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How to design your operations for sustainability: A report on the iZindaba Zokudla Farmers’ Lab 20 A

Writer's picture: nmalan3nmalan3

This edition of the Nxazonke course focused on how to build the individual systems and activities of a sustainable urban agricultural enterprise.

We approached this issue from a broad “designerly” perspective, but we also emphasizes singular and individual actions and themes in a sustainable enterprise.

The circular character of sustainability becomes quite obvious in this delivery. In all cases, we need to take seriously the metaphor of a circle, and this is expended here from things like water and waste to institutions. In all cases, we can identify circular processes that feeds these sub-systems of the enterprise, and it is imaginatively creating these, that those sustainable effects emerge in an enterprise.

We also emphasize key actions you could take to build these circular systems. Something like packaging is not only an opportunity to avoid plastic and emissions, but also an opportunity to add value: you could illustrate the identity of your enterprise in the packaging, and some even insert seeds for re-planting, in the packaging materials. The idea and metaphor of a circular enterprise allows us to think beyond how we have always done things and offers real opportunities for emerging entrepreneurs to shape their enterprises.

When we think of the operations of the enterprise, we can divide the enterprise into individual sub-systems. Each cub-system is a self-contained whole and a little system on its own – a Holon. The design of the enterprise is to design each subsystem properly and also properly integrate it with the overall wholistic system.

The key things to note in the design of the operations of the enterprise are thus the following:

1. The overall design of the system: Permaculture design as a model. Permaculture design methodologies embark from the premise that we must follow the natural flows of energy, water, materials and people on the farm, and in this way enhance these flows. For instance, water needs to flow into the ground and not off the farm. It has to be stored at the highest point of the farm or operational area. Its flows need to be slowed so the water enters the ground and is stored there. There are ample resources available on permaculture design on the internet, and anyone can become familiar with these principles. These are also very useful for large commercial farmers and are practical and based-on common sense. They would be useful to many!

2. Water systems and their flow and design: let’s plant water! The flow of water needs to be slowed, and water needs to be stored. Key technologies here are contouring the lands and digging swales so you trap and “plant” water. Water can also be stored in the ground, and an organic rich raised bed will store water over long periods of time. The way the water and the raised bed interacts with each other, is also something that you need to design for! The convergence of water and other technologies is a key case in point and these overlaps need to occur often on the farm.

3. Waste: desing multiple cycles and enterprises. Wastes need to be converted into “by-products”. Wastes also need to be processed multiple times. Biowaste for instance, should first be checked for human consumption, and if necessary, processed to a more acceptable level. Then the waste needs to be fed to animals first, and only after that, can the most unattractive wastes be composted. The compost should, before it is added to the ground again, fed to worms, and after that, separate the liquid from the solids. The liquids need to be blended with other liquids and waste before giving it to plants. The solids could inoculate another compost heap, speeding up its processing. It is these multiple systems that interact with each other that creates the value that builds sustainability.

In addition to this, ancillary enterprises need to be created, as the urban farmer is in a key position to build multiple enterprises. As an urban farmer harvests waste from neighbors, they should harvest recyclable waste as well.

4. Energy: start north. Design your farm to face north, as the sun shines from the north. This simple orientation will benefit your farm at multiple levels. Energy systems do not always concern obvious technologies that use energy, as our example of the sun shows. We also store and move energy in leaves, grass, water and soil. The way the energy system works is by integrating and combining technologies with materials, and we need to be attentive to these workings to build a good energy system. Think of your own movements and labour, as this is also part of the energy system. Design your farm so you expend the least amounts of energy in doing your daily things. Locate your chicken coop close to where you live as you need to check them more than once a day. This design feature will save you energy. Do this for every piece of infrastructure on your farm.

If you are using a high-tech energy system like a renewable energy system, think of the cycle of amortization. The energy received from it must pay off the system. This means you must enhance the energy system as you want to pay-off this system as soon as possible. If you wash the panels every day you will enhance the generating capacity. The water you use will be full of nutrients from the dust. This could stimulate your compost heap, or feed your worms. The worms casings will be good for your raised beds … The integration of activities and processes is what you need to build for, and you would want to integrate these value-added features first on your most expensive system: your energy system.

5. Soil system: Build a nexus in the soil, so multiple technologies converge on a single technology or activity. A good example is a raised bed. A soil system is an instance of converged technology. In the soil, innumerable organisms and human practices collide, and in this collision, value could be created. The way we design our lands is a case in point. Should you have contours on your land, with swales and deep trench beds lined up alongside the contour line, you will be catching water and other materials simply by the way the land is laid out. This design converges certain features, with the bonus of additional material flows and additional biological processes on the farm. Think of how this raised bed, fed underground by slowly flowing water, will react to a daily application of liquid manure. Or how it would react to facing north, which would immediately enhance all the other flows that occur in this particular bed. Farmers are taught not to think of these convergent features of their lands, and this is the cue an emerging and new farmer needs to follow: this will give the key competitive advantage to the farmer.

6. Institutions as interactions enable people to participate. As we build systems that help with the flow of materials and organisms on the farm, we also have to build political institutions. Small farmers are vulnerable in politics, and this is often due to the marginal position they occupy in the informal sector. Farmers need to understand that they are in a reciprocal relationships with their political authorities. Engaging with them could enable them to influence decision making and lead to a better position in policy-making and in the economy. Farmers need to realise, as they give, they will receive, and this kind of engagement needs to be planned for if we want to build successful businesses in urban agriculture.

This “theoretical” session was followed by a presentation by Juanita van der Walt on the differences between traditional supply chains and short food supply chains.

The hallmark of a sustainable food system would be a short supply chain. This is not only due to the long supply chains in our current food system (which we want to avoid), but because a short supply chain would create a more competitive enterprise.

It is possible to eliminate almost all steps in the traditional supply chain. Urban farmers are very well placed to build short supply chains into the business, and we have discussed this extensively in the blogs on this website. A short supply chains enables the producer to capture most of the value of the produce they produce, and also allows influence and control over this supply chain, and the stakeholders who patronize it.

When a farmer is in control of their supply and value chains, they are able to exert control over things like packaging. Many farmers buy packaging as a “standardized” item, and this is consistent with the conventional systems that transports food over large distances and where the producer disappears from the product. An urban farmer, who knows her own customers, cannot engage in this business practice. They need to customize their packaging as they themselves have to feature on this packaging. Packaging is an opportunity to build a two-way relationships with the customer.

An urban farmer should also use that which is already available. Transportation is a good case in point. Idle taxis and bakkies can offer a key transportation service for the urban farmer. It is in the convergence of an idle taxi and a delivery opportunity where sustainable value is created.

Farmers’ markets would encapsulate all the features of a short supply chan. The farmers’ market would represent a singular chain in a large value chain, and in many cases would be whole value chain itself: farmers only need a farmers market to realise this short value chain system, and this indicates the great opportunity of developing a farmers market.

Farmers should also look at additional kinds of Community-supported agriculture, from allowing farm visits, to vegetable box schemes, in building their enterprises.

There are also several mobile apps that can be integrated into the subsystems of the farm. These include finance, traceability, and other features and indicates an urban farmer can build a pretty sophisticated business from anywhere on earth. These apps also link to organisations that can provide assistance to urban farmers, and this is another instance of building a reciprocal institution amongst urban farmers and others. This is the way to go, and we do hope these suggestions are useful.

Please see the unedited transcript below:

00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:14.340 Malan, Naude Good day, everybody and hello to Quena, Wilfred. Little Lord Naholo little Honolulu. Thank you so much for joining us and we are fully aware that we are sitting in the middle of a loud shared.

00:00:15.070 --> 00:00:23.120 Malan, Naude So we kind of expecting very few people to come, although we are very, very happy that this is being recorded on Facebook for posterity.

00:00:24.270 --> 00:00:45.580 Malan, Naude So, ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the edition of the 20th of April 2022 of the Virtual Farmers Lab at IZINDABAZOKUDLA. Today, we'll be talking about operations and how to design and construct and develop your business for sustainability. And we will be doing too short presentation in this regard.

00:00:46.780 --> 00:00:55.460 Malan, Naude However, before we get to that, please let me alert you to our next edition, which will take place in two weeks time on the 4th of May.

00:00:57.310 --> 00:01:27.610 Malan, Naude And this will this will deal with inclusion, trust and cycled in stakeholder engagement for for enterprise development in the next edition, we'll be looking at how you could bring in the community into your enterprise not only for product design, but to develop the systems in the enterprise and also to build trust and and some kind of a process of engagement with the community because that is gonna be really important in product, in the things that I've mentioned.

00:01:28.560 --> 00:01:39.850 Malan, Naude So please join us then in two weeks time at the same place, same time at 5:30 either on Facebook or just follow the link from our blog on the website.

00:01:40.830 --> 00:02:03.000 Malan, Naude However, today I'll be talking about how to design your enterprise for sustainability and how to design the subsystems of of the enterprise for sustainability. Now please forgive us because we do. We just discuss this before we started and we remarked that we, you know, many of the themes are reoccurring in these additions that we're delivering.

00:02:03.810 --> 00:02:25.200 Malan, Naude So this is because the of the pervasive pervasiveness of these things. These are the things that really need to be given attention if you want to build a sustainable enterprise. However, these things can also help you with just any normal kind of enterprise to sharpen and optimize the things and the activities the processes in the enterprise. And that's actually quite important.

00:02:25.990 --> 00:02:39.240 Malan, Naude So what I'll be doing today is to actually touch base on the heart of of sustainable design. So the heart of sustainable design draws from many other sources and I'll be focusing on one of them only.

00:02:39.910 --> 00:02:55.190 Malan, Naude But this is really about the interaction amongst the systems in your enterprise and it's this interaction that creates the sustainability effects and it is in fact the interaction that creates the products and and and all the processes in the enterprise.

00:02:56.180 --> 00:02:58.970 Malan, Naude So please do allow me to share my screen.

00:03:00.830 --> 00:03:10.190 Malan, Naude And she my PowerPoint presentation so that we can understand what it means to design for circularity and sustainability.

00:03:11.940 --> 00:03:25.650 Malan, Naude So what I'll what will be doing today is to look at all the systems in a business. Now there are many other systems which are not covered in this lecture and we we we have limited time but we want to touch on the main systems.

00:03:26.690 --> 00:03:55.150 Malan, Naude And we want to present these systems as a Nexus and you will see that for food and to some extent for institutions, the way I'll be presenting it is to show that at those points these systems interact and integrate and it forms a form of a Nexus where there are different systems that operate at the same time. And it is actually in building these Nexuses in your enterprise that that is the key to sustainability.

00:03:56.190 --> 00:04:11.050 Malan, Naude So we'll be looking at water waste, energy, food, which is a combination of soil, water, energy, water and of also waste haven't got it there, but it will definitely form part of that.

00:04:11.920 --> 00:04:42.270 Malan, Naude I'll be also talking a little bit about institutions, which is not something that we would normally think of as part of a your your circular design of a of an enterprise. But institutions really are the lifeblood of how our society functions and these what are called regular patterns of behavior can also be approached as a circular design problem. Juanita will will in the presentation with a look at logistics, retail and technology and she will give us.

