the small urban farmer that collaborates with other urban farmers close to them, and they actually arrange delivery at the vendor where he's. So he's area where he serves his customers normally are. So they actually provide them with the the products that they need to sell for that day. So whatever the former has available, that is what the the vendor would sell. So it's not necessarily your.

00:29:57.340 --> 00:30:01.710 Van der Walt, Juanita You're more in demand products, but it is products that gets.

00:30:01.850 --> 00:30:02.290 Van der Walt, Juanita Umm.

00:30:03.080 --> 00:30:05.220 Van der Walt, Juanita Both back on by their customers.

00:30:05.920 --> 00:30:17.730 Van der Walt, Juanita And they save a lot of money and effort by doing that, because some of the vendors pay a lot of money just to get to and from the the bigger markets, like your Joburg fruit and veg market.

00:30:19.300 --> 00:30:23.460 Van der Walt, Juanita And by saving them that time and effort and transportation cost.

00:30:24.220 --> 00:30:32.390 Van der Walt, Juanita They actually save money and make more money, and the sun with the urban farmer that can collaborate with with others and then.

00:30:33.170 --> 00:31:02.760 Van der Walt, Juanita Take it to the to the vendor instead of trying to sell it at the market itself. Saves them a lot of time, a lot of money, and it reduces a lot of waste because that is one of the biggest things that research that has been done not only published, but also by my students is that the wastage that happens during the transportation is costing the farmers quite a bit of money or they're losing money.

00:31:03.200 --> 00:31:06.690 Van der Walt, Juanita And it's costing them in making a good profit.

00:31:09.230 --> 00:31:11.090 Awesome. Thank you. That was insightful.

00:31:12.040 --> 00:31:16.320 Malan, Naude And I would say that why stem must be must come back for the compost heap.

00:31:18.780 --> 00:31:19.110 Malan, Naude Hmm.

00:31:19.740 --> 00:31:21.850 Van der Walt, Juanita What I've also sorry.

00:31:19.920 --> 00:31:20.860 Malan, Naude So there's another.

00:31:21.540 --> 00:31:21.940 Malan, Naude Yeah.

00:31:22.810 --> 00:31:23.510 Malan, Naude Y'all, go ahead.

00:31:23.020 --> 00:31:44.490 Van der Walt, Juanita So so one of the other things is what what the the guys with the the trucks do is if they have waste, they normally keep the waste and they would then use it to make something else to make money from like your worm farms like your your chicken feed etcetera.

00:31:42.240 --> 00:31:42.530 Malan, Naude Yeah.

00:31:45.270 --> 00:31:57.060 Malan, Naude Umm we can also give it to pigs. Yeah. Umm, our animals are should always. Yeah, always be top of a a list. Yeah. Thank you. Anyone. Anyone else?

00:32:00.990 --> 00:32:02.890 Malan, Naude Everybody speechless.

00:32:04.580 --> 00:32:19.250 Malan, Naude Well, thank you very much. Thank you very much for listening to us. This is available as all our our sessions on Facebook and you welcome to go watch them and before you all go away.

00:32:19.960 --> 00:32:23.150 Malan, Naude Only on the 27th of July is our next edition.

00:32:24.380 --> 00:32:29.670 Malan, Naude It's after recess and that will be on technology and design for urban agriculture.

00:32:30.440 --> 00:32:38.640 Malan, Naude So please join us for that session and we look forward to seeing all of you and have a good load shedding, yeah.

00:32:35.620 --> 00:32:36.920 Van der Walt, Juanita I'm sorry.

00:32:39.090 --> 00:32:46.940 Van der Walt, Juanita Sorry, Doctor Malan, I also see somebody ask where the slides will be available. It will be available on the the website.

00:32:44.960 --> 00:32:45.230 Malan, Naude You're.

00:32:47.640 --> 00:32:59.090 Malan, Naude You're on the blog. Yeah. Uh and Dorothy? Umm, if if you. If you really hard pressed, then please don't put your email on the chat because this is a public place in a sense.

00:33:00.230 --> 00:33:08.080 Malan, Naude So just send me a message on the Facebook page and I and I'll I'll email it to give me your email address and I'll send it to you on Messenger.

00:33:08.940 --> 00:33:13.400 Malan, Naude All right. Thank you so much everybody. Have a great day. Evening.

00:33:13.800 --> 00:33:15.390 Thank you, joy.

00:33:15.500 --> 00:33:16.330 Van der Walt, Juanita Thank you.

00:33:15.600 --> 00:33:15.870 Malan, Naude Thanks.

00:33:17.110 --> 00:33:18.050 Malan, Naude Thanks everybody.

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