A report on the Farmers’ Lab 3 March 2022
This was a very small and intimate gathering and we accommodated only about 4 participants in this meeting.
In this iZindaba Zokudla Virtual Farmers’ Lab I presented the whole Nxazonke course to the world.
I developed the course as my experience and activities made it clear that many enterprises could be better designed and developed. In this sense, sustainability and circular design gives us answers on how we should structure the different systems in our enterprises.
Circular design also tells us that we have an opportunity to design these systems and enterprises, and this gives us a breathing space wherein we can experiment and deliberately do specific things for specific outcomes.
Often, enterprises are built on the “fly”. This ad-hoc way of building an enterprise is how many start, particularly small enterprises. However, this can become a pattern, and one thing we need to do in the formal discussion and teaching of “entrepreneurship” is to elevate the “design” of an enterprise as something to note. This will crate space for people to (ad-hoc also) change things in enterprises and develop new systems in these enterprises.
I also wanted to elevate and emphasise the deeply sophisticated nature even of a small informal enterprise. The ways a small emerging (enterprise and here it does not mean new, but rather refers to the possibility of a “new form” of enterprise) emerges in society is often determined by what others are doing and local opportunities – like empty space for a stand. We can identify and discuss these things. For instance, if an emerging entrepreneur sets up a tuck shop, we could do things a little differently than what others are doing. A water system may not sound like much, but this could start as a service for people to wash their hands. The soap and water after use could go to a small herb garden that could add a little extra garnish to the food sold. The herbs could also be sold as another product or in an additional product. The ability to develop one system that creates more than one output is what we need to enable such small enterprises to build and hold value, and this is what I am intending with this course.
Nxazonke is built around the idea that we can create value, and this value can then be further transformed into products or services, and these could also be designed so wastes become “by-products” and incentivise another round of production. We simply have to build small enterprises as able to offer value in many ways and entrepreneurs need to recognize this. We should be mindful of the forces that work against small enterprise, and hence we need to consider any opportunity that would strengthen them.
The course will follow a schedule where we discuss one singular system at a time, or reflect on this or integrate systems in the enterprise. You will notice I use very basic concepts, from the water, energy, waste (or by-products) systems to issues of inclusion and linking to stakeholders and the community. In each panel discussion, we will talk about one system, and I am hoping entrepreneurs can use this as a resource in developing their enterprises further.
I also explained how the Nxazonke course will integrate students and the Slow Plate project. I will be able to clarify this in due course, as I still need to obtain all necessary permissions from the UJ authorities to go this route.
Please do take a look at previous posts on this Blog to see how the course follows the key themes in the development of circular and sustainable enterprise.
One key recommendation from the floor was for me to refer to wastes not as “wastes” but as “by-products”. This reminds us that all action really starts with the imagination, which then creates narratives and words (like “by-product” instead of “waste”) which then inspires others to start with technical, legal, institutional, business or other kinds of intervention. In this regard, the use of “by-product” instead of “waste” would enable us to see more opportunities when talking about these things.
Thank you for your interest in this event. Please see the transcription below:
00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:22.190 Malan, Naude Good afternoon, everybody. Thank you so much for joining us. We're a small group today, but that's fine. This session will be recorded and posted on the website and the transcription will also be available to everyone. Thank you for joining us for the Izindaba zokudla Virtual Farmers Lab.
00:00:22.960 --> 00:00:37.980 Malan, Naude And this is a lab on UM on the Nason costs and what I'll be doing today is to place this course in context and show you what it's about and how you can join it. Then what we'll be doing in this course.
00:00:38.980 --> 00:00:46.540 Malan, Naude Before I get to today's delivery, please let me uh enlighten you on what will be doing in two weeks time.
00:00:47.270 --> 00:01:08.610 Malan, Naude In two weeks time, which is on the 16th and the 17th of March at the same place, same time, and I will be posting all of this on on, on the Internet, we will be conducting the first stage of enterprise development for a sustainable and circular enterprise and we will be doing the discovery of opportunities.
00:01:09.620 --> 00:01:40.010 Malan, Naude What will be doing there is to look at the whole landscape where in economic activity attacks place, analyze it and show what are the real opportunities that one could season build enterprises around. So these opportunities could be classical business opportunities of selling a product at the lowest price, which is always an important consideration. But we must understand that the price in which you could sell it and the profit you make depends upon the way.
00:01:40.060 --> 00:01:43.850 Malan, Naude In which you create and conserve value in the background.
00:01:44.570 --> 00:02:14.490 Malan, Naude So this background value creation is what sustainable and circular enterprises are all about. What we want to do with izindaba zokudla nozoki course is to show people that you can build better businesses are building these businesses as circular enterprises that are sustainable in the sense that they can serve value. And their operationalized the externalities or the the bad things that happens outside the business, they bring them back in the business and make them productive.
00:02:15.660 --> 00:02:19.340 Malan, Naude So all of that starts with the discovery of opportunities.
00:02:20.220 --> 00:02:45.790 Malan, Naude And that is what we will be doing next time on the 16th and the 17th of March. And you are welcome to join us today. However, I want to introduce the whole course to everybody so everyone can see what will be doing and what how the how the process will take place and also to see how something like the discovery of an opportunity fits in with the other stages in building a circular and sustainable enterprise.
00:02:47.170 --> 00:02:52.950 Malan, Naude Before I get to there, let me just please make a personal note on izindabazokudla.
00:02:53.920 --> 00:03:01.200 Malan, Naude Today I'm sitting alone here and it's actually better this way because I really need to take the time to introduce this course to the world.
00:03:02.930 --> 00:03:14.930 Malan, Naude And from next week or in two weeks time for next delivery. I'm I'm hoping to integrate my students into this, and also I'm hoping today to receive quite a bit of questions and integrate the community.
00:03:15.980 --> 00:03:20.670 Malan, Naude However, all of this will be recorded so people can come and watch and look at this later.
00:03:22.070 --> 00:03:27.180 Malan, Naude Izindaba Zokudla started when we build technology with farmers in Soweto.
00:03:27.950 --> 00:03:42.820 Malan, Naude Before we built this technology are conducted three workshops in 2013 that actually really set the stage of the tone for the way we could go forward with this isn't double zokudla. I'm izindaba Zokudla was not yet to name at that stage.
00:03:44.010 --> 00:03:50.670 Malan, Naude So we went from technology development embedded in a big broad forum, which is really what izindaba is about.
00:03:51.660 --> 00:03:56.330 Malan, Naude To the Farmers Lab, which we ran for about 2 1/2 years, which was extremely successful.
00:03:57.670 --> 00:04:00.330 Malan, Naude But due to Kovid we could not continue with that.
00:04:01.260 --> 00:04:05.630 Malan, Naude And today we have been as long K course, which is a much more focused delivery.