00:04:42.370 --> 00:04:49.380 Malan, Naude A few examples of how we should approach you know those issues at from a sustainable and circular perspective.

00:04:51.550 --> 00:04:54.860 Malan, Naude So the way I'm going to present this is actually to draw on.

00:04:56.310 --> 00:05:27.750 Malan, Naude Uh, in a precedence and and to to direct the the viewers to to sources that can actually serve us more important learning resources in this regard and in this regard, I would recommend that every student of circular enterprise be there, farmer, caterer or anyone else. Actually the spindle of a little bit of time on the idea of permaculture design. So permaculture design is is a design of an enterprise and organization, a system.

00:05:27.910 --> 00:05:58.580 Malan, Naude A farm, a household, anything, and that follows the natural flows of energy, water and material, people, ideas, etcetera. And the question of design is to enhance these natural flows and enhance the interaction amongst these systems. So what you would have to do is to design your whole enterprise from from an overall perspective and to design the overall.

00:05:58.660 --> 00:06:08.450 Malan, Naude The system as a design of the sub systems that are integrated with each other. So I'm using this really new word. It's only about 40 years old called holons.

00:06:09.560 --> 00:06:13.050 Malan, Naude So a whole lot is a is a self contained system in itself.

00:06:13.770 --> 00:06:38.380 Malan, Naude But many different holons create a holistic hole, so each little hole on is a system on its own that needs to be fed. That gives also outputs and has processes inside, but it kind of exists in a context of other holons and, and this is always the case when you design something from as a system, you always have to understand how the other systems feed into this system.

00:06:39.480 --> 00:07:07.030 Malan, Naude But this is really hard work. You know you have to actually look at the actual material flows and how do they interact and these are real, real things. How does water flow? How does the energy flow? How do people move over your farm? And permaculture design gives us an idea that all these things could be harmonized in some way. And and this this could actually enable this, the enterprise to be sustainable.

00:07:08.840 --> 00:07:39.750 Malan, Naude So look at them. You know, there's there's one link there on the on the, on the screen and and and and and this will be posted in the blogs. So you can follow this. But I mean you don't really need to follow a link cause you can Google this and you can actually find perhaps even better stuff than I'm recommending here. So. So in this example they talk about water, water systems. So. So really what you gotta think about is how water flows and actually the first principle is that your water storage has to be at the highest point.

00:07:39.980 --> 00:08:03.300 Malan, Naude Of your farm or your enterprise and and you have to capture the water so that it flows to this highest point. So you have to capture it higher than the highest point or on top of it, or you have to somehow get the water to the highest point because once it's there a gravity will do the rest and and that then becomes a free resource. If you need it. But it is only there if you design it like that.

00:08:04.550 --> 00:08:18.630 Malan, Naude Also, what do you need to understand is that the water will flow through your whole farm, so the sequencing of the artifacts, the flows, the landscape, you know, permaculture design says the first thing that you would do is.

00:08:19.440 --> 00:08:49.250 Malan, Naude I'm look at the contours in your phone and and draw those contour lines and make your beds where you plant level with those contour lines so that the water doesn't flow off the off the bed but flows down into the ground on the contour. You can also dig a swell which is like a trench so that you are planting water and and and this is really important. So this is the hard work that needs to be done so you have to look at how that can you capture water.

00:08:49.370 --> 00:09:19.960 Malan, Naude How does water flow once it's on the ground and flowing in your farm and you have to slow the flow of the water? It has to slow and flow as slow as possible, and it also has to crisscross your farm so that it takes as long as possible as a time and distance so that it flows for as far as possible on your phone. This is really really key, especially in the water stress stress country. So when you can slow down.

00:09:20.060 --> 00:09:52.060 Malan, Naude The flow of water on your farm, what will happen is you will be storing the water in the ground. This is different than the storage at your highest point. So what? What is actually happening is that your farm will be starting to mimic the water cycle. It'll flow down as slow as possible, but the way in which you have designed the systems to take the water back to the top would then mimic the water cycle and it would also fall in line or integrate with the water cycle so that you will actually.

00:09:52.190 --> 00:10:01.140 Malan, Naude Copy the flows of water in nature on your farm so that you slow the flow of water so that water is on your farm for as long as possible.

00:10:02.990 --> 00:10:33.920 Malan, Naude So what this also tells you is that you would have to actually move design also your own movement around the site in such a way that you you flow yourself like water so that you don't have to walk too far. Or when you when you do walk, it is the most efficient thing. You know if you have chickens on your farm, the chickens have to be near your house because you have to check every day for eggs. So therefore the way you design would have to incorporate that.

00:10:34.010 --> 00:10:58.550 Malan, Naude And now you can see how this would work. So your chicken coop would have a roof and that roof is a high point and it would catch water right there so that you can use water right there and you don't have to transport water to the chicken coop and you have water available there as you need it. So as you can see, there's a real question of design that has to take place and once again.

00:10:58.950 --> 00:11:06.520 Malan, Naude And our our means are very limited with this delivery. So I would really, really recommend to Google Permaculture design.

00:11:07.680 --> 00:11:33.990 Malan, Naude The University of Oregon and Washington are on the Internet on YouTube has a lot of permaculture videos that you can look at that are very well illustrated. That's actually something I've gotta do, but there you can actually see that that it makes a hell of a lot of sense and it is extremely productive. So I would recommend to really look at their culture as a basis. And of course your first system that you would design is your water system.

00:11:35.170 --> 00:11:37.800 Malan, Naude So I've goodness. Now I just wanna get.

00:11:39.180 --> 00:12:09.770 Malan, Naude Yeah. Yeah. So sorry. My, my, my, my, my screen didn't want to scroll the next system. We need to look at is the wise system. So the idea here is that your waste must be a byproduct or must be converted into a byproduct. And the waste system needs to process all waste on your farm. More enterprise. Some of the waste will be difficult to process, like really toxic stuff. And some of the stuff you can only discard, especially, you know, chips, wrappers and those kinds of things.

00:12:10.110 --> 00:12:41.800 Malan, Naude But but can you understand that the waste is not waste? Waste is a is a resource that you need to be focused on, so you'll waste system must be quite comprehensive and it should actually be able to process all the waste. So that means you will sort it on site immediately if you do use chemicals like soaps and things like that, you will immediately change your soaps to biologically compatible or biodegradable soaps because you would want to use the water in the.

00:12:41.960 --> 00:13:03.720 Malan, Naude Uh that you use to clean. You want to use that water again and if you get soap sub Sahara very high in phosphates and within 24 hours of of activating the soap with water you are actually you can actually give it back to the environment and it is. It can then be taken up by plants. So it's not it's like chemical fertilizer in a sense.

00:13:05.480 --> 00:13:34.660 Malan, Naude But the wife system is is quite key, you know. And and when we talk of something like, you know, recycling we we always think that you just recycle. But no, you actually need to understand that you can upcycle or down cycle and also the cycling needs to be enhanced. What does that mean? It means especially with waste that waste needs to be cycled as often as possible and multiple times. So let's take an example. Let's say you get in food.

00:13:35.310 --> 00:13:52.920 Malan, Naude Expired or old food or or end of life. Food. Let me put it that way from from somewhere. Immediately you will sort the food. Those that are still edible, you will still eat and and perhaps prepare for human food. Those that are still edible but not good for humans. You will maybe give to animals to eat.

00:13:53.820 --> 00:14:24.310 Malan, Naude And that that, that food which is really gone off, you could probably compost the compost can either just be put in the soil immediately and that that's fine, but you actually want to enhance that compost. So what you would do is you would give that compost to worms. So that process it a second time, then the casings, I would first process into a tea and then what is left that will go to the soil. But then the tea would be spread on the bed and then.

00:14:24.390 --> 00:14:48.600 Malan, Naude And it would enhance a bed because it might be a double big raised bed. So. So can you see that the waste must be used over and over over many times and processed by other biological organisms? Because when they process it, they enhance it it, you know, they transform the waste. So the question of waste is a question of.

00:14:49.290 --> 00:14:55.120 Malan, Naude Processing it and processing it until it is valuable as a input in your business.

00:14:56.630 --> 00:15:12.730 Malan, Naude You could also start an ancillary enterprise because recycling, uh, it could be one such thing, so you could just as you get biowaste you recycle it, you know, through the worms and all of that, you get your recycling and you can you can do things with that. You can sort it first of all.

00:15:14.350 --> 00:15:29.970 Malan, Naude And as you as you take in plastic recyclable waste from your community, you can also double up on food waste. Are you harvesting two things at the same time? And and this calls for the use of technology. So your your system is technology heavy in all cases.

00:15:30.660 --> 00:15:42.550 Malan, Naude So what you could do is, I mean there's precious plastics, which is a website that shows you how to manufacture the machines so you can repurpose recyclable plastic.

00:15:43.910 --> 00:16:13.820 Malan, Naude Some people are able to process plastics into fuels, diesels or esters and and kerosene and those kind of things, and that is possible. And also you could have other kinds of technology to drive food. So especially if you have end of life food and you chop it up into edible and non edible pieces, the edible pieces you could eat just like that but they are not as fresh as you want it to be. But if you dry them as a Dr dry to product.

00:16:14.180 --> 00:16:29.620 Malan, Naude Then they they quality immediately enhances and then you know there's a a link here on the on the, on the screen and the National Development Agency has a has a guide on how to build your own solar dryers and how to solar drive foods. So this is the key.

00:16:30.050 --> 00:16:38.450 Malan, Naude And sustainability is about transforming something that's not useful into something that's useful and that is the key thing.

00:16:39.830 --> 00:16:53.660 Malan, Naude How would you transform these things? How would it start? And it starts with a reciprocal relationship with your customers. You know, I've made a lot of it. A noise about farmers need to actually.

00:16:54.590 --> 00:17:24.670 Malan, Naude Am I a declared to the community that I can deliver food at lower than retail cost? You can only achieve that cost if you have a very strong system of harvesting waste from the Community because remember you also need to eat so you're you are yourself as a farmer you are also in competition with your own prices, so you need to lower the competition so you can lower the competition by harvesting waste from your community. Processing that as I explained and then putting it back into the soil.

00:17:24.790 --> 00:17:44.400 Malan, Naude And then selling that food back to the community and harvesting the waste from that again. So that circular relationship is what's gonna make you solvent but also sustainable. And if you are sustainable, you'll always be solvent. But if you are sustainable, you'll always have multiple benefits besides the money that you can make.

00:17:46.210 --> 00:18:09.360 Malan, Naude So let's look at the energy system now for this. It's complicated because there's a lot of cost and technology involved. However, let's start with the sun. We live in the southern hemisphere, so the sun, except high summer in high summer, the sun is right on top. But all other times during the year the Sun comes to us from the north.

00:18:10.070 --> 00:18:40.500 Malan, Naude So what you have to do, whether it's your farm, whether it's your house, whatever design your farm to face north, because when you face north, then you're gonna accept the most of the sun energy, it's gonna come to you. And this is gonna make a big difference to the way while especially how your plants plant grow. Don't plant the trees on the northern side. Plant the trees on the southern side so you can plant your crops in front of the the on the north side of the trees.

00:18:40.680 --> 00:18:48.450 Malan, Naude So the trees will still get the sun and your crops will get the sun and and and and they are because they are tall. The South doesn't affect them.

00:18:49.120 --> 00:19:10.350 Malan, Naude This is an absolutely critical design feature you have to face North because even if you save 1% of of of effort by facing north that 1%. Remember you can multiply and that 1% might be the profit that you earn right at the end of all the processes.

00:19:12.560 --> 00:19:42.330 Malan, Naude Also, when you think of energy, think of the energy in plants, animals and waste. This is really, really important. So if you make compost with leaves, there is still a lot of energy in those leaves, even if they're brown leaves. And as they, as they decompose, that energy is released and gets captured in the compost, and the compost can then give that energy back. So your energy cycle is a very deep, deep cycle that has to do with all the all the materials.

00:19:42.420 --> 00:19:43.590 Malan, Naude That on your on your phone.

00:19:44.440 --> 00:20:15.070 Malan, Naude And of course, uh wood for fires. I mean, we all firewood replenishes itself very, very quickly. It's a it's it's a great storage. It is not as environmentally damaging as as electricity and and and and kerosene and paraffin and wood is a great resource. So once again, if you plant your trees in the right place, they'll grow faster and then you can use that word you can harvest from the trees. The wood can also be used for building and all those things. And so therefore you save energy.

00:20:15.220 --> 00:20:21.050 Malan, Naude Your whole your energy system is at the whole system, so you saving energy in collecting wood et cetera, et cetera.

00:20:22.070 --> 00:20:39.560 Malan, Naude Also think of your compass as a form of energy storage and also you know in a sense if you are storing water with permaculture design and contouring and swells, then you are also storing the water in the soil. That saves you the energy to transport water later on.

00:20:41.870 --> 00:20:47.810 Malan, Naude You can also approach your energy system from technology side and and that's quite important.

00:20:49.120 --> 00:21:21.040 Malan, Naude Because technology, you know it's it's high, high capital cost etcetera. But then when when you when you say you invest in solar panels, now you are actually getting to a point where the renewable energy for very high value applications could pay itself off. So when you invest for that kind of a thing, you actually have to enable the the the costs of that renewable energy system to be recuperated in the additional productivity that it might be possible.

00:21:21.590 --> 00:21:31.130 Malan, Naude So therefore, when you are designing a high tech technology system, what you would also have to do is to work out the financial implications of that.

00:21:32.780 --> 00:21:40.970 Malan, Naude The other thing that we need to think about and and this will reoccur in the discussion of technology, but this is what is important with energy.

00:21:42.010 --> 00:22:10.880 Malan, Naude Energy is everything. So you can save energy by converging technologies. The one technology you could use is just facing north, so therefore the sun goes into your house, so you don't use the heater so much, so that would affect your renewable electricity supply because you're facing north and you warmer, you'll use less of that. So you can buy a smaller system. You know, this could also link to the water flows and if the water flows.

00:22:11.960 --> 00:22:36.590 Malan, Naude And with normal flows, then you don't need a pump. So then the water is available and all of this can be realized. If you can design it as a as a water tight system where everything interacts, and that is the key. It is about design. I have to apologize to our viewers or listeners as we would like to also illustrate these insights in a.

00:22:37.140 --> 00:22:46.080 Malan, Naude A practical way and I think I think in the next phase, we really would like to have a demonstration center where we can show these things and it would make it much better.

00:22:48.090 --> 00:22:54.230 Malan, Naude But this convergence of technology really allows us to see how the soil is also a system.

00:22:54.920 --> 00:23:23.230 Malan, Naude So the soil is a Nexus, cause the the soil which creates food is a is a mix of the of of the waste which was there water, energy and the minerals it's and et cetera that that, that, that that lived here before you know the soil is the mother goddess of us all and and and that's to dust you know it is really really goodness there are people in the lobby now there isn't OK sorry I'm just.

00:23:24.740 --> 00:23:54.830 Malan, Naude Where am I now? Yeah, I have to just check if these things. Uh, sorry. So. So. So the way in which the soil works, the soil integrates these things and the the the biology of the soil integrates them and actually creates converged technologies. So think about what benefits you could have if you have very good very well constructed rice beds that you have your thick trunks at the bottom bones at the bottom and lots of biomass in the bed.

00:23:55.300 --> 00:24:25.360 Malan, Naude The water flows on your farm would would run along the raised beds, cause you would build your beds along the control line. So as it as the water flows, it immediately sinks right down there into the roots in the raised bed. So now your own energy use is minimized because you don't have to water anymore and the raised bed means you don't have to bend so much. So the energy use is enhanced by the design of the raised beds and that increases your productivity. And then.

00:24:26.380 --> 00:24:42.230 Malan, Naude The the the what? What happens is then the waste that fall out of the system which which makes it less productive. If you can integrate those weights back into the next raised bed where you put the waste in that raised bed, now you have an integrated design.

00:24:42.930 --> 00:25:13.730 Malan, Naude And this is the key is to to be able to see how no waste will take place on your farm and then the flows are things will all flow into increased productivity processes and that is the key to a successful farm. Because what you then do is you are designing your labor as much less than it normally would be. And that is your savings. You know the way to make money is not to make money, but the way to make money is to save money.

00:25:14.170 --> 00:25:24.740 Malan, Naude Like save a million Rand by saving 1 Rand a million times and that is the the attitude you should have in the way you design your systems.

00:25:26.930 --> 00:25:32.010 Malan, Naude So now for the last one that I want to just emphasize in this.

00:25:32.090 --> 00:25:34.920 Malan, Naude Yeah, if it's did the the delivery is.

00:25:36.050 --> 00:26:08.580 Malan, Naude To think of interactions as institutions, and I'm and I'm mentioning this because of the politically unfavorable position urban farmers occupy. Urban farmers often don't own the land, so they, you know, they they are on borrowed land. They're often precarious situation. They don't have the often the, the the best knowledge around agriculture that don't they don't fit in the normal retail system. So actually what what is necessary is that the urban farmers shouldn't change. The urban farmers should actually change society.

00:26:08.680 --> 00:26:15.550 Malan, Naude So they sit in society, and to do that, farmers must be able to influence broader political processes.

00:26:16.680 --> 00:26:45.790 Malan, Naude So. So the key here is not to just take from the state, because the state is all powerful actor and we know that they can very, very easily undermine especially the informal sector. So what you need to do is to build the reciprocal relationship with your political authorities so that you can give and receive from them and that then creates an interaction with them. So you can then at the key moment influence in policy.

00:26:46.290 --> 00:26:51.450 Malan, Naude And this is really important because the world is searching for solutions.

00:26:52.170 --> 00:26:59.090 Malan, Naude I'm in integrating urban farmers in the uh settlement design, and if we can do that.

00:27:00.420 --> 00:27:12.100 Malan, Naude You know, then food will be cheaper because it's grown closer with people are, but it's not necessarily that some clever architect or town planner must design the system like that. No, it is actually better.

00:27:13.440 --> 00:27:14.490 Malan, Naude My goodness, where am I?

00:27:15.720 --> 00:27:48.530 Malan, Naude It is actually better if if we if we can, if we can influence politically the choices made so that farmers themselves make those changes and not a designer does it in an office. So that's really, really important at why I'm emphasizing institutions as part of the circular design of the enterprise or so your custom interaction is a system, you know, it's building on your waste harvesting as you harvest waste from them. You are understanding what do they need and you're actually designing your product for them.

00:27:49.010 --> 00:27:54.990 Malan, Naude So interaction is A is a system is a institution. It is the institution to create your product.

00:27:56.880 --> 00:28:27.340 Malan, Naude Also, when you do these interactions, you are really recreating the social contract. You know how do you interact with your community and how do they influence you? This circular relationship is gonna be key in how you maintain your enterprise and these relationships can then be maintained through social media, Internet, WhatsApp and also communication and also science and and and opportunities that you create on in your phone. You know, for people to sit and mingle, enjoy the landscape.

00:28:27.490 --> 00:28:54.310 Malan, Naude Yeah. Enjoy the flowers. Those kind of things. That is really, really part of what you are doing and actually what you need to do is you have to maintain them. So how do you sell or you just selling it for money, but as you sell every time you sell is an opportunity to interact with our customer. And that is that interaction will release the information that you need to know what to do to satisfy your customers needs into the future.

00:28:55.710 --> 00:29:04.160 Malan, Naude Thank you very much guys. I hope that has helped and and I'm fully aware that this might be you know just a wee bit.

00:29:04.280 --> 00:29:04.810 Malan, Naude And.

00:29:06.050 --> 00:29:12.100 Malan, Naude I abstract, but that's unfortunately you can hardly see myself on the screen.

00:29:13.480 --> 00:29:34.400 Malan, Naude So you can just see a little bit of me, but it's quite abstract, but please allow me to now give the flow to Juanita and Juanita will, will, will, will, will give us a few concrete examples of what people can do to realize these sustainable systems in their enterprises. Thank you, Anita. It's over to you.

00:29:37.330 --> 00:29:38.530 Van der Walt, Juanita Thank you, doctor Malan.

00:29:39.710 --> 00:29:42.280 Van der Walt, Juanita Just please confirm that you can see the slides.

00:29:42.720 --> 00:29:45.610 Malan, Naude Yes, I can see the slides. You just wanna go do slide show?

00:29:46.880 --> 00:29:47.310 Van der Walt, Juanita Right.

00:29:48.440 --> 00:30:07.540 Van der Walt, Juanita The first thing that I would like to discuss is comparing your traditional supply chain with your short food supply chain. Because you're short food supply, chain is gonna evidently lead you to become more successful because you've produced would be supplied to your customers.

00:30:08.430 --> 00:30:10.550 Van der Walt, Juanita And the faster, more efficient way.

00:30:12.200 --> 00:30:22.750 Van der Walt, Juanita So if you look at the food system, your local food system includes food production, microprocessing distribution, retailing, consumption and waste disposal.

00:30:23.410 --> 00:30:28.860 Van der Walt, Juanita And this is done to improve the local environment, economy and your social well being.

00:30:33.400 --> 00:30:34.580 Van der Walt, Juanita The role that the.

00:30:35.440 --> 00:30:55.770 Van der Walt, Juanita Traditional supply chain played is mostly done or seen from the mall commercial site where you have your big farms and your manufacturing plant or packaging it gets distributed. You arrange for transportation to the market, to the consumer.

00:30:56.600 --> 00:31:07.850 Van der Walt, Juanita However, with the alternative or local Food Network, your customers are involved with the demand of high.

00:31:08.150 --> 00:31:09.810 Van der Walt, Juanita Umm alphy.

00:31:10.440 --> 00:31:25.900 Van der Walt, Juanita Higher quality foods and this is what they want and you want to provide it to them in the fastest possible way and this is done through making use of what is available around you.

00:31:27.540 --> 00:31:29.890 Van der Walt, Juanita Umm. In your supply chain?

00:31:31.300 --> 00:31:33.470 Van der Walt, Juanita Four your urban farmers.

00:31:34.200 --> 00:31:37.950 Van der Walt, Juanita You will eliminate quite a few of your intermediaries.

00:31:38.720 --> 00:31:47.370 Van der Walt, Juanita You will still make use of packaging. You will still have your form. You will still have your transportation and you will still have your consumers.