00:04:06.060 --> 00:04:20.330 Malan, Naude Uh hum of a of a very specific piece of information that we want to transfer and I'm hoping to build systems around this course which I'll talk about today that can strengthen the course and also their enterprises in there.
00:04:22.280 --> 00:04:30.010 Malan, Naude So really the the focus is on circular and sustainable enterprises, not because it's a really cool thing to do, but because this is actually really necessary.
00:04:31.260 --> 00:04:39.950 Malan, Naude The International Plan Panel on Climate Change has actually indicated that we've already almost exceeded the boundaries of the Earth.
00:04:40.580 --> 00:04:54.340 Malan, Naude And if you really know what this means, it means that you know things can really only get worse where the climate there and we don't actually really know how bad it could be because we we have short memories, then we don't know perhaps how good it was in the past.
00:04:55.400 --> 00:05:02.200 Malan, Naude But it's really important to understand that there is actually no complacency and that we need to radically reorient our systems.
00:05:02.880 --> 00:05:14.450 Malan, Naude I'm quite frustrated with with everyone else out there because there's no one really seemed to take it seriously and this week I had a conversation with someone who had no idea what climate change means.
00:05:42.530 --> 00:05:46.520 Malan, Naude There could be other ways to build a circus sustainable enterprise, but.
00:05:47.650 --> 00:05:56.390 Malan, Naude This might be one other ways that is doable, so let's see if we can do this and let's go on this journey and see what's going on here.
00:05:57.630 --> 00:06:06.150 Malan, Naude So the main point here is to enable people to build systems that look at their enterprises as as a conglomerate of systems.
00:06:07.140 --> 00:06:14.140 Malan, Naude So right at the bottom of all of this would be your your water, waste land and food system.
00:06:14.860 --> 00:06:44.690 Malan, Naude So this is the the basic system underlying almost everything. The Nexus where lot of things come together and if I talked to farmers about this, I really have to emphasize that the way in which the biological processes underneath your enterprise work is important because this is the strength of their enterprise. This keeps it all together. So what we'll be doing in as an key is to look at systems design and systems building.
00:06:45.050 --> 00:06:52.420 Malan, Naude And we will be focusing on the, the, the, the exact systems, water waste, land and those kinds of things. There's a few others as well.
00:06:53.150 --> 00:06:59.500 Malan, Naude And and how to build those systems so they don't lose their value. So whoever watertight system in your enterprise.
00:07:01.050 --> 00:07:07.330 Malan, Naude What we will also be doing is to introduce the idea of a community of practice to the world.
00:07:08.280 --> 00:07:09.840 Malan, Naude Now everyone in the world.
00:07:10.940 --> 00:07:18.240 Malan, Naude Best things with other people come together and what happens when you do things together with others? This is very basic.
00:07:20.070 --> 00:07:20.820 Malan, Naude This group.
00:07:21.500 --> 00:07:30.210 Malan, Naude Often just creates a kind of it identity for themselves and in an enterprise that is a real mark of of the of their brand or the identity or the name.
00:07:30.940 --> 00:07:37.640 Malan, Naude So we can look at how people build identity's around themselves and their enterprises.
00:07:38.900 --> 00:07:59.690 Malan, Naude Did we also look at how they're learning takes place and this is what we want to emphasize is how do entrepreneurs learn from each other, and how do they see each other doing things? And can we not formalize this in a certain way or my people attentive of this so that I can sharpen this and learn from each other in better ways?
00:08:01.110 --> 00:08:09.100 Malan, Naude Communities of practice also create the means for its members to continue with a specific practice.
00:08:09.780 --> 00:08:39.450 Malan, Naude So this specific practice would be enterprise development or it could be sustainable enterprise development. It doesn't really matter, but what we want to emphasize that people should be noting how we build these things often similar to others and how we learn from each other and how this creates a practice and a precedent for others. And often people follow this precedent even if it's wrong. So we actually have to really look at this and make sure that it is strong and intact.
00:08:39.700 --> 00:08:44.260 Malan, Naude And for this, the idea of a sustainable enterprise is very, very important.
00:08:45.330 --> 00:08:53.690 Malan, Naude The last thing that we want to do is also reflect on communities of practice, and this is where my students will come in and I'm going to talk about that a little bit later.
00:08:55.780 --> 00:09:01.880 Malan, Naude The other thing that we want to introduce with Nason key is the idea that you can build your enterprise.
00:09:02.650 --> 00:09:05.220 Malan, Naude Uhm, through design thinking.
00:09:06.220 --> 00:09:37.770 Malan, Naude So often people just kind of cobbled together and enterprise there's an opportunity there, have product and there's an opportunity to sell and then kind of afterwards they start doing the books and seeing if they made a profit. That's fine. And that's actually probably the only way you could start with an enterprise. However, what we need to do is if we want to do this in a more formal way is to actually see if we can design the enterprise in the correct way, not necessarily from scratch 'cause, you know, you should already be trading.
00:09:38.060 --> 00:09:42.390 Malan, Naude But can we reflect and modify this enterprise as we go along?
00:09:43.090 --> 00:10:13.440 Malan, Naude So that's actually quite important that we do apply design thinking in a very systematic way so that we can stage for stage, you know design their enterprise. It doesn't have to be the one that's really out there. You can always change the one that's really out there to the OR design thinking. But the design methodology just makes it a little bit easier for us to separate all these very complicated things. You know we're building an airplane as we fly.
00:10:13.680 --> 00:10:31.770 Malan, Naude So if you had used design methodology's you separate these things, you simplify it and you can attend to one thing at a time, and that could perhaps enable you to design and build a much better enterprise with the circles work much better and creates much better value in your enterprise.
00:10:33.480 --> 00:10:48.630 Malan, Naude So the way we will do this, and this is really the only thing that was on key, will be doing. It's to follow this design sequence of challenges or themes in the development of an enterprise.
00:10:49.260 --> 00:10:55.200 Malan, Naude So the first thing that we will do next time in two weeks time is to discover the opportunities.
00:10:57.060 --> 00:11:05.110 Malan, Naude I will be bringing in information from my teaching and there's a lot of information available and this discovery of these opportunities.
00:11:05.640 --> 00:11:13.070 Malan, Naude Uh, we can actually create, you know, the the idea is that you can later on implement.
00:11:13.700 --> 00:11:15.020 Malan, Naude So the next stage.
00:11:45.080 --> 00:11:58.630 Malan, Naude And that's actually quite important to see how they could feed into each other and what kind of outputs or wastes from the one can feed the other element at this stage in your in your design of your enterprise.