00:31:48.310 --> 00:32:01.240 Van der Walt, Juanita So when we look at packaging, packaging plays a huge role, not only in protecting the product, but it also provides a great first impression of what you are providing to your consumer.

00:32:02.010 --> 00:32:06.340 Van der Walt, Juanita It makes you stand out. The packaging will speak for you.

00:32:08.310 --> 00:32:27.120 Van der Walt, Juanita You can also consider things like going green, as you can see on the picture where you have a cosmetics company that incorporated seats into the packaging, and when you are done with the packaging you plant it. That would make all that would really make you stand out from the rest.

00:32:28.380 --> 00:32:31.560 Van der Walt, Juanita Umm. If you look at transportation services.

00:32:32.920 --> 00:32:44.510 Van der Walt, Juanita There's quite a few people around your community that might have buckies and they will be able to start a transportation service for you.

00:32:45.530 --> 00:33:03.270 Van der Walt, Juanita Umm, the example that I've given you here is coming from the Facebook page, so it also gives you an opportunity to start a new business and incorporate it into your business as an urban farmer, you can also provide transportation then to your other colleagues.

00:33:05.560 --> 00:33:07.990 Van der Walt, Juanita If you look at the retail opportunities.

00:33:09.000 --> 00:33:19.010 Van der Walt, Juanita Pecan pie, for example, has supported farmers, especially the small farmers, by providing them with opportunities to do business with them.

00:33:21.680 --> 00:33:22.350 Van der Walt, Juanita Right.

00:33:25.340 --> 00:33:41.400 Van der Walt, Juanita So why is it so important to have a short food supply chain? Number one? It eliminates unnecessary intermediary research. It ables you to get your produce to your consumer faster, and this can be done through farmers markets.

00:33:42.090 --> 00:33:52.040 Van der Walt, Juanita Uh form shops collective former shops, community supported agriculture and solidarity purchase groups. Now if we look at the farmers market.

00:33:52.910 --> 00:34:09.210 Van der Walt, Juanita You are actually directly more directly marketing your products to your consumer and it would be then easier for them to identify you and to learn about your products that you provide to them and they can actually tell you.

00:34:09.960 --> 00:34:11.490 Van der Walt, Juanita The needs that they have.

00:34:12.380 --> 00:34:21.730 Van der Walt, Juanita But what happens in the case where you don't have a farmers market? You can always start one and that would provide you with an opportunity.

00:34:22.640 --> 00:34:27.300 Van der Walt, Juanita To not only sell your produce, but also to.

00:34:28.810 --> 00:34:44.440 Van der Walt, Juanita To make additional income through a farmers market now the example that I'm giving you here is a farmers market that was started in South Africa and they give you some tips on how to go about it.

00:34:45.930 --> 00:35:02.280 Van der Walt, Juanita Certain questions that you need to ask before you consider starting your own farmers market is your health and safety requirements. If there's any local municipal bylaws and what requirements do you need to comply with?

00:35:03.390 --> 00:35:05.900 Van der Walt, Juanita As you as the founder.

00:35:06.910 --> 00:35:12.650 Van der Walt, Juanita And manager of your farmers market, you would be able to not Only Connect yourself.

00:35:13.500 --> 00:35:36.630 Van der Walt, Juanita But also other farmers and producers that locally grow fruit and non food products to your community and you will then generate money from renting your stalls, getting your vendors and you can establish a customer base if it is easily a sick, accessible to your consumers.

00:35:39.450 --> 00:35:48.070 Van der Walt, Juanita In the case where there is a farmers market and you do not know what other opportunities is available to you.

00:35:49.330 --> 00:35:52.010 Van der Walt, Juanita There's about 50 different types of.

00:35:53.240 --> 00:36:06.160 Van der Walt, Juanita Businesses that you can create around an urban farm, such as pet food production, where you can use your your waste, you can make it into pellets.

00:36:07.280 --> 00:36:22.610 Van der Walt, Juanita You have your farm setting where you can assist other farmers if they need to go away, and you can run the urban farm full thing. You can start a petting zoo if you have. Ohh sorry about that. If you have a big enough.

00:36:23.550 --> 00:36:49.480 Van der Walt, Juanita But righty of animals and for that you can actually make your urban form available to schools to come and view and touch the animals, and that gives the kids an opportunity to experience a form in the urban area. You can also do educational forming where you can give people with the same interest or students to learn a more about what you are doing on your urban form.

00:36:50.600 --> 00:36:55.550 Van der Walt, Juanita Uh one of Doctor Malan's colleagues? Uh, Tim Alba does that.

00:36:56.220 --> 00:37:10.010 Van der Walt, Juanita And you can also do agrotourism where you have your urban farm and you invite people to come and visit, or they can actually stay over to experience what it is like to run urban form.

00:37:14.090 --> 00:37:20.810 Van der Walt, Juanita When you incorporate technology into your urban form, it can either open new opportunities to you.

00:37:21.600 --> 00:37:24.630 Van der Walt, Juanita Or it can introduce you to new practices.

00:37:27.560 --> 00:37:31.630 Van der Walt, Juanita So for example, in South Africa these various.

00:37:33.140 --> 00:37:51.600 Van der Walt, Juanita Organizations that provide you with assistance to farming, such as aerobotics, that is more for your bigger forms Agricole where they connect small scale farmers with investors.

00:37:52.800 --> 00:38:04.950 Van der Walt, Juanita Audrey into it gives you Auger chemical database that is more for your commercial farmers. Agri LED so it actually gives you a.

00:38:06.430 --> 00:38:10.400 Van der Walt, Juanita At pitch in contact with the organization that provides containers.

00:38:11.680 --> 00:38:14.200 Van der Walt, Juanita To support hydroponics.

00:38:15.470 --> 00:38:24.990 Van der Walt, Juanita Uh culturafresh. That is a hydroponic vegetable supplier you have itsy. That's a GPS tracking technology for livestock.

00:38:25.650 --> 00:38:49.940 Van der Walt, Juanita Green fingers mobile that actually assists smallholder farmers in managing and financing their business. Online fruits and vegetable business to business market price and the handler choice. There's the cooler app that Doctor Malan also had contact with Manobi that is specifically in the Limpopo province for the small scale farmers.

00:38:50.600 --> 00:38:52.390 Van der Walt, Juanita That might use of technology.

00:38:54.270 --> 00:39:00.340 Van der Walt, Juanita To have a more sustainable and practical product value chain. So stress.

00:39:01.660 --> 00:39:20.350 Van der Walt, Juanita Is the visibility into the agriculture and food value chains from farm to retail and swift, vee online livestock trading platform. So all making use of the technology can either provide you with a new market or alternative way to do your farming practices.

00:39:22.710 --> 00:39:26.150 Van der Walt, Juanita Just for interest sake, I just added in the.

00:39:26.910 --> 00:39:27.750 Van der Walt, Juanita And.

00:39:28.830 --> 00:39:29.990 Van der Walt, Juanita Innovation.

00:39:31.000 --> 00:39:35.350 Van der Walt, Juanita That they are practicing in Singapore for building a more.

00:39:36.180 --> 00:40:04.600 Van der Walt, Juanita And sustainable urban farms in the environment because they do not have as many farmland as the rest of the world, because it's mostly important export. So their plan now is to make use of all open space to become a urban farms and provide with the the people they with fresh fruit and vegetables every day.

00:40:05.560 --> 00:40:06.610 Van der Walt, Juanita Thank you, doctor Malan.

00:40:08.830 --> 00:40:09.860 Malan, Naude I thank you, Anita.

00:40:11.150 --> 00:40:40.500 Malan, Naude And that's that's really great. And if I may make a few comments in the dark, yeah, you know those technologies that the second last slide with those website links, you know those are the the the sub or the the processes that you need to integrate in your subsystems. So some of those like the trace tracing or the cooler app or something like that, you know those are not real environmental things. These are like computer resources.

00:40:41.200 --> 00:41:10.750 Malan, Naude But if you can, if you can link those into your into your enterprise in some meaningful way, then you have incorporated, you know, an outside system into your inside system, and that outside system will bring value to your farm. And if you can link to the traceability site, I mean, many people sell immediately locally, so these things will be very irrelevant. And for some farmers, especially urban farmers who sell to their neighbors but.

00:41:11.240 --> 00:41:42.950 Malan, Naude If you have any kind of product that you sell, you know far away and you can connect it to those resources, then you have enhanced your product dramatically and and and that is what we would be necessary for urban farmers to scale up from local serving the local area to actually starting to serve maybe the the regional or the the city area and and and if you go to the city or higher, then you need to have this, this traceability, this information on how your food is produced to actually develop or might offer a really good product.

00:41:43.760 --> 00:42:12.390 Malan, Naude But but thank you very much, Juanita for that. I I think it's really important and I think the idea of short supply chains is really the the real reason that urban farmers should take this seriously, because that is the only way they will be able to make money because, you know, farmers lose money in the long supply chain. So urban farmers make money by eliminating those long supply chains. That takes the money away. So I would really, really.

00:42:13.070 --> 00:42:18.240 Malan, Naude I encourage farmers to think about that idea of short supply chain farming.

00:42:19.520 --> 00:42:29.970 Malan, Naude Umm is there please, ladies and gentlemen, please put up your hand. Or even even if you want to, you can give us a question in the chat. If there's anything you wanna know, we will be posting.

00:42:31.590 --> 00:42:42.320 Malan, Naude Well, you can. You can get this recording on Facebook, but we will also be posting on the blog or the presentations with all the links in there. Thank you so much. But please ladies and gentlemen, the floor is open.

00:42:45.740 --> 00:42:48.290 Malan, Naude Uh, we have a hand by Juanita. Please go ahead.

00:42:49.420 --> 00:42:53.330 Van der Walt, Juanita I think one of the most important things that urban farmers need to realize is.

00:42:54.300 --> 00:43:07.750 Van der Walt, Juanita The person that gets the the product to the consumer the fastest and the best quality and quantity that they require is the ones that's doing the sale. So most of the times if you look at your retail store.

00:43:09.000 --> 00:43:11.740 Van der Walt, Juanita You do font the produce, but it's not good quality.

00:43:12.390 --> 00:43:16.500 Van der Walt, Juanita So urban farmers actually have an opportunity to to build a network.

00:43:17.290 --> 00:43:34.870 Van der Walt, Juanita Identify consumers, make it available, whether it is consumers picking it up at the urban farm or at farmers markets that they have an opportunity to to to build a good network with their consumers.

00:43:35.840 --> 00:43:37.080 Van der Walt, Juanita And also.

00:43:38.020 --> 00:43:42.110 Van der Walt, Juanita There's so many opportunities within urban farming, as I said.

00:43:43.340 --> 00:43:50.890 Van der Walt, Juanita If I from all the searches that I've done within urban farming, there's 50 opportunities excluding.

00:43:51.660 --> 00:43:57.490 Van der Walt, Juanita Planting of produce. So urban farming's urban farmers must identify.

00:43:58.670 --> 00:44:06.220 Van der Walt, Juanita What vice products they have and what other business they can do with that waste product?

00:44:07.430 --> 00:44:14.570 Van der Walt, Juanita That might also give them an opportunity to build a bigger client base with a variety of of products.

00:44:15.350 --> 00:44:18.540 Van der Walt, Juanita That will assist them in becoming more sustainable.