00:11:59.740 --> 00:12:30.610 Malan, Naude Then you need to develop these and that's the third stage. So now you have to look at the waste system and say, like, how am I going to process this waste? You know, what technology do I need? What am I gonna make myself? What am I going to buy? How I'm going to handle the outputs and and and and re translator or re operationalized. The outputs for another system in the enterprise. So this can start building. And this is not just wastes. It could also be something like, you know, you buy your product from the one place.
00:12:30.800 --> 00:12:47.910 Malan, Naude And then you break it into smaller pieces. How then do you make sure that the breaking of the pieces still builds your the profitability of the enterprise? What is discarded out of that and how can we use that and those kind of nuts and bolts is really, really important?
00:12:48.570 --> 00:12:57.280 Malan, Naude So by this stage you should be actually creating an enterprise in your mind or on paper. That seems like it could be working.
00:12:58.710 --> 00:13:05.310 Malan, Naude What we're going to do then is to stop the process of developing the enterprise and stop it and reflect on this.
00:13:05.920 --> 00:13:14.370 Malan, Naude Now we need to re look at all the opportunities that are that. Are they really look at the systems that we've built and actually asked the question.
00:13:16.550 --> 00:13:18.630 Malan, Naude Because I'm sorry, I just got a message here.
00:13:19.080 --> 00:13:37.630 Malan, Naude Uhm, and ask the question, do these work? So this is a stage into the design of the enterprise where we stopped the game and we reflect on what really works. And this is actually quite important. You know, what can be done later and what should you do differently and how do these systems talk to each other?
00:13:39.680 --> 00:13:43.830 Malan, Naude So by that stage we we really need to be building the enterprise.
00:13:45.040 --> 00:13:53.860 Malan, Naude And then introduced another steam and that is the inclusion of the Community Trust and stakeholder engagement.
00:13:54.750 --> 00:14:11.360 Malan, Naude So now what we've probably done is is to build and and I dear for an enterprise in my mind that is obviously very much focused on the material transfer and and and processes of goods and how they are sold and how they are manufactured and transformed.
00:14:12.890 --> 00:14:25.810 Malan, Naude And that's really important because you know business is about selling things and there's obviously a material dimension to business, but you always have to sell probably always only two people.
00:14:26.820 --> 00:14:32.930 Malan, Naude And even if you were selling 2 robots, you would still want to include robots into your enterprise development.
00:14:34.140 --> 00:15:02.160 Malan, Naude So when you do that and you want to bring in people and their ideas into your, your, your business, you really doing stakeholder engagement and and what we can do now is we can transfer real knowledge about how do you facilitate a workshop or a facilitated discussion amongst many people so that you gain the right kind of knowledge four, let's say your enterprise development.
00:15:04.200 --> 00:15:22.900 Malan, Naude Just for facilitative methods can also help you to build your team in the enterprise. It can help you to optimize or design your product and you can look at the stake holders, especially if you have complex systems and you maybe you selling your waist to someone else instead of processing it.
00:15:23.550 --> 00:15:39.370 Malan, Naude Uhm, you can bring those people into your workshop so that you can optimize the way in which you interact with them, so that no, no, no, no value is lost, but that you also create the most value by including people in this.
00:15:40.200 --> 00:15:58.530 Malan, Naude So you know this is could also be basic things like having a loyalty program based on a WhatsApp group. It could also be something like conducting community or consumer education days at your enterprise. So people know what the benefits of your products are.
00:15:59.730 --> 00:16:08.130 Malan, Naude This is really important 'cause. Now you can enhance the complexity of your business and in that way satisfy complex needs of people.
00:16:08.880 --> 00:16:14.400 Malan, Naude So we'll be looking at death and how do you do that and how that can change your business?
00:16:15.970 --> 00:16:25.550 Malan, Naude Then we get to a bit of a nap, nuts and bolts stage and that is distribution and logistics. This is the sixth stage. By this time will be more or less somewhere in the middle of the year.
00:16:25.600 --> 00:16:30.480 Malan, Naude But UMMC quite a long program that you're busy and you guys are going to see me quite a lot.
00:16:31.160 --> 00:16:55.370 Malan, Naude So you know you need to start distributing your things your products. So how do you do that sustainably? You know, do you do you either just subcontract and then pay the costs or are they more efficient ways that build social capital and also builds relationships that can do that? Can you distribute through a secondary enterprise or related enterprise run by someone else?
00:16:55.840 --> 00:17:25.330 Malan, Naude And instead of you subcontracting and in and can you do that in such a way that you rather build value in your local community instead of subcontracting to someone professional from outside your community? You know how do you do that to build maximum clientele and repor month between your business and your customers because those things could actually be the make or break because this is really about how do you create.
00:17:26.320 --> 00:17:29.370 Malan, Naude Your customers and the market in which there by your things.
00:17:31.810 --> 00:17:42.640 Malan, Naude After that, we have to focus on technology now technology. The way I see it is technology shortens all distances. It makes things easier, shortens or vectors.
00:17:43.290 --> 00:18:13.940 Malan, Naude But technology is really important to understand because they are different kinds of technology, from high technology to intermediate technology. Too loud technology. They are biological technologies that does the same as chemical technologies, and there are choices that we can make and and these choices are important because technology carries costs and it and it also enrolls us, especially digital technologies in larger systems, which could be working contrary to what we want.
00:18:14.630 --> 00:18:30.980 Malan, Naude But we need to use these things and we need to be able to understand technology properly and what we can do with it. So on this day, we'll probably have quite a long discussion on the philosophy of technology. I'm looking forward to it and I hope you will join me.
00:18:32.050 --> 00:19:01.870 Malan, Naude After that we have to look at wastes and this is a really important one because wise can be transformed into value, can be recycled and remanufactured, and there are opportunities there. And what we can do is we can look at these opportunities and other kinds of companies or organizations that have pioneered this kind of thing and we need to learn from them because these things can be applied in the local Township context and there's a lot of waste sat there and these wastes.
00:19:01.920 --> 00:19:08.510 Malan, Naude Are very, very well valuable, and it is this value. This is the value that will make your business. So we really need to.
00:19:09.460 --> 00:19:34.320 Malan, Naude Take waste seriously. And of course wise over the course of unsustainability as 'cause, we throw things away and we have to remake things over and over again. And and it's just really stupid to do it like that and and. And you know, it doesn't make good business sense. Why would you want to build a business on a on a process that reduces your raw materials?
00:19:35.060 --> 00:19:37.000 Malan, Naude In the long run, we have to change this.
00:19:38.910 --> 00:19:46.250 Malan, Naude Then there's also energy. Energy is important, and we are always used to energy especially.
00:19:47.280 --> 00:19:49.390 Malan, Naude The way we we worked with fuels.
00:19:50.110 --> 00:20:01.350 Malan, Naude As fuels, it's always something that runs out, whereas renewable energies is always a fuel tank that runs through. And now the dynamics around technology changes.
00:20:02.060 --> 00:20:07.530 Malan, Naude So entrepreneurs need to understand how to harness this and and use this for their businesses.
00:20:08.170 --> 00:20:25.020 Malan, Naude And this is quite important because if you come, if you don't look after your energy, you it will. It will carry costs and dumb. But if you look after energy, you can reduce those costs and actually create a benefit and you can sell excess energy.
00:20:25.690 --> 00:20:28.630 Malan, Naude So this is something that we really need to think about.
00:20:29.520 --> 00:20:31.690 Malan, Naude After that, we look at financial systems.
00:20:32.320 --> 00:20:36.560 Malan, Naude And I will be very, very interested in looking at how.
00:20:37.110 --> 00:20:48.660 Malan, Naude Uhm, how we can adapt very, very basic financial management systems to small enterprises? I'm thinking of the six things that.
00:20:49.390 --> 00:20:56.210 Malan, Naude I Caroline McCann mentioned last time that every business person should know, and please look at my blog 'cause, I had discussed that day.
00:20:56.860 --> 00:21:08.390 Malan, Naude You know that that actually enables you to construct the financial system around your business. So you know what's going on in the finances of your business. And I think this could be quite important.
00:21:09.230 --> 00:21:18.270 Malan, Naude You know, related to this is things like a another lot of farmers, self spinach, but I've never seen an urban farmer in Soweto with the with the scale.
00:21:18.900 --> 00:21:20.200 Malan, Naude So I want to know.
00:21:21.130 --> 00:21:23.220 Malan, Naude And this is part of your financial planning.
00:21:24.370 --> 00:21:42.300 Malan, Naude You know, do you know what you are selling and are you selling the same quantity every time? It's not that you want to give your customers more. You know you can give them more, but you should know how much you are giving them. And record keeping is also part of this kind of financial system.
00:21:43.190 --> 00:22:05.350 Malan, Naude Then we go to the water system, which is always be there and you know are there leaks and it's not just, you know, if you're not paying for water, we should all be paying for these things. 'cause if you do business you you will be able to pay these things back. But we need to look at the leaks in the water system and also the ways in which we can gain access to water without actually having water in a container.
00:22:06.090 --> 00:22:14.520 Malan, Naude You know, farmers can store water in the soil and it is actually quite effective and it stays there for very, very long time.
00:22:15.570 --> 00:22:30.850 Malan, Naude Uhm, businesses can can look at water as something that can be renewed constantly. And you know, I always use the example of day zero in Cape Town. If you had a uh, a water purification system.
00:22:31.450 --> 00:22:32.030 Malan, Naude Uhm.
00:22:32.810 --> 00:22:54.650 Malan, Naude You could actually do good business in dizia contexts, and IO is coming up and it's going to be the common day. Every day is going to be a day zero if we take the International Panel on Climate Change seriously. So business should be attentive to this and everyone has shortages of water, especially farmers.
00:22:55.320 --> 00:23:02.030 Malan, Naude So why are we not looking at systems that can conserve water and the value that can find in water?
00:23:03.530 --> 00:23:14.740 Malan, Naude After that, we will look at the the retail system and that will be the last one in the course really and they were going to really use our imaginations and speculate and and dig deep and.
00:23:15.590 --> 00:23:35.270 Malan, Naude Create new ideas around what we can do with retailing in a very close community context 'cause. This is the kind of businesses that we are talking about, those that served local areas and local people and you know in that context they are really, really good opportunities.
00:23:36.110 --> 00:23:59.100 Malan, Naude We will end the year with a reflection and planning session so that we can revisit the course and redesign the course for 2023. I'm doing this not only to keep you guys, you know interested, but also to renew the course and actually lead us to a new phase of enterprise development and thank you so much for listening to that.
00:23:59.990 --> 00:24:30.420 Malan, Naude Before I open the floor, let me just explain to all the entrepreneurs out there how I will involve the university and students in this regard, and please bear in mind I still have to get the requisite permission for this, so this might change so my students will be making mini documentaries of about 6 minutes on enterprises in the townships, and these documentaries will actually focus on recommendations.
00:24:31.010 --> 00:24:47.620 Malan, Naude On making these businesses circular and sustainable, so this will leave a visual record of what you can do, and that is practical and immediate and and focused on a real business on what you can do to make your business more sustainable.
00:24:49.300 --> 00:24:52.270 Malan, Naude I will also be linking to slow plate.
00:24:53.560 --> 00:25:07.650 Malan, Naude Uh, in Alexandra. And I'm hoping that I can share Nason key with the entrepreneurs that slow plate will be integrating in their own in their property in the in the project, in Alexandra.
00:25:09.150 --> 00:25:28.730 Malan, Naude What is also available and then I should maybe expand that on the on the Izindabazokudla website or links to the literature that I use for my university courses, there's not all the literature because I had to make a selection, but I I think I might want to expand it.
00:25:29.760 --> 00:25:45.480 Malan, Naude But this is to enable anyone out there to also read university grade literature and actually see if this makes sense for them and internalize it in their own education and edification. And I think it is actually just proper that I make that available.
00:25:46.940 --> 00:25:49.490 Malan, Naude We will also come into great.
00:25:51.060 --> 00:26:00.550 Malan, Naude That's why I called this into this. And it's not just slow food, but I'm hoping that we can look fine stakeholders in local areas in Alexandra.
00:26:01.240 --> 00:26:14.880 Malan, Naude Now the reason why a business person should engage with stakeholders is stakeholder engagement. You know, as a management theme in the literature, and sorry for being an academic or tells us that businesses.
00:26:15.690 --> 00:26:17.280 Malan, Naude Can shape society.
00:26:18.030 --> 00:26:34.690 Malan, Naude In in in in its image, so that society is ready for the products of the business. So this interaction of society and businesses is is very dangerous for some and it it's really taking place because you know the character of our societies or advanced.
00:26:35.630 --> 00:26:43.430 Malan, Naude You know, modern capitalist, etc. So we've shaped ourselves to, to, to, to serve business and business serves us.
00:26:44.230 --> 00:27:15.170 Malan, Naude But this is also an opportunity for people at local areas to to up end with table and actually use these sophisticated ideas and build locally appropriate enterprises and locally appropriate habits in the customers so that the business has a chance to succeed in the local area. And I think this is actually quite important because in this interactive engagement with your stakeholders, you can also bring in the means to achieve sustainability.
00:27:15.510 --> 00:27:47.080 Malan, Naude So the interaction will not just be with Union stakeholders, but also interactions with the value that you lose by wasting. I'm not building watertight, sustainable circular systems, so in interacting with these opportunities will bring in much more value into the game. And as you can see, I'm playing with an idea that we are in a contest with our enterprise and in a context with society. And as we give their take as they take, we give and that is how these things.