00:44:20.910 --> 00:44:24.060 Malan, Naude Yes, thank you. And if I may just add something.

00:44:24.880 --> 00:44:30.130 Malan, Naude Umm, you know if if a farmer urban farmer as a as a good relationship with the Hawker?

00:44:30.790 --> 00:45:01.590 Malan, Naude You know that is your transport and distribution and sales all-in-one. Now I don't know if it'll pay for you to do it like that, but you might if you're a good farmer. You wanna. You wanna focus on on farming your crops and your animals rather than your sails or you could get someone else to do this sales. But you could have a very good reciprocal relationship with hawkers. And the hawkers could be your your delivery point and and it's just the deal that you make with them. That's gonna make it. Michael, break it.

00:45:01.870 --> 00:45:26.030 Malan, Naude But what? Why do farmers not explore that? And I think that is that's that's a really good opportunity to explore. But like I said, only a farmer will know if it pays for them to go that way. But but the point is is you need to look at all the resources in your local area and put together a system in your local area because that is what's gonna make it work. Yeah.

00:45:27.000 --> 00:45:37.490 Malan, Naude Umm, I see palesa is typing but it will. It's not clear yet. Maybe that's just a a an area or something, but if there's any other questions please ladies and gentlemen, you are welcome.

00:45:38.540 --> 00:45:40.070 Malan, Naude Are Juanita? Is that your hand?

00:45:41.040 --> 00:45:42.330 Van der Walt, Juanita Yes, it's my hand again.

00:45:42.820 --> 00:45:43.190 Malan, Naude Hmm.

00:45:43.510 --> 00:45:48.860 Van der Walt, Juanita Coming to the the the vendors that you find in the streets at borough or.

00:45:49.810 --> 00:46:01.820 Van der Walt, Juanita At Kirk Street on North St in Joburg, they spend a lot of money to transport the fresh produce from the Joburg market to where they have their souls.

00:46:02.660 --> 00:46:03.630 Van der Walt, Juanita And if.

00:46:04.470 --> 00:46:10.190 Van der Walt, Juanita A urban farmer can maybe make arrangement with one of the the vendors and say that.

00:46:10.930 --> 00:46:18.630 Van der Walt, Juanita I will deliver the products to you. They will still be able to negotiate with maybe a cheaper product or price.

00:46:19.640 --> 00:46:34.580 Van der Walt, Juanita That's going to both benefit the vendor and the former. Then the vendor going to to the Joburg fresh fruit and vegetable market to collect the goods and to take it to the various points where they have the the selling points.

00:46:37.030 --> 00:46:37.560 Van der Walt, Juanita Thank you.

00:46:55.840 --> 00:47:10.710 Malan, Naude Sorry, I'm talking to myself here on the on the, on the mute. I'm. I'm just responding to palesa. There's 20 hectares in Broncos Sprite now. That's very valuable. Palesa because Broncos Sprite is really good soils. But the land itself.

00:47:12.770 --> 00:47:26.760 Malan, Naude You know, if you're looking for investors, they will just buy it from you and and buy it out of you. But what you would need is that is some kind of a business plan or or or a going concern. It was, you know, something must be on the land for it to be valuable.

00:47:27.630 --> 00:47:54.100 Malan, Naude So what if I have the 20 hectare? I would I would take one full year and study starting with permaculture design study a little bit of agriculture, even conventional agriculture. Understand your NPK and how those things work and those things are very expensive and and and and your money goes to the inputs but definitely understand organic production, permaculture production how to make your own inputs do all of those things.

00:47:55.570 --> 00:48:04.780 Malan, Naude And Umm, yeah, you know, you you don't need investors. You know, rather set up something with what you have already.

00:48:06.230 --> 00:48:18.150 Malan, Naude Because you must understand investors, they will buy something that's built so they will. They will not give you if you build a house, they 400,000, they'll give you 99,000. They won't give you the full 100,000.

00:48:19.020 --> 00:48:24.310 Malan, Naude So so if you invest in the land, invest productively, so you get more back.

00:48:25.020 --> 00:48:32.590 Malan, Naude Umm, yeah, so you know, my recommendation to palesa is to actually look at this whole thing afresh from a business perspective.

00:48:33.730 --> 00:48:49.020 Malan, Naude You could just sell the land, which is would be one thing to do, but I'm a much better way would be to actually study agriculture, commit to it, learn what to do and actually go that way and see what you can do. But the lesser let's hear from you. Please go ahead.

00:48:50.310 --> 00:48:50.730 Palesa Gule Is.

00:48:51.270 --> 00:49:01.140 Palesa Gule Good evening, doctor, and good evening to the listeners. Thank you so much for this opportunity. What we have in mind, I've already started with. I've already started producing.

00:49:02.300 --> 00:49:32.890 Palesa Gule This Chili's called habanero chilies here at home in Midrand. So now we want to expand that on a larger scale, but the other challenge that we have is we don't our our greenhouse the, the, the the sale on top has come off is actually been weathered away by you know the weather. So it's actually damaged. So if we could find a way to secure the greenhouse then we can produce more of the habanero chilies and even even gold and extend of doing chicken farming there.

00:49:05.870 --> 00:49:06.260 Malan, Naude Oh yes.

00:49:32.990 --> 00:49:34.600 Palesa Gule With a broilers or layers.

00:49:35.420 --> 00:49:42.840 Palesa Gule And even animals as well, because it's it's a huge piece of land. So we are just sort of ideas and manpower and resources at the moment.

00:49:43.980 --> 00:50:01.520 Malan, Naude Yeah, yeah. You know police. If I can just say a few things. I mean, the the, the plastic, the Poly, you just have to buy some and and what you will have to do is to find out where is the best place to buy. I think talk to the farmers in the area that that probably get it from the Co Open.

00:49:52.920 --> 00:49:53.160 Palesa Gule No.

00:50:02.100 --> 00:50:16.350 Malan, Naude Umm, you know? So the carp, you you become a member of the coop so you know you you you you a profit share so you can probably get a bit of discount on that but also palesa if you if you are growing a single crop in large volumes.

00:50:02.280 --> 00:50:02.700 Palesa Gule Ohh.

00:50:09.120 --> 00:50:09.420 Palesa Gule Yeah.

00:50:11.990 --> 00:50:12.530 Palesa Gule Ohh.

00:50:17.130 --> 00:50:17.400 Palesa Gule Umm.

00:50:18.300 --> 00:50:20.930 Malan, Naude Then you need to have a market before you plant.

00:50:22.380 --> 00:50:22.830 Palesa Gule Yes.

00:50:23.310 --> 00:50:24.940 Malan, Naude So you have to get that rocked.

00:50:25.480 --> 00:50:42.180 Palesa Gule Yeah, I I have a lady that I'm supplying the have a narrow chilies, but he's a small scale person or she makes her own chili sauce and chili condiments, etcetera. But I need to find, like you said, more customers, more bigger increase the the market.

00:50:25.710 --> 00:50:26.520 Malan, Naude Also, we're.

00:50:31.270 --> 00:50:31.600 Malan, Naude Yeah.

00:50:34.410 --> 00:50:35.040 Malan, Naude Yeah.

00:50:39.240 --> 00:50:39.530 Malan, Naude Yeah.

00:50:40.490 --> 00:50:41.170 Malan, Naude God also.

00:50:42.590 --> 00:50:59.070 Malan, Naude Yeah. Also you know something like Chili's, they're they're they're potency varies in some it'll be stronger or sometimes in winter it will be stronger. So the big I I know you know Nando's they have a real big problem standardizing. They're the hotness of this source. So. So that's something that you need to think about.

00:50:50.940 --> 00:50:51.350 Palesa Gule Yeah.

00:51:00.050 --> 00:51:08.860 Malan, Naude Also, when you're growing one monocrop, you are encouraging the pests to to to to to move in and and and because it's all just chillies and they they thrive.

00:51:00.080 --> 00:51:00.480 Palesa Gule OK.

00:51:09.710 --> 00:51:23.570 Malan, Naude So you need to think about that also the chicken thing like there has been no such big rip off in the history of capitalism as chicken farming. People are gonna sell you a one stop chicken farm that's gonna.

00:51:09.870 --> 00:51:10.270 Palesa Gule Umm.

00:51:24.280 --> 00:51:26.910 Malan, Naude Be a way for them to farm with you.

00:51:28.200 --> 00:51:44.940 Malan, Naude So go look at our Chicken Farm edition on on the on on Facebook. The key thing there is that especially the chicken feeders and the trays that they give you for free, they'll give it to you for free so that the chickens can shift in your food so that you buy 40% more feed from them.

00:51:33.140 --> 00:51:33.560 Palesa Gule OK.

00:51:46.020 --> 00:51:49.410 Malan, Naude So you have to really innovate if you're gonna make it work.

00:51:46.530 --> 00:51:46.850 Palesa Gule Yeah.

00:51:50.210 --> 00:51:50.770 Palesa Gule Yeah.

00:51:50.390 --> 00:51:57.880 Malan, Naude I'm also also you have to then integrate your chickens with your crops, else you are throwing away all of the manure.

00:51:58.580 --> 00:51:58.960 Palesa Gule Umm.

00:51:58.710 --> 00:52:15.760 Malan, Naude And and and you will fail because that manure is your profit. So. So. So, you know, think seriously about the benefits of sustainability. Umm, hmm? Yeah. But I thank you for that example. And please stay in touch.

00:52:03.000 --> 00:52:03.420 Palesa Gule Yeah.

00:52:06.750 --> 00:52:07.370 Palesa Gule Uh.

00:52:10.220 --> 00:52:11.370 Palesa Gule Yeah, yeah.

00:52:16.790 --> 00:52:22.610 Malan, Naude You know it, it would be. It would be interesting to see, but I you know there's there's an opportunity here. Yeah, yeah.

00:52:24.430 --> 00:52:25.640 Malan, Naude Anything else palisa?

00:52:28.820 --> 00:52:31.500 Malan, Naude OK, Juanita, your hand is still up.

00:52:31.530 --> 00:52:32.840 Palesa Gule We seem to have lost the doctor now.

00:52:33.370 --> 00:52:35.590 Malan, Naude Uh, good. OK, so.

00:52:35.030 --> 00:52:35.280 Palesa Gule Hi.

00:52:36.500 --> 00:52:43.010 Van der Walt, Juanita OK, I've I've got a a question for police. Or do you actually sell your chillies to a farmers market?

00:52:46.200 --> 00:53:15.190 Palesa Gule Not necessarily. There's a lady that I'm supplying who makes chili sauces in Soweto, so it's so far she's the only person. But I've also looked around in the neighborhood in in Midrand, the retailers, the farm retailers, to see if I could sell. Some are interested. Some are not yet interested. So my harvest is not that big at the moment. I do about four kilograms every three to four weeks. So I'm looking at expanding that to more so that I'm able to reach out to more customers.

00:53:16.550 --> 00:53:19.080 Van der Walt, Juanita OK, I'm gonna. I'm gonna.

00:53:20.760 --> 00:53:25.230 Van der Walt, Juanita If you if you go on to the website when the slides are made available.

00:53:23.960 --> 00:53:24.220 Palesa Gule Uh-huh.