00:27:47.340 --> 00:27:49.960 Malan, Naude Emerge from amongst us.
00:27:51.120 --> 00:27:54.000 Malan, Naude So really this is a course in circular design.
00:27:54.680 --> 00:28:04.330 Malan, Naude I want to upgrade small and medium enterprises with ideas around communities of practice, design, thinking and sustainability.
00:28:05.080 --> 00:28:11.530 Malan, Naude And what we really want to do is to make sure that the way in which we respond to the needs of our people.
00:28:12.190 --> 00:28:24.940 Malan, Naude Is done in such a way that we can satisfy the needs of our people now and into the future, and I'm very, very honored to be able to develop and offer this course to the world. Thank you very much for that.
00:28:25.560 --> 00:28:27.310 Malan, Naude I would like to open this.
00:28:28.040 --> 00:28:37.500 Malan, Naude Discussion to the floor, so please if you want to, you can leave a question in the chat and you are also welcome to to speak your mind.
00:28:38.190 --> 00:28:57.100 Malan, Naude So please, ladies and gentlemen, not everyone at the same time. If you have nothing to say, that's fine. I think this will be recorded and it will stand in the archives. But I think this is something that we would like to discuss. So I see a hand bar from Andrew Barker. So please go ahead, Andrew.
00:29:00.410 --> 00:29:01.760 Malan, Naude Andrew, you muted.
00:29:04.090 --> 00:29:04.870 Malan, Naude Or I'm.
00:29:05.980 --> 00:29:06.710 Malan, Naude Maybe it's me.
00:29:09.780 --> 00:29:11.110 Malan, Naude I I can't hear you.
00:29:16.380 --> 00:29:19.730 Malan, Naude No, I don't know. And I can't see that you are muted at all.
00:29:20.740 --> 00:29:22.060 Malan, Naude Now you're not muted.
00:29:23.240 --> 00:29:26.520 Malan, Naude So it might be a problem on my side. I I I don't know.
00:29:27.820 --> 00:29:28.660 Malan, Naude Oh my goodness.
00:29:37.840 --> 00:29:42.670 Malan, Naude I'm so sorry. I'm in the meat. Meantime, if there's any other questions, please guys, you are welcome.
00:29:44.910 --> 00:29:48.720 Malan, Naude I think Andrew's typing and I think that's great. And then I can.
00:29:49.300 --> 00:29:50.030 Malan, Naude Until then.
00:29:51.430 --> 00:29:56.600 Malan, Naude He's fairly so, ladies and gentlemen, you notice it? It's quite weird to do this kind of a thing.
00:29:57.200 --> 00:30:13.050 Malan, Naude You know, I've started izindaba zokudla and it is opened up many opportunities to me for me, but it's not something that I want to stop and our website is now almost reached nine and a half thousand visitors. And and I do think it's worthwhile to continue with this.
00:30:13.860 --> 00:30:19.210 Malan, Naude Uh, Andrew, I see you are muted. Maybe if you unmute yourself, then maybe it'll kick back in.
00:30:22.540 --> 00:30:23.760 Malan, Naude Yes, I can hear something.
00:30:27.720 --> 00:30:29.070 Malan, Naude And do you want to say something?
00:30:34.750 --> 00:30:34.970 Andrew Barker Let.
00:30:35.020 --> 00:30:36.360 Andrew Barker Meet right now is that coming through?
00:30:35.990 --> 00:30:39.090 Malan, Naude Yes, I can hear you. OK, that's fantastic. Please go ahead.
00:30:39.200 --> 00:30:40.480 Andrew Barker Now I can't hear you. Hang on.
00:30:45.320 --> 00:30:48.460 Andrew Barker Some things happened on my I see on my settings.
00:30:58.100 --> 00:30:58.630 Andrew Barker Alternate.
00:30:58.690 --> 00:30:59.730 Andrew Barker But two is that better?
00:31:00.000 --> 00:31:01.360 Malan, Naude Yeah, I hope you can hear me.
00:31:01.830 --> 00:31:03.320 Andrew Barker Yep, I can hear you.
00:31:03.370 --> 00:31:07.180 Malan, Naude Ah, OK, that's fantastic. Yeah. And we are. So, yeah. Please go ahead.
00:31:05.060 --> 00:31:05.610 Andrew Barker Right.
00:31:07.380 --> 00:31:14.890 Andrew Barker OK, I'm not. Yeah, I think this is going to be fantastic and looking forward to to participating in it.
00:31:15.580 --> 00:31:17.190 Andrew Barker Just a couple of thoughts.
00:31:18.590 --> 00:31:23.590 Andrew Barker When you talk waste, it comes with a lot of bundles of stuff.
00:31:25.100 --> 00:31:26.410 Andrew Barker And it's mostly negative.
00:31:27.850 --> 00:31:30.090 Andrew Barker Where is if we talk about byproducts.
00:31:31.740 --> 00:31:33.870 Andrew Barker It throws it into a positive.
00:31:34.680 --> 00:31:37.880 Andrew Barker And you're starting to look for value from your product.
00:31:38.680 --> 00:31:45.820 Andrew Barker So for example, if you use plastic for and I'm just pulling a quick easy plastic for packaging.
00:31:46.990 --> 00:31:48.290 Andrew Barker Your waist is really.
00:31:49.110 --> 00:31:52.550 Andrew Barker But burned and make some energy. But if you use paper.
00:31:53.560 --> 00:31:58.710 Andrew Barker That waste can be used in in other other processes far easier than plastic.
00:31:59.640 --> 00:32:02.350 Andrew Barker So I think that's rather talk about byproducts.
00:32:02.990 --> 00:32:06.890 Andrew Barker 'cause, I think that just gives a different spin on it. And then with that.
00:32:07.950 --> 00:32:16.220 Andrew Barker Is when you look at your byproducts, particularly if you are producing let's say, negative byproducts are going to have an impact on the environment.
00:32:17.140 --> 00:32:17.960 Andrew Barker Uhm.
00:32:18.760 --> 00:32:34.700 Andrew Barker What about changing your inputs? Because your inputs are processed to give you a waste or byproducts and buy a subtle change in your inputs. You might actually come up with a by product that is more more valuable.
00:32:36.360 --> 00:32:52.510 Andrew Barker And it's it's again how you look at the components and sometimes the words we've used tend to throw a negative all the time, whereas if we try and look at a positive approach, I think we can actually come up with something more exciting, particularly looking for opportunities.
00:32:53.820 --> 00:32:57.490 Malan, Naude No, I think that's a good point. Sorry can continue.
00:32:57.900 --> 00:32:58.590 Andrew Barker No, that's it.
00:32:58.890 --> 00:33:07.550 Malan, Naude Yeah, I I think that's very, very important. I'm gonna definitely mend my ways. And I think this idea of a byproduct is a much better way to frame it.
00:33:08.260 --> 00:33:22.720 Malan, Naude Because you know, if I can just reflect philosophically all of these things start with ideas. That guy into narratives and those narratives then create the technical things that we do lighter. So if we call it a byproduct, it's it's it's much better.
00:33:23.440 --> 00:33:28.460 Malan, Naude But you've also hinted at the the complexity of of the thinking of the entrepreneur.
00:33:29.170 --> 00:33:59.380 Malan, Naude Is that you know, if you have a waste at this end, you create that waste with your choice in your previous cycle. Previous link in the chain. So let's go back and I think I might want to build in more reflective opportunities so we can go back and look at that change that so you don't have the outcome on that side. And I I think that's a that's that's a good idea and that's part of what I want to instill in people is you know how an entrepreneur should think about their enterprise.
00:33:59.430 --> 00:34:02.320 Malan, Naude You know, and how what, what kind of an animal isn't?
00:34:03.520 --> 00:34:07.030 Andrew Barker But I think it's also important we define what we mean by an enterprise.
00:34:08.230 --> 00:34:11.120 Malan, Naude Yeah. Yeah. So you know the. Yeah.
00:34:09.790 --> 00:34:12.380 Andrew Barker Yeah, it could. It could be the Gogo sitting at tomato.
00:34:12.580 --> 00:34:12.980 Malan, Naude Yeah.
00:34:13.410 --> 00:34:14.630 Andrew Barker Is that an enterprise?
00:34:15.930 --> 00:34:25.240 Andrew Barker Or is it someone who's got 16 tunnels on different pieces of land and he's managing all these tunnels and products and everything else? You know, there's there's so two extremes to it.
00:34:26.480 --> 00:34:28.630 Andrew Barker And somewhere in between, somebody will fit.
00:34:29.070 --> 00:34:29.520 Malan, Naude Yeah.
00:34:31.030 --> 00:34:32.470 Malan, Naude Yeah, so, so young.
00:34:31.180 --> 00:34:37.520 Andrew Barker And I think you gotta look at that span of of, of opportunity of different enterprises as well.
00:34:37.240 --> 00:34:46.380 Malan, Naude Yeah. No, I I exactly and and and we we have to understand that that we have to create a definition that will cover the whole spectrum.
00:34:47.280 --> 00:34:58.030 Malan, Naude And also perhaps also cover the kinds of, let's call them enterprises in the NGO sector that also deliver goods and services.
00:34:58.010 --> 00:34:58.460 Andrew Barker Uh-huh.
00:34:59.090 --> 00:35:11.780 Malan, Naude So the way I tell my students this is that I mean there are two ways. The one is that in an enterprise is a conglomeration or mix of systems in a socio technical resume, which is too complicated and too academic.
00:35:13.540 --> 00:35:21.150 Malan, Naude The other way we can think about it is and and enterprises any, let's call it an organization or a group of people and things.
00:35:21.890 --> 00:35:24.430 Malan, Naude That creates net value.
00:35:25.400 --> 00:35:42.910 Malan, Naude Without that Nick value that's created there can be no profit. There can be no value for society. So I I think I mean there could be better definitions, but the idea of creating net value must be in peoples mind because the way in which the systems work with each other must create that value. Else this mountpoint.
00:35:44.360 --> 00:35:58.910 Malan, Naude But but thank you for that and these are important things. And you know, ordinary people also, we will we all benefit from scientific concepts and things and also thinking and and it's there's no real division between the sides in science.
00:35:53.230 --> 00:35:53.830 Andrew Barker Yeah. Yes.
00:35:57.430 --> 00:36:02.180 Andrew Barker And look akopyan capability mechanisms.
00:36:03.100 --> 00:36:13.700 Andrew Barker Will grow as our environment grows in complexity and at some point some people put hands up and say I can't handle anymore complexity. Leave me alone. I'm happy where I am.
00:36:06.430 --> 00:36:06.790 Malan, Naude Yeah.
00:36:15.380 --> 00:36:19.780 Andrew Barker But if those are going to say, hang on, there's something else out. Yeah. And those are the ones we need to pull through.
00:36:32.360 --> 00:36:45.710 Malan, Naude You know, I have a I have a lot of things on my plate, but and and Saturday I'll be in Alexandra and I I will for everyone else, I will correct the address and also you know working with other people, yeah.
00:36:46.340 --> 00:36:54.050 Malan, Naude But I do think that this thing could actually go somewhere UM, and let's see where it goes. I I'm I'm definitely not going to stop that, but.
00:36:54.690 --> 00:37:09.040 Malan, Naude You know, it's a, it's quite an interesting journey to do something like this, but it's. But this is what technology allows us an individual like me can actually go into the world with a massive kind of intervention. And I think this is greater.
00:37:11.020 --> 00:37:13.660 Andrew Barker No, but it sounds very exciting. Like it. Thank you.
00:37:14.110 --> 00:37:19.660 Malan, Naude Thank you, Andrew. Is there any other questions? I've got this aluminum pillow and Holly's way.
00:37:20.540 --> 00:37:23.760 Malan, Naude You are welcome if you want. If you don't want to, you also fine.
00:37:26.500 --> 00:37:27.070 Malan, Naude OK.
00:37:26.790 --> 00:37:27.280 Andrew Barker Perfect.
00:37:28.040 --> 00:37:29.300 Malan, Naude Yes, I can hear somebody.
00:37:28.300 --> 00:37:28.580 Andrew Barker Yes.
00:37:30.820 --> 00:37:32.580 Malan, Naude No, no, no, not really.
00:37:33.980 --> 00:37:52.450 Malan, Naude OK. OK. Thank you. Andrew. I think I'm you know, instead of just hanging on, I think I'm gonna. I'm gonna call call the end of this farmers lab. Thank you all for coming. And thank you all for those who will be watching this after it's been recorded. Thank you for that.
00:37:53.210 --> 00:38:15.960 Malan, Naude This will be a. This is recorded by Facebook, but we are also recording this independently and it will be posted on their website as well, together with the transcript. So those who want to save data that can just read through the whole transcript. Unfortunately it's I I so this spelling mistakes but I think that's inefficient way to to archive this and make it available.
00:38:17.050 --> 00:38:19.200 Malan, Naude OK, Halili sway, please go ahead.
00:38:21.770 --> 00:38:22.740 Halalisiwe Msimango Hi, Nadia.
00:38:22.950 --> 00:38:25.700 Malan, Naude I at least see where. Thank you. Go ahead.
00:38:26.290 --> 00:38:27.040 Halalisiwe Msimango Can you hear me?
00:38:27.210 --> 00:38:28.130 Malan, Naude Yes, I can hear you.