00:53:26.080 --> 00:53:35.630 Van der Walt, Juanita Uh, you can maybe contact the the people that I have here that invest in small scale farmers through crowdfunding.

00:53:26.230 --> 00:53:26.730 Palesa Gule Yes.

00:53:36.410 --> 00:53:39.300 Van der Walt, Juanita But the thing about the thing about Chili's is.

00:53:36.830 --> 00:53:37.460 Palesa Gule OK.

00:53:41.320 --> 00:53:49.370 Van der Walt, Juanita They would be quite a few people interested, especially if they start drying it, and that is something that you can consider as well.

00:53:50.040 --> 00:53:50.470 Palesa Gule Umm.

00:53:51.270 --> 00:53:57.600 Van der Walt, Juanita Drawing your product can can add value because you can actually sell it dried and then.

00:53:57.100 --> 00:53:57.460 Palesa Gule Yeah.

00:53:58.420 --> 00:54:04.420 Van der Walt, Juanita You won't have any waste, but as you said, you're not there yet. By producing so much.

00:54:05.010 --> 00:54:05.380 Palesa Gule Umm.

00:54:05.350 --> 00:54:13.030 Van der Walt, Juanita Umm have you have you considered in? In renting out a hectare to somebody at a time?

00:54:14.690 --> 00:54:24.480 Van der Walt, Juanita Where you set up where you set up side, uh, a lease agreement for a year and people have an opportunity to make use of the one hectare plant they.

00:54:26.530 --> 00:54:33.570 Van der Walt, Juanita Do what they they want to do, but it has to be. If if I can give you advice that has to be urban farming and nothing else.

00:54:34.760 --> 00:54:35.150 Palesa Gule Umm.

00:54:35.120 --> 00:54:48.170 Van der Walt, Juanita Then you can have a in a monthly income to grow the rest of your form. So say for example you say for 10 hectare, you're gonna rent out 10 hectare, 10 hectare, you're gonna keep.

00:54:38.930 --> 00:54:39.190 Palesa Gule Yeah.

00:54:44.430 --> 00:54:44.730 Palesa Gule Mm-hmm.

00:54:48.990 --> 00:54:58.750 Van der Walt, Juanita So you charge, say and this is just a a rough example. I don't know what what what rentals normally go through 4 for that.

00:54:49.080 --> 00:54:49.470 Palesa Gule Yeah.

00:54:59.490 --> 00:55:02.780 Van der Walt, Juanita But if you if you charge them, 1000 Rand per person.

00:55:03.980 --> 00:55:04.250 Palesa Gule Mm-hmm.

00:55:04.410 --> 00:55:07.170 Van der Walt, Juanita Per month and this is just like a rough guestimate now.

00:55:07.960 --> 00:55:10.440 Van der Walt, Juanita Then you will have an income to.

00:55:11.200 --> 00:55:14.240 Van der Walt, Juanita To support building up your side.

00:55:11.400 --> 00:55:12.100 Palesa Gule Hmm.

00:55:15.100 --> 00:55:34.450 Van der Walt, Juanita And remember, because you only have side, for example, a one year lease after a year, you can say, right, I'm gonna only rent out nine hectare now because I can actually plant on the hector on one of the hectares there. So you can generate an income with your land.

00:55:26.720 --> 00:55:27.070 Palesa Gule Yeah.

00:55:35.180 --> 00:55:42.660 Van der Walt, Juanita And at the same time you can use that money that you getting to to improve your side of the business.

00:55:35.220 --> 00:55:35.580 Palesa Gule Yeah.

00:55:43.140 --> 00:55:43.500 Palesa Gule Umm.

00:55:44.620 --> 00:55:46.790 Palesa Gule Yeah, instead of having the lens tanning bed.

00:55:44.740 --> 00:55:45.290 Van der Walt, Juanita And and.

00:55:47.120 --> 00:55:50.130 Van der Walt, Juanita Yeah. And the if you, if you have a look.

00:55:47.950 --> 00:55:48.710 Palesa Gule Yeah, makes sense.

00:55:52.860 --> 00:56:01.170 Van der Walt, Juanita I this there's a a form in Cape Town that actually ranked it rains out.

00:56:02.060 --> 00:56:27.290 Van der Walt, Juanita At pieces of land to people that stay in flats that would like to have a small vegetable garden. So depending on the size of what they want to use they they lease it for a certain amount of time and then they start planting and they look after the plants. If they for example, want somebody to to water their plants once a week, they have to pay for that additionally.

00:56:10.360 --> 00:56:10.680 Palesa Gule Umm.

00:56:13.610 --> 00:56:14.030 Palesa Gule Yeah.

00:56:28.090 --> 00:56:34.370 Van der Walt, Juanita That means that you can actually get somebody that's working on your side of the form, just to go water.

00:56:28.210 --> 00:56:28.500 Palesa Gule Hmm.

00:56:30.930 --> 00:56:31.320 Palesa Gule That's.

00:56:35.340 --> 00:56:36.110 Van der Walt, Juanita Somebody's.

00:56:37.870 --> 00:56:48.240 Van der Walt, Juanita Crop and you can you can generate quite a bit of money through that. There is an example of of that in Cape Town. So maybe if you just have a search on on Google.

00:56:48.860 --> 00:56:49.220 Palesa Gule Yeah.

00:56:49.380 --> 00:56:54.790 Van der Walt, Juanita Umm, so there is ways that you can actually make money with the land without losing the land.

00:56:55.560 --> 00:56:57.860 Van der Walt, Juanita And without somebody that's going to say to you.

00:56:58.750 --> 00:57:01.770 Van der Walt, Juanita Brought I will link money to you and you have to pay me back.

00:57:02.720 --> 00:57:03.170 Palesa Gule Yeah.

00:57:02.780 --> 00:57:14.700 Van der Walt, Juanita And you know that puts you in a in a in a tough situation in a tough spot where you can generate money by just using your land as a form of of generating that money.

00:57:08.970 --> 00:57:09.270 Palesa Gule Yeah.

00:57:12.020 --> 00:57:12.460 Palesa Gule Yes.

00:57:15.180 --> 00:57:15.890 Palesa Gule And yeah.

00:57:17.480 --> 00:57:18.770 Palesa Gule No, thank you.

00:57:19.280 --> 00:57:24.070 Malan, Naude Palesa, I'm sorry if I just add one more advice and if you look in the blogs.

00:57:20.650 --> 00:57:21.070 Palesa Gule Yes.

00:57:24.850 --> 00:57:34.300 Malan, Naude Uh, I think it was last year. Might be the year before we had uh, that financing company on the on the on the, on the Farmers lab, beyond soil.

00:57:24.910 --> 00:57:25.180 Palesa Gule Mm-hmm.

00:57:31.520 --> 00:57:31.780 Palesa Gule Yeah.

00:57:35.310 --> 00:57:35.830 Palesa Gule OK.

00:57:36.150 --> 00:57:42.700 Malan, Naude Umm I I think just hear them out there. They have headquarters in Rosebank. I I've seen them since then.

00:57:43.460 --> 00:57:48.220 Malan, Naude And then I have, uh, innovative funding means for for emerging farmers.

00:57:43.570 --> 00:57:43.910 Palesa Gule Umm.

00:57:49.130 --> 00:57:49.730 Malan, Naude Umm.

00:57:49.390 --> 00:57:52.700 Palesa Gule Regardless of what they want to produce, the farmers and.

00:57:51.840 --> 00:58:21.120 Malan, Naude Yeah. So yeah, so that I think they look at the infrastructure you know and and things like that on the farm in, in the way they evaluate you and they don't look at the traditional financial things. But I'm not, you know I'm, I'm, I'm making a rough guesstimate. Yeah. But I think just take a look at them and they are alternative financing means. Yeah. So I think just explore it a bit. But once again if you are strong in your agricultural background, then it's also going to be important.

00:57:58.650 --> 00:57:59.130 Palesa Gule Yeah.

00:58:06.710 --> 00:58:06.960 Palesa Gule In.

00:58:21.790 --> 00:58:22.110 Malan, Naude No.

00:58:22.880 --> 00:58:23.190 Malan, Naude Yeah.

00:58:22.950 --> 00:58:52.310 Palesa Gule Yeah, alright, that's can we also talk offline just to explore other things. You know we've we've come together there's a group of us that we want to expand ourselves because there's also demand for eggs and chicken and we just don't have the means of doing it and we've got a huge client base that do want eggs. They don't have farms. So we are in a way best suited to grow the chickens and in your and and get the layers running.

00:58:32.010 --> 00:58:32.450 Malan, Naude Umm.

00:58:38.430 --> 00:58:38.760 Malan, Naude Umm.

00:58:53.050 --> 00:59:00.020 Palesa Gule But the only challenge is the resources. I mean, there's a huge demand. We've already got a client base for the egg and for the chickens.

00:58:53.220 --> 00:58:53.780 Malan, Naude Yeah.

00:58:58.350 --> 00:58:58.740 Malan, Naude OK.

00:59:00.850 --> 00:59:20.480 Malan, Naude No, no, no. You know what? Contact me. I would love to to give advice. Yeah, but also. But look at the chicken discussion on the blogs and because what we did, what I do here is I want to show people the the whole discussion then was how to produce chickens in bulk at no capital cost.

00:59:05.970 --> 00:59:06.990 Palesa Gule Yeah. OK.

00:59:10.020 --> 00:59:10.350 Palesa Gule Yes.

00:59:18.380 --> 00:59:18.780 Palesa Gule Yes.

00:59:21.710 --> 00:59:22.910 Palesa Gule Really. Wow.

00:59:22.020 --> 00:59:28.630 Malan, Naude And that is important because like I said, those guys who sell you the all-in-one chicken house and all of that.

00:59:29.110 --> 00:59:29.590 Palesa Gule Yeah.

00:59:29.540 --> 00:59:33.460 Malan, Naude Can you just farming with you? They are farming with palesa.

00:59:34.080 --> 00:59:35.170 Palesa Gule Ohh.

00:59:35.010 --> 00:59:37.080 Malan, Naude And you are making the money for them.

00:59:37.370 --> 00:59:39.040 Palesa Gule Them. Yeah, and.

00:59:38.390 --> 01:00:01.100 Malan, Naude And that is what is happening in the whole economy, that is, that is how it works. So farmers need to understand how they are being exploited in just the position they're sent. And that is the key to understanding why do we say short supply chains? Because if you are selling your chickens on the long supply chains, the long supply chain takes the profit.

00:59:50.550 --> 00:59:51.070 Palesa Gule Umm.

01:00:01.490 --> 01:00:02.890 Palesa Gule Yes. Yeah.

01:00:02.490 --> 01:00:08.290 Malan, Naude You know, and carrots sells for five cents a kilogram at the fresh produce market.

01:00:09.570 --> 01:00:09.940 Palesa Gule Yeah.

01:00:10.280 --> 01:00:14.650 Malan, Naude You pay 40 rent the kilogram for it. Where does the rest go?

01:00:15.410 --> 01:00:15.970 Palesa Gule Yeah.

01:00:16.020 --> 01:00:19.710 Malan, Naude What happens to that farmer who gets five cents a kilogram?

01:00:20.320 --> 01:00:22.400 Palesa Gule Umm I was asking for.