00:38:29.160 --> 00:38:36.240 Halalisiwe Msimango I just wanted to know if you only focused in counting or does this project out to the rest of South Africa?
00:38:36.840 --> 00:38:50.790 Malan, Naude I thank you for that question. That's a really important question. So you know on the ground, I'm I'm I'm really focused on well this year. Alexandra, I would like to focus on Soweto 'cause. That's where I work. But I I can't do anything in Soweto.
00:38:51.520 --> 00:38:56.590 Malan, Naude Uh, but and anyone can come to the slow food events in Alexandra.
00:38:57.250 --> 00:39:01.120 Malan, Naude But bear in mind that this is open for anyone globally.
00:39:02.050 --> 00:39:08.320 Malan, Naude Uh, and uh, they are actually quite a few people in Canada. We we check the analytics that actually follow us.
00:39:08.910 --> 00:39:34.750 Malan, Naude So this is what you need, one anywhere in the world at any time as well. So and you are welcome to them. Start interacting with me. I'm I'm uh, I'm very good on on email. I'm I'm pretty good on on on Facebook Messenger and and and I could also respond in other ways but please I'm available and I would like to hear what you're doing and and perhaps most students would like to do a mini documentary on your end.
00:39:37.230 --> 00:39:39.060 Malan, Naude Thank you. I hope that answers your question.
00:39:39.010 --> 00:39:40.750 Halalisiwe Msimango Thank you. Yes, thank you.
00:39:41.380 --> 00:39:41.830 Malan, Naude OK.
00:39:42.720 --> 00:39:45.910 Malan, Naude OK. Any other questions, Sir? Non pillow and salami.
00:39:46.580 --> 00:39:49.200 Malan, Naude Going, going, gone.
00:39:49.980 --> 00:39:58.720 Malan, Naude Thank you so much. Thank you, everybody. Thank you for being here. If I can just remind you know, payload, please go ahead.
00:40:01.700 --> 00:40:04.230 Malan, Naude Uh, you muted sister or brother?
00:40:06.170 --> 00:40:07.210 Nompelo Nokwe Hi, can you hear me now?
00:40:06.310 --> 00:40:08.960 Malan, Naude Yes, yes, that sounds better. Thanks.
00:40:08.380 --> 00:40:23.850 Nompelo Nokwe Yes, hi. Thank you so much for the presentation. And I just wanted to find out that is it is this for people who are already in farming or people who intend to so that they can get the education and and and yeah.
00:40:24.710 --> 00:40:26.530 Nompelo Nokwe Is it for people are already?
00:40:27.160 --> 00:40:29.040 Nompelo Nokwe Active actively farming.
00:40:30.090 --> 00:40:34.410 Malan, Naude You know it it it could be for anybody and it and it also doesn't have to be farming.
00:40:35.000 --> 00:40:40.070 Malan, Naude Now farming is a is a exemplary enterprise and farming has to be circular.
00:40:40.440 --> 00:40:40.820 Nompelo Nokwe Yeah.
00:40:40.940 --> 00:40:47.240 Malan, Naude But if you just sell cigarettes on the sidewalk, these ideas can also help you.
00:40:47.760 --> 00:40:48.310 Nompelo Nokwe Yes.
00:40:47.940 --> 00:40:53.670 Malan, Naude Uh, so I'm I I would and I will be talking a lot about farming 'cause forming is in my heart.
00:40:54.200 --> 00:40:54.670 Nompelo Nokwe Uh-huh.
00:40:54.890 --> 00:41:09.410 Malan, Naude But uh, my I would definitely want to extend it to all kinds of businesses and also too big formal businesses. I do believe that they can also benefit from this, although you know, I'm singing, you know, blowing my own trumpet, yeah.
00:41:06.130 --> 00:41:06.450 Nompelo Nokwe Yeah.
00:41:10.400 --> 00:41:13.300 Nompelo Nokwe Yeah. OK. Alright. Thank you very much.
00:41:12.070 --> 00:41:12.740 Malan, Naude Yep.
00:41:13.630 --> 00:41:14.340 Malan, Naude You're welcome.
00:41:15.520 --> 00:41:19.690 Malan, Naude Any other questions salami or Andrew, please go ahead, Andrew.
00:41:21.950 --> 00:41:23.380 Andrew Barker Let's try again. Can you hear me?
00:41:23.550 --> 00:41:24.670 Malan, Naude Yes, I can hear you.
00:41:26.110 --> 00:41:27.800 Andrew Barker Outfitted with with my connections now.
00:41:31.300 --> 00:41:34.760 Andrew Barker Lisa is I? Can I just say, yeah, I'm actually a professional town planner.
00:41:36.240 --> 00:41:37.540 Andrew Barker So ioffer a service.
00:41:38.290 --> 00:41:38.760 Nompelo Nokwe Oh.
00:41:38.440 --> 00:41:41.130 Andrew Barker And just going through what naughty is talking about.
00:41:42.100 --> 00:41:47.330 Andrew Barker This stuff in there, which I would find interesting as A and I'm a one man business.
00:41:48.190 --> 00:41:50.610 Andrew Barker Just to show up and up my business to make it better.
00:41:51.920 --> 00:41:59.150 Andrew Barker Uhm, to look at different ways and I'm at a point in my life where I'm looking at growing my business in a different direction.
00:42:00.700 --> 00:42:02.580 Andrew Barker Which is going to be very exciting journey.
00:42:03.940 --> 00:42:05.450 Andrew Barker And so it's it's, it's.
00:42:06.100 --> 00:42:13.620 Andrew Barker It's applicable the systems thinking and the design process is probably applicable in many aspects of life.
00:42:14.830 --> 00:42:20.460 Andrew Barker And I think you know that we're focusing here in audience focusing here on helping small entrepreneurs.
00:42:21.710 --> 00:42:26.870 Andrew Barker And how do we help us? More entrepreneurs think about what they're doing so they can add value.
00:42:27.670 --> 00:42:32.310 Andrew Barker And that whole story about adding value being the key to enterprise.
00:42:33.250 --> 00:42:34.900 Andrew Barker Is is a very important one.
00:42:35.800 --> 00:42:43.550 Andrew Barker And when you sit back and you look at your own business, you say hi my adding value to whatever. I'm selling a good or a service, right?
00:42:42.890 --> 00:42:43.440 Nompelo Nokwe Right.
00:42:44.290 --> 00:42:51.780 Andrew Barker And and therefore it would apply right across the board, although we will have a strong agricultural focus because of naude as fashion.
00:42:53.950 --> 00:42:54.270 Nompelo Nokwe Yeah.
00:42:55.360 --> 00:42:55.660 Malan, Naude Yeah.
00:42:56.060 --> 00:42:56.500 Andrew Barker Thanks.