01:00:21.030 --> 01:00:23.400 Malan, Naude He that folder doesn't exist anymore.

01:00:23.970 --> 01:00:37.770 Palesa Gule Yeah, I. No, I see what you're saying because I went to pick and pay pick and pay sales habanero chillies at 95 rents a kilo. But if you go to Johannesburg fresh produce, the same happened is it's 30 rains, 2530 rains a kilo.

01:00:38.440 --> 01:00:40.790 Palesa Gule So look at the marginal difference between the two.

01:00:40.210 --> 01:00:40.560 Malan, Naude Yeah.

01:00:41.370 --> 01:00:46.770 Malan, Naude Yeah, but now you get an idea how much in pick and place overheads cost them.

01:00:41.480 --> 01:00:41.870 Palesa Gule Yeah.

01:00:47.270 --> 01:00:48.600 Palesa Gule Yeah, I see.

01:00:48.040 --> 01:00:58.350 Malan, Naude So what do you need to do is you need to find a different delivery model and This is why we say something like door to the door cells is perhaps much better than selling to spot or pick and pay.

01:00:52.140 --> 01:00:52.510 Palesa Gule Yeah.

01:00:59.060 --> 01:01:26.240 Malan, Naude Or selling to a Hawker that sells in the local area. So there's you. Remember, you gotta think of the the Prophet of of the guy upstream from you. If he doesn't make a profit, you are also baggage. So selling to a ****** at at at a price that's very competitive for local sales. There's your answer yeah and actually focus on Township squatter camps in unserviced areas far away from shops.

01:00:59.060 --> 01:00:59.540 Palesa Gule Yeah.

01:01:08.330 --> 01:01:08.670 Palesa Gule Yeah.

01:01:17.760 --> 01:01:18.190 Palesa Gule Hmm.

01:01:19.000 --> 01:01:20.520 Palesa Gule Hmm, OK.

01:01:27.030 --> 01:01:43.050 Malan, Naude That's where most of our people live. Those are the people who are most insecure, who who would benefit the most from good food, who who will pay for good food, and if you can give it to them at lower than retail price, which you can cause, you gotta short supply chain. You can capture the whole market.

01:01:27.130 --> 01:01:27.770 Palesa Gule Yeah.

01:01:29.730 --> 01:01:29.970 Palesa Gule Yeah.

01:01:41.590 --> 01:01:41.940 Palesa Gule Yeah.

01:01:44.370 --> 01:01:45.560 Palesa Gule Oh, I see.

01:01:45.960 --> 01:02:03.590 Malan, Naude You see and and This is why I showed supply chains is absolutely the thing and it ties in with sustainability and and creating your own inputs. Yeah. So. So if you have chickens, you you must grow your own grain and keep your own grain for for because it'll always be cheaper than buying it.

01:01:47.350 --> 01:01:47.830 Palesa Gule Yes.

01:01:55.280 --> 01:01:55.740 Palesa Gule Wow.

01:02:00.890 --> 01:02:01.280 Palesa Gule Umm.

01:02:04.180 --> 01:02:05.200 Palesa Gule Is definitely.

01:02:05.460 --> 01:02:07.330 Malan, Naude Yeah, yeah. And chickens.

01:02:08.750 --> 01:02:19.710 Malan, Naude You know, we also had a in the farmers lab long ago. We had a guy, he was a permaculture farmer and he, I mean, he said the very controversial thing. He says the best feed for chickens is roadkill.

01:02:21.650 --> 01:02:22.460 Palesa Gule What is roadkill?

01:02:23.000 --> 01:02:25.710 Malan, Naude A dead animal on the road that you dropped off.

01:02:26.970 --> 01:02:27.610 Malan, Naude Yeah.

01:02:27.920 --> 01:02:28.510 Palesa Gule Yeah.

01:02:28.560 --> 01:02:30.750 Malan, Naude Chickens are dinosaurs. That everything.

01:02:31.540 --> 01:02:47.390 Malan, Naude And it depends where you sell these chickens. If you're starting to pick up pie, the roadkill won't work. But if you're selling live chickens to directly to the customer, you can you can get 100 round of chicken and it can eat roadkill because the chicken will be quite healthy and strong.

01:02:48.040 --> 01:02:48.450 Palesa Gule Umm.

01:02:48.580 --> 01:03:07.410 Malan, Naude You you gotta you gotta really understand that when you go into the standard supply chains, how your products, your, your revenue, your profits, your enterprise will be standardized and if it's standardised, you can. You cannot get more money than anyone else in that system. So the innovation is necessary to get more money than the average.

01:02:58.940 --> 01:02:59.320 Palesa Gule Umm.

01:03:07.850 --> 01:03:08.290 Palesa Gule You know.

01:03:08.740 --> 01:03:29.560 Malan, Naude Umm yeah, it's quite a funny game that we playing, but urban farmers or new farmers have this opportunity and and and you also must understand this in the context of the financial problems of large scale agriculture. So the large scale farmers, the Buddha, those guys are drowning in debt.

01:03:09.550 --> 01:03:10.180 Palesa Gule Not true.

01:03:23.750 --> 01:03:24.150 Palesa Gule Umm.

01:03:30.620 --> 01:04:02.710 Malan, Naude You know the land banks are loans are, uh only. Uh. Like they they cover 70% of the land value of a farmer. So the farmers are 70% in debt and they're in debt because they buy these expensive inputs from the Ukraine and all of that that we all moaning about now. Now for large scale farming you kind of need those things else you you could lose your harvest and stuff. But if you're an emerging farmer you will be you you you must not go that way. You need to 1st explore the alternatives and once you big enough only then can you use those things. If you even want to.

01:03:31.010 --> 01:03:31.330 Palesa Gule Yeah.

01:03:58.900 --> 01:03:59.210 Palesa Gule It.

01:04:03.530 --> 01:04:11.680 Malan, Naude You know what? I'm yeah. So. So it's really a question of of of recreating the enterprise context, that's what you gotta do.

01:04:03.670 --> 01:04:04.150 Palesa Gule Yeah.

01:04:12.390 --> 01:04:12.870 Palesa Gule Yeah.

01:04:13.240 --> 01:04:18.100 Malan, Naude Yeah, I know it's a it's a hell of a thing, but if you get it right, you'll be very successful.

01:04:18.830 --> 01:04:19.180 Malan, Naude Umm.

01:04:20.430 --> 01:04:22.640 Van der Walt, Juanita Can I mention something as well?

01:04:20.670 --> 01:04:21.100 Palesa Gule OK.

01:04:22.770 --> 01:04:23.430 Malan, Naude Yes, please.

01:04:24.040 --> 01:04:26.010 Van der Walt, Juanita Umm Palisson stead of of.

01:04:27.140 --> 01:04:33.750 Van der Walt, Juanita Linda getting money, someway. Look at what you have and work with what you have.

01:04:34.500 --> 01:04:53.450 Van der Walt, Juanita Before you, you put yourself in a in a situation where you owe people money, so the moment you start bothering and you start to to look at what is on your land available to you. If you have would. If you have some chicken wire you built your own chicken coops.

01:04:34.960 --> 01:04:35.330 Palesa Gule Yeah.

01:04:54.870 --> 01:05:08.520 Van der Walt, Juanita This so many places on Google where you can find free plans for that and you can actually use your chickens if you have a a a chicken run where you.

01:05:09.450 --> 01:05:15.630 Van der Walt, Juanita Actually built the chicken coop over the land that you want to use for next year's or the next seasons crop.

01:05:16.430 --> 01:05:16.800 Palesa Gule Umm.

01:05:16.580 --> 01:05:20.900 Van der Walt, Juanita And by feeding them there by letting them live, they.

01:05:21.670 --> 01:05:25.340 Van der Walt, Juanita When you use that soil, it's gonna be.

01:05:26.620 --> 01:05:30.050 Van der Walt, Juanita Of much better quality than it would have been without the chickens.

01:05:30.610 --> 01:05:32.400 Malan, Naude Yeah, it's called the chicken tractor.

01:05:30.860 --> 01:05:31.300 Palesa Gule And.

01:05:32.950 --> 01:05:39.800 Van der Walt, Juanita Well, you get the chicken tractor and you get the chicken run where they don't move the chickens, but they they make one hell of a long.

01:05:33.340 --> 01:05:33.790 Palesa Gule Is.

01:05:34.000 --> 01:05:35.270 Malan, Naude Yeah and no.

01:05:40.390 --> 01:05:40.960 Malan, Naude Yeah.

01:05:41.640 --> 01:05:51.810 Van der Walt, Juanita Run for them. So, but, Aliza, seriously, don't get yourself into debt. Rather look at what you have. Start bothering.

01:05:48.370 --> 01:05:48.700 Palesa Gule Mm-hmm.

01:05:50.350 --> 01:05:50.750 Palesa Gule Yeah.

01:05:53.190 --> 01:06:12.630 Van der Walt, Juanita Start looking at what what you can offer other people and what I can offer you and see if you can't build a circular system like that where you become sustainable by helping somebody else and somebody else's helping you and both of you benefit in a different way and you can make money from that.

01:06:05.170 --> 01:06:05.480 Palesa Gule Uh.

01:06:15.330 --> 01:06:17.280 Palesa Gule Yes. No, that's excellent.

01:06:15.460 --> 01:06:46.810 Malan, Naude Yeah. Yeah. See the. Yeah. See, that's what I mean with an institutional circular institutionality, you know. You know, I'm. I I don't just say these big words. You know, they they do. They do have a application. You know. So to build that pattern of behavior between the what you do and what someone else does. That's gonna be interesting. You know if you look at that guy in America, Joe saltine or with from polyface farms, if you Google Polyphase Farm in America.

01:06:36.370 --> 01:06:36.670 Palesa Gule Yeah.

01:06:38.050 --> 01:06:38.340 Palesa Gule Wow.

01:06:47.830 --> 01:06:57.010 Malan, Naude So this guy would typically first let the cattle graze the land and the kettle, and he would keep them in a small camp so they grow grass, all the grass, not just the sweet gross.

01:06:58.060 --> 01:07:09.740 Malan, Naude Then that the kettle shipped everywhere. Then he leaves it for three days. So after three days the worms come out of the shift. Then he lets the kitchen chickens in. Then the chickens eat the worms in the shirt.

01:07:10.580 --> 01:07:17.890 Malan, Naude Didn't text the chickens out. Then he puts the the pigs in there, then the pigs eat all the roots of the gross. Now there's plowed.

01:07:11.050 --> 01:07:11.520 Palesa Gule Yeah.

01:07:18.820 --> 01:07:28.670 Malan, Naude After that, the pigs, he puts the chickens back or the OR the goats, and they eat everything else and then then the land is plowed. And then you plant and then it's already fertilized.

01:07:30.100 --> 01:07:30.870 Palesa Gule OK.

01:07:30.480 --> 01:07:32.470 Malan, Naude So, so so that is the thing.

01:07:33.380 --> 01:07:37.930 Malan, Naude Is why are you buying all these expensive things if you can make the animals do the work?

01:07:38.510 --> 01:07:40.420 Palesa Gule Umm, that's smart.

01:07:41.280 --> 01:07:48.410 Malan, Naude It's very smart and it is very profitable because you have pure profit, you have no cash that you put out.