00:42:56.810 --> 00:42:57.740 Malan, Naude Now, thank you, Andrew.
00:42:58.910 --> 00:43:04.560 Malan, Naude I mean, if you if we look at the the stuff you might also available on the on the tab.
00:43:05.620 --> 00:43:13.880 Malan, Naude You know this Ellen MacArthur Foundation, which is really pushing the idea, but there are others who also think it's a good idea to have circular business.
00:43:14.950 --> 00:43:21.870 Malan, Naude You know the the the, the examples that come up with is, is radical, you know and and and like, uh, blows your mind.
00:43:22.600 --> 00:43:47.050 Malan, Naude And dumb. I mean, there's a guy in Kenya who who he he rents out a portable toilets in squatter camps, collects the shirt. Sorry for the word, dries it in a solar cooker so it's clean, clean clean mix it up with agricultural wastes and then manufacturers a charcoal that's clean burning and burns twice as long and it is a fantastic business model.
00:43:48.230 --> 00:43:51.010 Malan, Naude You know it's that kind of a thinking, you know.
00:43:50.640 --> 00:43:51.170 Nompelo Nokwe Huh.
00:43:51.610 --> 00:44:11.270 Malan, Naude That is actually what we need. Yeah, and and and and and. And that is the innovation and that is where real real, real opportunities are going to come. We must also understand that the, the, the market is out there are saturated by the big guys. So the opportunities are going to be not in making a Kingsley Coke, you know, because.
00:44:11.860 --> 00:44:13.870 Malan, Naude Got the code that actually owns them I think.
00:44:15.240 --> 00:44:21.670 Malan, Naude But rather in in in, in, in building enterprises in those places where the value is lost.
00:44:22.070 --> 00:44:22.450 Nompelo Nokwe Yeah.
00:44:22.800 --> 00:44:26.950 Malan, Naude And that is where the real opportunities lie, yeah.
00:44:28.710 --> 00:44:43.860 Malan, Naude OK, so I'm gonna please go with the journey and take a look at the literature. I will see if I can add some more things. You know, I'm. I'm also teaching and I've actually had a 2 hour class that I taught didn't stop speaking before I started this.
00:44:44.130 --> 00:45:08.850 Malan, Naude Uh, and I'm, you know, the literature that we discussed today. I I didn't put on the the course and I'll I'll be doing that. So there's stuff out there that is really, really gonna help businesses in townships understand their customers, the way people serve the way money is created in townships, the way it circulates, how money is managed and things like that. And it's really, really interesting.
00:45:10.600 --> 00:45:11.220 Malan, Naude Thank you.
00:45:13.000 --> 00:45:21.130 Malan, Naude Any other questions? I sitati thanks started for joining us. If you have a question you might be the last. If not, that's OK.
00:45:21.980 --> 00:45:28.920 Malan, Naude I'm Andrew. Your hand is up, but I think it's a legacy hand. But if any other questions please let me know.
00:45:30.340 --> 00:45:31.120 Andrew Barker So the old one.
00:45:32.860 --> 00:45:34.150 Malan, Naude It's a historic end.
00:45:35.770 --> 00:46:06.440 Malan, Naude Alright. OK. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, before I close, Please note that the next edition of the Izindaba Zokudla Virtual Farmers Lab will be looking at the discovery moment in your business creation. So we'll be looking at how can we discover new opportunities that are lucrative and sustainable and can create value for us. So please join us next time on the 16th and the 17th of March, we will be doing a session.
00:46:06.500 --> 00:46:13.850 Malan, Naude To discover opportunities for businesses in a sustainable world. Thank you very, very much. And please have a great day.
00:46:15.180 --> 00:46:17.400 Nompelo Nokwe Thank you very much, my dear. Thank you.
00:46:16.990 --> 00:46:19.250 Malan, Naude My vision on payment. Thank you everybody.
00:46:19.530 --> 00:46:20.530 Halalisiwe Msimango Thank you. Bye bye.
00:46:20.800 --> 00:46:21.480 Malan, Naude Thank you.
00:46:22.140 --> 00:46:25.180 Andrew Barker Thanks, sudhir. You say you're doing 16 and 17.
00:46:25.860 --> 00:46:28.530 Malan, Naude Oh goodness yarn once again.
00:46:27.920 --> 00:46:29.780 Andrew Barker 1616 were in today.
00:46:30.030 --> 00:46:50.470 Malan, Naude Yeah, 16 city Wednesday. It's always on a Wednesday. I'm so sorry. I'm just overloaded. My minds not functioning. So on the 16th, at 5:30. Org. Once again, we'll do that. And you know, so you can also see now this comes after my teaching. So I'm quite fired up to continue with it. So it makes for a four hour teaching job. Bit slacker.
00:46:52.370 --> 00:46:53.490 Malan, Naude Yeah. OK.
00:46:54.260 --> 00:46:54.690 Malan, Naude Alright.
00:46:56.850 --> 00:47:00.680 Malan, Naude Thank you, everybody and please have a great day. I'll see you on the 16th.
00:47:01.280 --> 00:47:01.700 Malan, Naude Bye bye.
00:47:01.390 --> 00:47:02.050 Nompelo Nokwe Thank you.
00:47:02.320 --> 00:47:03.530 Andrew Barker See you on Saturday morning.
00:47:03.810 --> 00:47:06.830 Malan, Naude OK. See you Saturday and I'll be posting again.
00:47:07.790 --> 00:47:10.760 Malan, Naude Uh, I don't know the exact location. Thank you.
00:47:10.890 --> 00:47:11.440 Andrew Barker Yeah.
00:47:12.360 --> 00:47:17.400 Andrew Barker Thanks, I googled it and that's where I came up with and I thought no, we just need to check if we got it right.
00:47:15.400 --> 00:47:15.810 Malan, Naude OK.
00:47:17.570 --> 00:47:19.630 Malan, Naude Yeah, it might not be the right one.
00:47:21.270 --> 00:47:23.370 Andrew Barker But I couldn't find any other one named like that.
00:47:23.690 --> 00:47:24.680 Malan, Naude OK. Yeah.
00:47:24.240 --> 00:47:26.290 Andrew Barker Versus was running banana. I think it was.
00:47:28.410 --> 00:47:31.100 Malan, Naude You know, we can plan a murder or start a religion.
00:47:28.550 --> 00:47:29.160 Andrew Barker Not any.
00:47:33.830 --> 00:47:35.060 Andrew Barker We have a company.
00:47:38.110 --> 00:47:40.840 Malan, Naude OK. OK. Thank you everybody, chess.
00:47:39.340 --> 00:47:40.090 Andrew Barker Just guys.
00:47:40.590 --> 00:47:41.910 Nompelo Nokwe Thanks, bye.