01:07:43.020 --> 01:07:43.360 Palesa Gule Umm.

01:07:50.260 --> 01:08:06.160 Malan, Naude You see, and that is why our farmers are not succeeding, especially black farmers, because they're entering a market dominated by the Buddha, and the Buddha are pushing these black farmers into the into their way of producing. And no wonder they don't make it cause the white farmers are also not making.

01:07:50.390 --> 01:07:51.920 Palesa Gule Yeah, yeah.

01:07:58.180 --> 01:07:58.540 Palesa Gule Umm.

01:08:07.610 --> 01:08:08.550 Palesa Gule Umm.

01:08:09.220 --> 01:08:15.670 Malan, Naude Yeah. So, so why do they push them into the into that sector in that way so that they can farm with them?

01:08:16.310 --> 01:08:18.590 Palesa Gule Yes, and they can make money out of them as well.

01:08:16.560 --> 01:08:17.010 Malan, Naude Is.

01:08:18.650 --> 01:08:35.460 Malan, Naude That is exactly what's happening. So like you, Juanita said, why can't you have something where you help someone in someone helps you? It's the same pattern outside, but that pattern is more exploitative. This one is more close. It's you and that person, and you are trusting each other and you engaging with each other.

01:08:37.290 --> 01:08:40.390 Malan, Naude Yeah, yeah, much better idea. Umm.

01:08:37.510 --> 01:08:37.940 Palesa Gule Wow.

01:08:41.130 --> 01:08:42.390 Palesa Gule Umm, certainly.

01:08:43.730 --> 01:08:48.130 Malan, Naude Well, thank you, Paulista. You've enabled us to really explore this very, very well. Umm.

01:08:50.030 --> 01:08:50.460 Daniel Motshwane (Guest) Hello.

01:08:50.310 --> 01:08:51.880 Palesa Gule Thank you. The pleasure is mine.

01:08:52.680 --> 01:08:54.710 Malan, Naude You're welcome, sister. Yeah.

01:08:54.250 --> 01:08:55.820 Palesa Gule I'm excited already.

01:08:55.910 --> 01:09:05.100 Malan, Naude That's so, check out Polyface Farms in America. It's a really, really. And then from there, you'll find others. I mean, they are seriously good examples out there.

01:09:05.800 --> 01:09:06.300 Palesa Gule Uh.

01:09:07.290 --> 01:09:08.940 Malan, Naude And we have a handbook from Daniel.

01:09:10.250 --> 01:09:11.250 Daniel Motshwane (Guest) Yeah. Can you hear me now?

01:09:11.680 --> 01:09:12.810 Malan, Naude Please go ahead, Daniel.

01:09:15.200 --> 01:09:15.870 Daniel Motshwane (Guest) Am I audible?

01:09:17.660 --> 01:09:18.830 Malan, Naude Daniel, you are muted.

01:09:19.630 --> 01:09:22.440 Van der Walt, Juanita Daniel, you're gonna need to speak because you're very.

01:09:23.800 --> 01:09:25.290 Van der Walt, Juanita It we can hardly hear you.

01:09:25.450 --> 01:09:26.970 Malan, Naude Yeah, I can hug hardly hear. Yeah.

01:09:26.450 --> 01:09:27.180 Daniel Motshwane (Guest) OK.

01:09:31.740 --> 01:09:32.790 Malan, Naude Ohh goodness is.

01:09:33.540 --> 01:09:38.990 Malan, Naude Uh, because the Internet. Yeah, but let's say your hand is still up. I think it's an old hand.

01:09:42.200 --> 01:09:42.650 Malan, Naude Alright.

01:09:42.350 --> 01:09:43.140 Palesa Gule Yeah, sorry.

01:09:43.520 --> 01:09:44.230 Malan, Naude Night.

01:09:45.450 --> 01:09:49.860 Malan, Naude That's fine. OK. Uh, little or no. Do you have a question?

01:09:55.810 --> 01:09:57.000 Malan, Naude Yeah, I yeah.

01:09:59.130 --> 01:10:02.420 Koena Lehlohonolo Wilfred Doctor Malan, I I think I'm OK. I'm OK.

01:10:02.720 --> 01:10:08.270 Malan, Naude I will thank you. No lucky man. I'm. I'm Daniel. Motshoane is coming back. Daniel, I hope you're back.

01:10:09.260 --> 01:10:10.440 Daniel Motshwane (Guest) Yes. Can you hear me now?

01:10:10.510 --> 01:10:12.800 Malan, Naude Yes, we can hear you loud and clear. Please go ahead.

01:10:13.360 --> 01:10:14.690 Daniel Motshwane (Guest) OK. Yes.

01:10:15.910 --> 01:10:30.840 Daniel Motshwane (Guest) As I'm my name is Daniel Motshoane from Africa rising trading. So basically we are a social enterprise focus on community development projects through agriculture. So we have actually.

01:10:30.970 --> 01:11:02.010 Daniel Motshwane (Guest) And identified mushrooms as our niece. Flexible project. So this is where we train communities to to grow and process mushrooms. But well, our focus mainly is in the rural areas starting with Northwest. But I'm currently in, in, in Joburg, so but our, our, our project, we launched it in on the 26th, at Rustenburg in one village, Loma village.

01:11:02.390 --> 01:11:15.300 Daniel Motshwane (Guest) So I just wanted to introduce this product which we titled reindustrialization communities through mushroom farming. And so I joined the meeting a little bit later.

01:11:16.840 --> 01:11:32.710 Daniel Motshwane (Guest) And I missed quite a lot of what Juanita was presenting on, but I just want to bring this to your attention, especially Professor Malan, so that we can discuss all the strategy. I've got all the.

01:11:35.180 --> 01:11:43.950 Daniel Motshwane (Guest) You know the document on the on the product or on the project itself. And so that's, that's just what I wanted to.

01:11:45.240 --> 01:11:51.800 Daniel Motshwane (Guest) Say what we do and and we we gonna just unpack the the project.

01:11:51.950 --> 01:11:59.700 Daniel Motshwane (Guest) And to izindabazokudla in quite soon. So thank you. That's what I wanted to highlight now.

01:12:00.680 --> 01:12:02.660 Malan, Naude Now I think you, Daniel, you are so welcome.

01:12:03.460 --> 01:12:08.880 Malan, Naude And Please note that you you'll be able to see what Juanita said on Facebook.

01:12:10.030 --> 01:12:19.620 Malan, Naude So it should be available there. All of this is available there, right down to the start of the series, so please take a look. There's a a wealth of information. You're welcome.

01:12:15.920 --> 01:12:16.860 Daniel Motshwane (Guest) OK, perfect.

01:12:19.310 --> 01:12:21.350 Daniel Motshwane (Guest) Yes, or or some. No, thank you so much.

01:12:21.410 --> 01:12:28.330 Malan, Naude And then please don't touch. I know your your, your company and it's familiar, so you're welcome to contact me again. Yeah.

01:12:28.300 --> 01:12:29.700 Daniel Motshwane (Guest) Great stuff. Thank you so much, Sir.

01:12:29.950 --> 01:12:31.380 Malan, Naude Now you welcome Umm.

01:12:31.100 --> 01:12:31.640 Daniel Motshwane (Guest) Thank you.

01:12:33.220 --> 01:12:35.520 Malan, Naude OK. Thank you. There any other questions?

01:12:36.900 --> 01:12:40.510 Malan, Naude We've almost used all the allocated time, which is really fantastic.

01:12:41.400 --> 01:12:57.550 Malan, Naude And I want to say thank you to everyone and thank you, Juanita once again for the presentation palesa for participating little onoro for being there and Daniel for listening to us and let's hope they will be many more in the future. We'll listen to this edition.

01:12:58.550 --> 01:13:29.400 Malan, Naude So for us, stop just reminder that on the 4th of May it's not pitch dark. Yeah, got hardly see on the 4th of May, we have the next edition, which we will actually be expanding on this idea of you help someone inside someone helps you. And how do you build a tight local community where in you can build your enterprise because any enterprise depends on the outsiders at the clients for patronage. So that's what we'll be discussing next time.

01:13:15.080 --> 01:13:15.480 Daniel Motshwane (Guest) I don't know.

01:13:29.660 --> 01:13:40.720 Malan, Naude And that'll be on the 4th of May. Uh, same place. Same time we will announce on SMS and on Facebook and we will also.

01:13:41.040 --> 01:13:48.630 Malan, Naude And supply a report on this presentation in the very near future with all the material contained in it.

01:13:49.300 --> 01:13:51.670 Malan, Naude Thank you very much everybody is.

01:13:51.000 --> 01:14:15.640 Daniel Motshwane (Guest) Yeah. Thank you so much. It sounds interesting because you know today in class when we were doing that for IR with UJ, you know the attendees as we were correct today. So we really touched a little bit on that for us to tap into each other's space. You know, so that at least we can leverage on each others strengths for us to.

01:14:00.910 --> 01:14:01.210 Malan, Naude Umm.

01:14:16.960 --> 01:14:20.930 Daniel Motshwane (Guest) Get access to market so that that session will be very much interested.

01:14:21.780 --> 01:14:36.100 Malan, Naude OK. Yeah. I'm so glad that I could assist in making that available and there will be more of those agro processing opportunities. And tomorrow I'm speaking to the professor to see if I can enhance that. Yeah. Thank you so much for that feedback.

01:14:22.800 --> 01:14:23.120 Daniel Motshwane (Guest) Yeah.

01:14:26.450 --> 01:14:27.210 Daniel Motshwane (Guest) You are perfect.

01:14:30.240 --> 01:14:33.760 Daniel Motshwane (Guest) Yes. No. Awesome. Yes, yes. No, thank you, Sir.

01:14:34.580 --> 01:14:34.950 Daniel Motshwane (Guest) Yeah.

01:14:36.380 --> 01:14:36.810 Daniel Motshwane (Guest) Great.

01:14:37.590 --> 01:14:38.160 Malan, Naude Alright.

01:14:38.930 --> 01:14:40.940 Malan, Naude OK, everybody, thank you very much.

01:14:39.680 --> 01:14:39.900 Palesa Gule Uh.

01:14:42.250 --> 01:14:47.380 Malan, Naude That's it for today. And pambilibalimi, let's go forward, farmers.

01:14:47.900 --> 01:14:48.860 Daniel Motshwane (Guest) There's probably.

01:14:50.370 --> 01:14:51.120 Malan, Naude Fine. Thank you.

01:14:50.820 --> 01:14:52.050 Daniel Motshwane (Guest) Well then, Melissa.

01:14:50.920 --> 01:14:52.190 Koena Lehlohonolo Wilfred Thank you. Thank you, love.

01:14:52.570 --> 01:14:53.200 Koena Lehlohonolo Wilfred This is.

01:14:53.190 --> 01:14:53.630 Malan, Naude Thank you.

01:14:58.330 --> 01:14:59.460 Van der Walt, Juanita Thank you everybody.

01:14:59.710 --> 01:15:01.460 Daniel Motshwane (Guest) Thank you, Johnny. Top by.

01:15:01.990 --> 01:15:03.350 Koena Lehlohonolo Wilfred Thank you, Juanita.

01:15:04.470 --> 01:15:05.180 Koena Lehlohonolo Wilfred Bye bye.


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